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Posts posted by peterpan2501

  1. thanks, since 8 years i switch every 3-4 weeks without Problems . I Always make my Visa and 90 day reports in Pattaya. if i start to report every move i Need pass 10% of my time in immigration. so i think i will continue like before...thanks

  2. Hi, i live 50% in a village outside Phayao and rest in Pattaya because when i was arriving here no had Immigration. I Always made my Visas and 90 Day reports in Pattaya. Do anyone have experience with the Immigration in Phayao? Thanks for your answers...PP

  3. Y am married over 26 years with a loved Thai women...

    Now live abt. 5 Years in LOS....

    As y know many things in this Country sometimes are difficult for farangs y decided quick to do my retirement visa as own Person but with 800k in the bank... less questions, no visit of Police in home and not so many needed documents and Fotos...

    but y understand if some People no have enough Money for that...

    y live 50% in Pattaya with some friends of many countrys where y do my visa and 90 days reports and 50% in province with my wife...the Police in province know me for a Long time and y never Need Show passport or my Driver license that y surely have here,,,

    y love Thailand...but sometimes Need make some decisions...

  4. The Problem is that Pattaya have to much empty houses and condos for sale...

    The Russians are gone, the Ruble is very down lost 40 to 50% of Change rate, so many of the russians no have enough money for keep there property's...

    Always less People from Europe due to the financial crisis but also about Political Situation in Thailand....The Aussi $ is around 24 baht before 27 up....

    Lots of Chinese and Indians here now....but they dont interested investing in Property's here...

    If you really want to sale...make a big Discount on the Price....otherways Keep it for a Long time...

    Good Luck, wish you can find a buyer for an acceptable Price...

  5. As y am sexually very active and change partners often, also not like wear condoms y go test HIV with new partners at Clinic Soi Buakhaow in Pattaya 300 B per test...

    In 2014. 3 of them was tested positive!!! We then been retesting in Pattaya Memorial Hospital because the quick tests are not 100% sure. But same result...

    1 of them never seen again...2. one work like before in a bar without speaking with me anymore...

    But nr. 3 y told here go to a Governement Hospital for 30 Baht treating where she received free medicine and medical care.But its very important to take the medicines always at same time and from time to time need check blood again for sometimes adjusting of medicine. Now she live with nearly no side effects...

    My neighbour in province is also HIV -positive for over 15 years, she still work on farm and receive a small Pension from governement abt.5 or 600 baht a month.

    So you can see, with good Treatment life can continues nearly normal.....

    Good Luck to you and your wife

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  6. I don't plan to eat western style at all my bucket list consists of me eating what the locals do day in day out I am always the same when I go to a country I really do appreciate your feedback and giving me the time you have to reply to posts and I take it a 7/11 is like a local shop ? Regards phuket tours I have looked at them already thank you

    You don't know what a 7/11 is .... what planet do you live on. 7/11 is a convenience minimarket and world wide.

    7/11 worldwide? 5555 never seen 1 in europe

  7. Sorry, but how many stupid foreigners arrive here without driving licences for motorcycle and rent a big motorcycle...

    some of them drunk too and never care of other People...so why we Need sorry about them...they never cared other lifes too....

    but if he had a license and just not see his risk...rip...

    y drived moto Guzzi le mans 850ccm in my Country but never drive in Citys here because y wish to live some more years...pp

  8. y life in Ban Chen 14 Kilometers from Phayao, very nice place, but very quiet, no restaurants no bars and not many foreigners....as there is no imigration in phayao y always make trips to pattaya,so y life 50% in ban chen and 50% in pattaya it gives me a change every 3-4 weeks....y travel with nakhon chai air bus direct from phayao to pattaya abt 12 hours a trip

  9. Y travel with NCA every month from Pattaya to Phayao or vice versa.

    The first times y also eat this cheap Thai Food,until y had small Problems with stomach...since then y take some Sandwiches with me, but try not eat to much for not Need go Toilet.

    The Sandwiches from NCA in the morning are to sweet for me,y dont like this sweet mayonnaise,but y bring them home for my wife who like them.They are always fresh and no Problem to eat them after 2-3 days.

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