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Posts posted by Chownanoi

  1. In actual fact I don't get asked for anything much as I have a young family myself,Its just the predatory instincts of rural Thai's that pisses me off sometimes,I have lived here a long time and where I live Foreigners are still a novelty,I live in the "stop and stare world" ever day which is nothing,and my view is not against my immediate family its with the can you buy me one bottle of Lao Kao crew etc that is the Isaan region norm,Have they no respect for themselves or they're culture.

  2. No matter how long you spend here or how much you love your family...you can always notice that its your turn to pay...no matter how much you have... you can be sure when they need money its always you they want to borrow from even if they have 1000 rai each...no matter how many welcomes they have to your house they never bring beer or hong tong to drink...5 baht vegetables is the norm....No matter how many tools etc they borrow and break...talk to you wife its your fault for lending....No matter how much you spend on anything....really its never enough!

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