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Posts posted by stevensg

  1. Geese dropping keep snake away but not ducks,ducks are their food and geese chase snake away.

    As for sulphur,it does chase snake away as when snake touch it,they will have chemical reaction on them

    And they can die (don't believe me,try it on snake yourself) 

    But it'll be washed away after rain.

    People used to burn sulphur in camp fire,let the smoke blow into the rubber plantation before tapping latex 

    in the old days. (In Singapore)

  2. 12 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    That is nonsense. Only Poi Pet and Ranong has been reported as making a problem for doing them. People do them all the time at other crossings without a problem.


    13 hours ago, overherebc said:

    At Poipet you can't even do one so I wouldn't rely on it more than twice at any other land border.

    Not to be rude,but I just get visa exempted entry on 19/3 and my friend twice on 22/2 & 22/3 at poi pet crossing.

  3. Have to see your age and what you want.

    It'll be better to take a plane if you're not so young and not going other places.

    From Singapore you can take buses from Queen Street to Johor Bahru or buses at tours agencies

     direct to most part of Malaysia or Hatyai of Thailand.

    I used to take bus to Hatyai around 1999 to 2004.(around 10 hrs)

    Took bus to bkk and back to Hatyai few  times also.(around 12 hrs)

    But the road trips seem too much for me to take,so I take plane now.

    If you're only going to bkk,I suggest you take a plane.

    Unless you take a bus to jb,from there to melaka,kl,ipoh,penang,langkawi,Hatyai, krabi,phuket,huahin

    and bkk over few days by stopping over few nights at each places.

    That'll be nice.


  4. Just asking,my friend permit to stay end on 22/2/17 and I'm going to bkk on 23/2/17.

    Can he get another 30 days stay if he go poi pet and come back via land crossing?

    He's Singaporean and go bkk by plane last month.

    He was told by immigration staff he can only get 7 days.

    I thought the new rules said 2 times a year and 30 days each?

    Can I get the comfirmation from Joe?

    Anything to show to immigration ?


  5. 6 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    just get some yaba crazed mini van drivers to lead the charge.


    followed by teenage motorbike punks in the second wave.

    So all you guys from the "1st world" is actually want Thai government to act like outlaws?Why don't 

    suggest they send in tanks like China to clear this place?By then all you will jump in calling Thai 3rd world

    and so on.Grow up.

    Let the people in charge do their job.


  6. 16 hours ago, oldlakey said:

    School reconvenes  so to speak on the first monday in January every year, thats Monday the second this year

    The first day of Chinese New Year is Sat 28 this celebration takes preference over any other for the Malaysian Chinese community

    Finances will be stretched for most by this time, so not very likely it will continue in January, nevermind until after CNY, bad news for TAT I am afraid


    Should be Tuesday for school reopen,as Sunday is New Year Day.Monday will be a public holiday. 

  7. 3 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

    It is obvious from watching the video that the guy in the Vios started riding the rear end of the truck to get the Vigo driver to move to the left lane so he could pass.  All the guy had to do was pass the Vigo in the left lane, but these types of people are so arrogant that they demand their way.  This happens to me very often.  I will be running at or above the speed limit in the right lane and maybe I'm momentarily distracted by a conversation with my wife, then all of a sudden I will look in my rear view mirror and see some nutcase right on my butt. They have every opportunity to simply pass me on the left, but they feel it is their right to force me to move over and will even begin to pass me on the right when there is no roadway left to do so, thus endangering all of our lives and the lives of others in a possible wreck. When this happens I will always tap my brakes and slow down to get the driver to back off, and they eventually go around me.  That's exactly what the guy in the Vigo did, and this Vios driver was just arrogant and selfish enough to turn it into a road rage incident. Just another example of the sensitive Thai male ego being bruised!   

    I think it's a common road rules that right most lane (on most right hand drive car countries)is for overtaking.

    It's illegal to overtake from left (at least in Singapore).

    It's the driver,that must be alert at all time if want to overtake another car. 

    Move back to the left after overtaking or on seeing a car coming faster then yours,move back after the right lane is clear or want to overtake again.



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