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Posts posted by LannaGuy

  1. 5 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

    thought it was 180 days?

    anyway this is the best option IMO

    365 days but he might decide to live in it? 


    a lifetime Usufruct will give him that choice?  he could simply sign over the house to another Thai or his, sadly demised, wife's relatives?  OR sell

  2. 35 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Please show a credible like that verifies 73% of the Syrian population voted.  Verified.  Too funny.


    73% is impossible.  Sad you can't see that.




    Not my words.  Just backing up what I said.







    Seems the EU is in agreement.  Only a few like you are not.

    Sure happy to always help with your education Craig  and I know you LOVE Supreme Courts right?



    The Supreme Constitutional Court announced on Wednesday 4 June that turnout for the election was 73.42%, with 11,634,412 of the 15,845,575 Syrians eligible to take part voting. The number for Syrians eligible to vote is based on the government’s data of all Syrians living in Syria and abroad over the age of 18; this includes all Syrians in government-held territory, rebels-held territory, refugees, newly naturalized Kurds, and declared Syrian expatriates.

    The number of invalid papers was 442,108, or 3.8%. Majed Khadra, the Spokesperson of the Supreme Constitutional Court, also announced that the losing candidates and individuals with complaints about the electoral process had 3 days to submit their appeals. 


    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_presidential_election,_2014



  3. Just now, lelapin said:

    Why can't the POA be the same date as the will. This is the situation with my UK will.

    Why do I need to change my lease if I am now covered until I am 96.

    Sorry if I am being thick but I do have senior moments.

    1/ TIT and I'm worried it could be challenged and not valid because of a long delay. PoA in UK is signed by a lawyer here it is not and can be bought at the Post Office for 5 baht.

    2/ We don't know, but hope, you will be - why not mitigate that risk?  I have a lifetime.

  4. 6 minutes ago, lelapin said:

    Yes. All very helpful

    Will Ok

    Why does the POA need to be undated

    What is Usufruct lifetime


     She can hardly sign the PoA if she's DEAD can she?  Usufuct is that you get full 'fruits' of the house until YOU die.


    PS to make it ultra clear :  If it's undated you can fill in the date before her death (maybe 1 or 2 months) if you date it now and it's 10 years before she dies you might have some questions as to why the delay. Normally PoAs are dated for a SPECIFIC reason. You might well do without but I have two because they are very useful. I use them all the time when i don't want to go to the Transport office or government office. I just sign one and it's filled in be a Thai friend and saves me tons of frustrating time. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Oxx said:


    You are apparently missing the point that he wishes to raise cash should he choose to move out of the property.  Usufruct doesn't give him that.

    Did you READ what I said?  I have been through this process several times. There are THREE parts to my 'solution' for him.


    The 'Usufruct' gives him protection should she die, the Will he HAS TO sell within one year so he has a choice and double protection. 

  6. 1 minute ago, lelapin said:

    I am 75 now so I imagine that a 20 year lease should see me through but the point re leaving the house to me with a year to sell it, was very useful. I could link that in with me stating in my will that I would then pass on part of the proceeds of the sale to her family.

    Leading on from this then, is there a lawyer in Pattaya that anyone could recommend that would be fair and competent on this topic. 


    I'm afraid it's not 'a point' it's Thai Law - if left property by a Thai one year to sell it OR leave the usufurct 'as is' BUT transfer to lifetime

  7. 7 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    You are wrong.  The last election was a sham.  Most of the population either were not allowed to vote or just couldn't.  Americans sickened by the result?  Hardly.  They knew it was a sham.  Perhaps sickened some actually believe it was a free and fair election. LOL




    Kinda hard to have free and fair elections when the candidates are not allowed to run. LOL


    And of course there's this:


    In free and fair elections covering the entire country, Assad would not win.  Guaranteed.  So yes, let Syrians decide their own fate.  Let them vote. Sadly, won't happen with Assad and Russia still there.

    73% turnout USA 61% and monitored by international observers


    Remove Assad equates to CHAOS he's no angel but we are better off with Dr Assad than without and can't you leave aside your Anti-Russian bile even for one day?

  8. 21 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

    I agree wholeheartedly with all the comments made here, he was a man of many talents and I doubt that we will see his like again, certainly not in what is left of my life anyway.


    He was an inventor, an artist, a musician - writing & playing, they even played some of his compositions during the ceremony yesterday. A man who deeply loved his people and his family, a huge loss to Thailand and the world in general.


    I hope his people will get over his passing and enjoy their lives again.


    I don't think Thais will 'get over it' as you put it. His passing was not so much a man dying it was the end of an ERA and a paradigm shift. As for now it cannot be spoken of.  


    This version, with English, encapsulates that Era has now gone.  I find it incredibly moving and stunning.  



  9. My house is on a lifetime Usufruct so why not change it? (from 20 to lifetime).  I also hold a Will leaving the house to me AND a signed and undated PoA.  With respect ALL of this should have been agreed and signed before you bought your house.

  10. 1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Really, the UN had observers including North Americans? You got some citation to prove that? Because according to the what's linked to believe, only a self appointed commission consisting of Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Uganda, and Brazil said the elections were fair. Not only not UN appointed, but, as far as my familiarity with geography goes. not actually located in North America. This election took place during a civil war where many parts of the country didn't even vote.




    It's not necessary to defend the character and popularity of Assad to condemn US intervention there any more than it was necessary to defend the good name of Saddam Hussein to condemn the US invasion of Iraq.

    Yes a handful but the main point , as usual, IS that the UN were satisfied it met their criteria. As for voter turnout?


    Syria : 73.42%


    USA :  61.40%



    Does that help?  so maybe that some parts didn't vote but 12% more did than in the USA 2016 election. Case CLOSED.

  11. 2 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    I had a friend who would shake his beer can at his wife and give her a dirty look, as if she should have known it was empty.. and she looked as though she really hated him. 


    Whatever our jobs in a relationship, hopefully they are ones we enjoy. My wife and i enjoy different things and take on different responsibilities... 

    Mutual respect (which does not involve beer can shaking lol) and your split responsibilities seems perfect (not that I would give up my free wheeling ways for it). 

  12. 50 minutes ago, Siamesecarper said:

    LannaGuy you might find this Khaosod article informative http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2017/10/26/mourners-witness-royal-body-theft-ritual/


    According to the Khaosod live blog from last night the actual cremation took place inside an electric cremation oven which produced little or no smoke.  The smoke seen later (in a day full of symbolism) was in fact likely to have been the burning of the sandalwood flowers in a ritual seen across Thailand last night including in my home town.



    Thank you so much - very informative 

  13. 1 minute ago, robblok said:

    What i read was that the election was boycotted, and people could not vote in large parts of the country. 

    You were wrong the UN had observers including North Americans and, of course, they were sickened by the result and popularity of Dr. Assad but he was the Syrian's choice. One can always find fault that democracy is not perfect I mean look at Trump! 


    Let Syrians decide their own fate. Bored with USA going on about Russia's influence in their election then MEDDLE everywhere else themselves.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

    In response President Assad and his allies said there should be no role in ruling the USA for "Skull & Bones; Masonic secret societies; non Masonic secret societies; reptilians linked to the European ruling reptilians; powerful family political hierarchies who cheat to get their candidates nominated for POTUS elections, media barons and Wall Street Bankers.



    You missed out KKK and AntiFA  oh and those kneeling prima donnas

  15. 17 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Free elections ?  if so how come so many against him. I told you before being voted in does not mean everything. This is good proof of my case. 

    Yes FREE and FAIR  (you just believe the US spin and don't delve deep enough):


    Observers at the presidential elections in Syria are unanimous that the expression of people’s will was valid and the polls passed in a democratic and positive atmosphere.




    International, independent observers what more do you want?


  16. 2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Hardly private with apparently thousands viewing in person at Sanam Luang. It's on U Tube.

    Only those of us gathered expectantly in front of a tv to see the final moment of significance, and share in a special moment, nationwide, were denied. They didn't even make an announcement that I could see, and just carried on with the traditional dancing, which apparently was not live.

    I can't be the only one left feeling disappointed.

    It was a late change by 'someone' and not planned that way.  It now appears that the whole procession was just a show and HM was in a coffin and at the site Wed night.

  17. 6 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Did you not say that most educated people would never support a dictator.. strange that now you do.


    Though I agree 100% let Assad be there is no other option and a power vacuum is bad, we seen it in Irak and other places. Sometimes you can't replace ppl like Assad as the alternative is worse. 

    I do not and I don't class Dr Assad as a dictator as he was voted in democratically or didn't you know that?


    Syrian presidential election, 2014
    Nominee Bashar al-Assad Hassan al-Nouri
    Party Ba'ath Party NIACS
    Popular vote 10,319,723 500,279
    Percentage 88.7% 4.3%


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