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Posts posted by thunder18

  1. 21 minutes ago, Arkady said:

    In fact you are legally Thai according to the Nationality Act the moment your name is published in the RG

    Technically you are Thai once the King approved and signed the application. There will be no one who may overlap this decision later on [except the King himself], so this is the ridge of the process.

    RG is just to announce this fact to public. A formality.

  2. 47 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    You must go to your embassy and have your passport verified.

    Then take that to mfa and get the translation service to translate the first page. 

    Then take those both to the mfa for official confirmation 

    Then take all of that to the umpur with the blue book and yellow book. 


    1. What is the purpose of translating & verifying the passport once more (did it once submitting my documents to SB years ago, so they definitely have it along with my application)? Get it translated and verified JUST to get it not valid in Thailand on the next day onwards? Seems not that logical to me.

    2. How can I "take all of that to the umpur with the blue book" if I don't have blue book?

  3. 11 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    So correct me if I am wrong. 

    All this headache, but you have not actually recieved your citizenship. 

    As said earlier - I am expecting my citizenship in a few next months (already passed an interview @MOI a year ago). I will be facing the task of closing visa and all that anytime soon. I am checking here just in advance, not waiting for the very last minute.


    Yes, it is always a headache to be good and follow the rules properly. Is there any official pages describing the process of returning wp/yellow book/visa and the rest of "clearance"? Or shall I just ignore returning all that, just as you are suggesting it with visa?

  4. 13 hours ago, Arkady said:

    If you don't want the handwritten essay in your passport and don't want to 'lose' it, you have two options. 


    Thanks for your long response. It cleared some points....

    How about the third option - I just popped up the idea.... what if I just ask my employer to "quit" me officially, and inform the Immigration and Labour Ministry to cancel the visa and WP? This shall close the visa loop without any "strange stamps" I think...Then the employer may re-employ me as Thai on the next day.

    Still have the question of getting "the body" out of Thailand and obtain the departure stamp (=not be decided as "still reside Thailand with the visa cancelled" person), but that is a lesser part of the problem I think.


    PS: my ground of obtaining Thai citizenship is "Thai spouse", and my current visa is Non-B. I don't have any PR. I will have to cancel WP, so the visa, anyway....




  5. 2 minutes ago, NewlyMintedThai said:

    I hope your home country does not actively look for people who have been naturalized elsewhere. In this day and age, it would probably not be difficult for them to find out, if they are actively trying to do so.

    Well, it is an age of computers and databases. Sooner or later they might know, if they care to check.

    However a plain stamp "...obtained Thai citizenship", written in English on my foreign passport over the last pages [always to be checked first] - will give them....errr....a great hint, lol.

    That's why I no need such of stamp. Even by having a risk of departing as foreigner and to have the visa closed @land checkpoint or @airport, but not in ChengWattana (where they WILL stamp it for sure, as it was reported on these pages).


    "Have the passport lost" is another oprion, but more headaches to have it re-issued (I must fly to my home country and have it issued there).



  6. 14 minutes ago, NewlyMintedThai said:

    By the way, I just looked at my old original passport and could find no stamp indicating that I had adopted Thai citizenship. The cancellation appears to have been done in immigration’s database only. This was seven years ago, mind you.

    Hmm.....seems now they do stamps. There are a couple of reports here on this thread, a few pages back. I am referring to those (my thai citizenship application is on the MOI's queue, not received anything yet but expecting it soon).

    If they not stamp anything while closing the visa - then my initial question is closed. I simply don't want such stamp to my foreign passport, and that's all about it.

  7. 3 minutes ago, NewlyMintedThai said:

    You should not consider reentering Thailand on your original passport, or ever using it in some other official capacity in Thailand ever again. There are very few specific rules which might result in the revocation of your Thai citizenship...this is one of them.

    Yes, informed that. However no one knows the future. This rule may get void tomorrow, or I may re-decide entering next day, or anything else....it may or may not happen in the future. No one knows. Tomorrow only will tell.


    However the overstayed visa linked to my original name/foreign passport will lay in their database records forever, and there will be no way to change that fact once it gets "overstayed" just by not being closed properly. Just think about it - if this fact may pop up in the next 20...30 years by any kind of those far future rules...

    So the plan is to have it closed once I get my thai ID issued.


  8. 8 minutes ago, GarryP said:

    simply not reporting to have your visa cancelled would pose very little risk

    Yes. I am taking it as an option. :)

    So far no one pointing to the official requirements and/or procedure of closing the visa due to obtaining Thai nationality. Is there any official pages related to the process?


    8 minutes ago, GarryP said:

    Are they going to arrest you for overstaying your visa, when you are already a Thai citizen? No.

    There will be a risk if I ever decide to enter Thailand as a holder of the passport of my current nationality (I have no plans to cancel my current citizenship). Then there will be problems on arrival - with all the overstay, missed 90-days reports and all of that sht. :)

    So better to have it properly closed. That is the plan.


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  9. 8 minutes ago, NewlyMintedThai said:

    Well, then in my opinion you’re taking a big risk. You’ll have to decide if it’s worth it or not.

    Is there any way to close visa [at Immigration Chaeng Wattana] without being stamped on foreign passport?

    They can stamp their common "visa closed/used/cancelled" stamps - I am OK with that, but how to avoid the stamp that says "...obtained thai nationality"? Is that stamp in Thai or English?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Mattd said:

    you had to go to a manned immigration desk, then they may question why this is so and how did you exit Thailand in the first place, why take the risk if you do not have to?

    I would imagine that the percentage of Naturalised Thai's that go through the airports is low, so in itself could attract attention.

    Will the true explanation of "I left with foreign passport, have travelling a bit, closed foreign passport while up there, and now coming back home as Thai" work in this case? They have to accept a Thai person back to Thailand after all the questions, I assume. :)


    I have experience where I swapped my old passport to new one (same nationality, just different books) while in between of 2 countries, being crossed by land. Presented blank unused passport on arrival, stopped right there and asked about departure stamp, displayed that on my old passport - no further questions asked, visa granted on new unused passport, and wecomed into the country. But that was for the 2 same-citizenship books, not dual.


    There are dozens of dual-citizenship persons around the globe - how do they swap their passports while in transit?




  11. Just now, GarryP said:

    Why do you have to leave on a foreign passport? Why can't you leave on your Thai one? 

    Because I would like to close the existing visa, stamped on foreign passport. It was suggested here to close it rather to ignore and keep it.

    To have it closed without "strange" stamps that Bkk Immigration is putting on the foreign passport - I am thinking of the way to close it by leaving the country (as foreigner), and re-enter back to Thailand as Thai. This way I will "peacefully" close it with a common departure stamp only.

  12. 3 hours ago, GarryP said:

    I simply left Thailand on my Thai passport and returned on the same passport. 

    My question was about leaving with foreign passport and return with Thai one.


    3 hours ago, GarryP said:

    You should avoid using your foreign passport while in Thailand and at the border anyway.  

    Yes, I know that.

    But what will be the risks to use it just once - to leave the country on that (closing the visa and all that), and come back as Thai (armed with thai passport only)? That was my question. They won't bother to catch (and depart?) the person that is already departing by himself, no? :)


    3 hours ago, aidenai said:

    I read somewhere on here that this won't work on land borders as your Thai passport hasn't been stamped-in at the Cambodian side. Therefore you can't get a stamped-out. By air the process seems to work.

    Noted. Will try air then. With AirAsia it is even cheaper than land ride.... :)

    Will there be any questions asked on arrival, such as "Where is your point/stamp of departure? What flight have you arrived on?", if I just present them the blank Thai passport once arrived to Cambodia? They won't even able to find this Thai person (Thai passport) on the passenger's list, as I will be boarding as foreigner (foreign passport will be well hidden at that time).

    Sorry, not much experience with all of this yet.....


  13. 1 minute ago, GabbaGabbaHey said:

    You could get the strange stamp, renew your foreign passport and have the previous one lost. No?

    To have my foreign passport be renewed I will have to fly to my homecountry and request it while in there, wait and get the new passport, then fly back to here. There is no service to request it remotely and have it be sent to me via mail. All will take around a month abroad or so.


    And then the 2nd question will arise: how can I enter back to Thailand as Thai, if I won't have any departure stamps in Thai passport (I shall leave Thailand as foreigner to have Thai visa closed, so the departure stamp will be in the foreign passport)? Will they accept a Thai person coming back to Thailand from nowhere, with new and totally-blank passport? As per Thai immigration on the checkpoint - this Thai person will have no records of departures and so still be in Thailand, but now coming from abroad?? :)


    Questions. Lots of questions...

  14. 1 minute ago, Big Guns said:

    went to immigration this week and they wrote in my passport that I'm now a Thai citizen. As Garry P stated if you use your foreign passport to leave Thailand you are breaking the rules of being a Thai citizen so its best not to do that.

    Frankly speaking, I do not think that [being a foreigner entering Thailand earlier before] leaving Thailand as foreigner will break Thai laws on this. I may simply inform them that yes, I am closing the existing visa by leaving the country - it is common way of closing/changing the visas, and the only entering stamp and arrival card are on my foreign passport, thus I am leaving with it to have the loop closed. Being prohibited to use foreign pasport while leaving via checkpoint - I may say that I am prohibited to use it while visiting to the immigration on Thai soil, too.... :)

    However, these are just my speculations. Would be interesting to read the official requirements and the process steps, if there is any.

  15. 11 minutes ago, GarryP said:

    my understanding of this is that once you gain citizenship, if you use your foreign passport in Thailand, in theory you could have your Thai citizenship revoked

    I have no plans to use foreign passport in Thailand once I obtain Thai citizenship (it is in progress at the moment). My question was about closing the existing visa in foreign passport and use only Thai ID while in Thailand. I simply want to close the visa without collecting any "strange" stamps on my foreign passport.

    Will the scenario (described in my previous post) work?



  16. Hi, what is the best way to close the existing visa without getting any "unusual" stamps and handwritings (such as "Visa is cancelled due to obtaining Thai citizenship", mentioned by the previous posters) on my foreign passport? I want to keep my foreign passport as clean as possible. :)


    Will leaving the country as foreigner and come back as Thai work for this purpose? Say, heading to Cambodia by land, leave Thailand as foreigner (=visa is closed, body is left Thailand), swap the passport to Thai and re-enter to Thailand as Thai next minute? Will physical entering to Cambodia be required, or I may just come across the Thai passport check booth, swap the passports in my pockets and re-enter as Thai (without doing any entry to Cambodia)? Or will that be better to fly to Cambodia, but not cross by land?



  17. 2 hours ago, choonsan said:

    I did my oath at the SB in June and waiting patiently for the Royal Gazette.

    May I ask you when was your interview @MOI ?

    It is almost a year fom me after the interview (Jan'17), and all is quiet since then. No SB calls, no oath, no RG lists. Continuous calls to MOI produce no any sensible results ("Your documents are in processing, please check again next month").

  18. Hi all, is an oath step required for all applicants?

    Back to old days I remember that I was told by SB officer that the oath and singing an antherm is not required for the applicants applied on the basis of having a Thai spouse. They got themselves published on RG once the committee approved them and the minister+King countersigned that. No oath, no karaoke. :)


    That I was told verbally, while on the initial steps @SB, something like 7 years back. Can someone confirm this?

  19. On 16 Сентябрь 2017 г. at 6:02 PM, ubonjoe said:

    Perhaps in the next batch.

    Yeah...I may only keep my fingers crossed.


    The only thing I am confused now. How the *** someone who applied years AFTER me - get their apps and Thai IDs already confirmed and issied? Right in this thread I can see several persons with the citizenship confirmed in 3...4 years, however for me it is almost 7 and not yet. This is driving me mad, as by logic I must be done with this all years ago. :(

    Is there any real queue (as far as westerners understand that), or some kind of ranfom picking of the applications??

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