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happy Joe

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Posts posted by happy Joe

  1. For personal reasons I want to delete my account, my nickname, my e-mail address and all the personal data entrusted to this site.


    I have addressed this request to the directors on numerous occasions but have received no response. I imagine they are too busy distributing warnings and threats to read my mail.


    If any one here could point out to me the way to follow, I will give him eternal gratitude..

  2. 1 hour ago, rufanuf said:

    Id like the UK to actually assess the economic damage of NO DEAL (ie WTO terms of trade) and simply not negotiate. The EU Elite need a rocket up their arse, and despite any economic hardships sovereignty has to be the main priority of any sensible British Citizen with an understanding of Europes history. Europe has never "Done" true democracy, which is why they don't understand British concerns and why they have a history of warring with each other and their neighbours.

    Like many here, you are making offensive remarks against Europe without the slightest understanding of the case.

    The EU accused the loss of part of the British imports as a logical consequence of the Brexit. This movement is legitimate and has already begun.

    Opposite, Europe wants to recover the fruitful slot of financial services held by London almost all. (Several tens of billions each year).
    However, without any agreement, these banking services will have to be moved (Frankfort, Milan Paris or Dublin ...)

    May is fighting to keep this market.

    Barnier fights to take it back to him by putting unbearable conditions. He has with him all the states of the EU starting with Germany. Note that Lloyd's and other has already set up offices in Frankfurt.

    That is why we are going to witness a dialogue of the deaf for a few months to culminate in a complete divorce where everyone will take back all his marbles.

    This is perfectly logical on both sides and in no way requires the insulting words you write with some of your compatriots.

  3. 4 minutes ago, abrahamzvi said:

    How right you are! And may I add that our great hope is a Untied States of Europe. All of us, whilst keeping and adhering to our cultures will be part of a great state with a great economy and political power. Even the "Brexiters" my wish to rejoin...

    Don't worry friend, they'll come back.

    It will simply take them a little more time than others to understand and appreciate the enormous benefits we derive from this union. Peace first as you say but also the happiness of exchanging with people a little different, market ensured for any quality production, a tangible counterweight to the behemoths that surround us, etc ...

    Surely, I think Brits are victims of their glorious past. They dream of the great colonial empire reconstituted at the request of the subjugated indigenous peoples. The awakening will be rude and promises serious questioning.

    At that time,and only there, It will be time to slowly reopen the door.

  4. Always funny to see the Britons panic at the first realistic statement of Angela Merkel.


    Brexit has not yet begun, friends, and its most destructive effects are to come. You have to prepare for it because the isolation has a price and you will have to pay it, in particular by abandoning any plans to maintain a fruitful financial trade with the Union. Merkel said nothing else.


    The probable election of E. Macron in France promises a couple of strong leaders at the head of the EU. Thus, our destinies will be clearly separated, as we wish in Europe that some other members of the union be excluded, merely preoccupied by their commercial advantages and which do not play collectively. Poland, for example, but there are others.

  5. I recently went to the Land Office of my small town near Nakhon Sawan to seek advice for the house built on my wife's land with a litle of my money and the physical help of all family.


    The answer was clear: Usufruct.


    According to them, a lease without rent is legally wobbly and can be challenged. Same for the constitution of a fictitious company owner of the house. On the contrary, the usufruct is a real guarantee of use and foreigner protection, in my case for the rest of my days.


    The office left the choice to contact a lawyer drafting the act or delegate them against 5000 baht. As I chose the 2nd solution they wrote it immediately (in less than one hour) and handed me the official document specifying my name and my usufructuary status. Cost 80 baht approximately.


    I do not know if these 5000 b actually served to pay a law clerk or other...  but this procedure carried out quickly well and was worth this small expense for my peace of mind.

  6. I confirm that Bang Saray is particularly interesting for several reasons:

      - Sea food restaurants directly on the water. Great pleasure for the palate and the marine atmosphere.
      - Beautiful and pleasant beach.
      - Many (too) of sea view buildings of recent construction have not found takers. Prices are plummeting for an investment that will ultimately be profitable.
     - Quick access to South-East Island, Koh Samet and Koh Chang.
      - several nice places nearby.

  7. 15 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    I'm not suggesting but stating that the risk of dying from a terrorist attack in France is vanishingly small.  Yet some people such as yourself think it's such a crucial issue that it should be determinative of who is the next French President. If you want zero risk from a terrorist attack, you probably would need to live in a country like North Korea. Maybe for you that's an acceptable tradeoff.

    Fully agree with these common sense remarks.

    Let us add that with the Le Pen family affair (father, daughter, son-in-law, niece ...) it is certain that the remedy would be infinitely worse than the evil.

    And as said elsewhere, nothing is worse than a politics reactive to the emotion provoked by punctual incidents.

  8. On 17/04/2017 at 3:47 PM, terryw said:

    This is a non- story by the anti-Brexit BBC. UK banks need passporting rights to operate in the EU. All they need to do is open an administration office with a few skilled staff to take care of local financial transactions. The vast majority of transactions will still be through London.


    If the EU try to change the Rules then the EU will face a credit shortage of Euros within a week because more than 80% of international Euro transactions are through London. Non of the EU countries has sufficient skilled staff to take this business away from London.


    In response to Sujoop I have 2 university degrees and a masters and I voted in the Referendum to leave the E U.

    This proves that one can be graduated and totally disconnected from reality. Remember that cemeteries are full of irreplaceable people ...


    The EU is battling with the outgoing UK for the sole purpose of recovering the enormous business of its financial operations, which are still largely carried out by The City for the benefit of British citizens.


    Very cleverly, Lloyds is anticipating this move trying to keep some assets.

  9. Farage discovers that the Kingdom can not avoid paying of its debts to EU. 60 Billion before the first discussion. It was he who announced savings...


    And if the English can do without EU, we now know that Europeans are also better off without them. The states of the Union have never been more supportive to advance in its original objective : an area of peace, culture and prosperity supported by the world's leading industrial and agricultural market.


    Let's also point out that the beginning flirt between May and Trump with a common wish for the failure of Eu dissuaded all those who wanted a privileged agreement.


    • Like 2
  10. The French can say a great "Thank you" to the British for having opened their eyes to the dramatic consequences of a useless isolation.


    Marine Le Pen will not be elected president in France. Her popularity rating has been falling since the Brexit, as in Austria, Holland in Belgium and Sweden for her right-wing friends.


    Thank you again, British friends, for showing us the way we should not follow ... 



  11. Only the court can cancel a usufruct.


    These decisions are rare, difficult to obtain and generally accompanied by financial compensation for the benefit of the usufructuary.


    In addition the owner will have to hire a lawyer for a lengthy, costly and uncertain trial.


    In law nothing is 100% guaranteed, but for Thailand, in the vast majority of cases, usufruct is the best protection for foreign home investment.

  12. The Usufruct confers exactly the same rights as the lease. In addition, it has some advantages:
    - No limit in time.
    - No tax on "fictitious" rents
    - No finesse or administrative lie. The usufructuary situation corresponds precisely to that of a spouse (or friend) who is not a proprietor but fully enjoys until the end of his life a property for which he often invested own funds.

  13. I lived 12 years on my boat in Europe (Mediterranean sea)
      - Unobstructed permanent sea view
      - Generally happy and sympathetic neighbors... Hum! 
      - Real trap to babes... :kiss01:
      - Going out when you want.
     - The incomparable charm of  arrivals and departures in a new port.

      - Exorbitant maintenance costs (Ports of Europe)
      - Risk of sinking requiring extreme vigilance at sea.
      - The boat costs very expensive to buy, but it resells very poorly
      - People (girls) like coming but not staying.
     - Often some drunkards want to get on board to finish night.:burp:

    That said I would probably have continued in this way of life in Thailand but I preferred to get married and therefore change my lifestyle.

  14. 31 minutes ago, mercman24 said:

    UK  unemployment the lowest it has been for years, Europe unemployment through the roof, yep dont need this lot, many countries only joined for the handouts by their richer cousins


    Note that this exceptionally low level of unemployment in the UK results from its situation inside Europe.

    We will see the results of Brexit on employment from 2018, when the separation will have really taken shape.

  15. 36 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

    Hi Grouse.  From all your pro EU comments, I was beginning to think that you WERE German!  


    It will be very interesting to hear your comments once the negotiations are over and you realise that it is in the EUs interests as much as the UK's to come out of this unique situation with a compromise solution in which neither party gets exactly what it wants.  In any case, it will not be many years before the principle behind Brexit will not be quite so unique, once others follow suit.


    Beautiful words ... unfortunately completely wrong.

    Now the Europeans have absolutely nothing to gain from the UK. They have created a zone of peace and prosperity on principles of privileged exchange. They (us) will not abandon these foundations to please the English Atlantists, exclusively interested in the market
    Today the first wealth of the former British partner is its financial industry, with s the other nations of the EU as majority customer. Since the vote Brexit, Europe has as main concern to appropriate this big cake.

    So there will be no facility.

    When the City will be installed in Dublin, Milan, Paris or Frankfurt it will be time to reconcile and together sing the song of inalienable fraternity. Not before.

  16. 3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    Do you have anything of substance to add to the discussion, or are you simply taking an opportunity to dismiss the beliefs of those with whom you disagree in general?




    I lived in the Philippines for one year just before settling in Thailand. And the least bad place where I stay was Davao City.

    In this country everywhere, authorities had renounced a decent order, except in Davao where Mayor Dutertre was not afraid to face Mafia.

    If the Filipinos chose him as leader with an overwhelming majority this is not without reason. And to my mind at least, the British partisans of racist Farage or the American Trump electors have no legitimacy to pronounce a condescending moral judgment on Filipinos


    Besides, the members of  TV forums have amply demonstrated their capacity to provide systematically of the judgments erroneous. For me, I still participate here for the sole purpose of knowing the opinion that should not be shared

  17. 19 hours ago, Grouse said:


    Actually, with so many Brits like you, I'm going to be pro Brexit and take up residency in another EU country. I was hoping for a useful discussion but you are obviously closed to that.


    That is exactly my case.


    Having the good fortune not to be British, I ardently wish for a frank and definitive separation, without possibility of return. The rude maneuvers of May government trying to divide the 27 dissuaded all to extend hand.


    For us Europeans, the time has come to advance towards Russia. The departure of the UK and the election of D. Trump make it likely this movement that will take shape soon.


    And for you English, you will have to rebuild an economy on new foundations. I do not doubt that you will succeed but it will cost you a considerable amount of efforts that many consider perfectly useless.

  18. OP, go isolate yourself away from everything, especially far of me.


    Yet, I've stopped smoking long time ago to preserve my health but I still like the company of smokers, casual drinkers,  good eaters, revelers and merry companions.


    A healthy mind in a healthy body ... For you, in absence of information on your body state I advises you to consult without delay for mental.


    Next thread: How to avoid the odious Westerners when you lives in Thailand?

  19. I also wish that your Farage Guignol will be connected with Trump to influence T. May on a definitive rupture with Europe.


    So that not only we, the European, will be rid of the arrogant English but also a little later the increasingly burdensome US tutelage.


    Our original project for an union going from the Atlantic to the Urals and thus including Russia will can finally take shape.


    This evolution is already announced in France, Austria and soon in Germany in new leaders programs.

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