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  1. I had the same issue. It is because of some dust stuck inside. You can either open it and clean it, or just use canned air to spray the dust from the wheel, or even blow with your mouth.
  2. My heart would break into a million pieces. How can people not see the great leader he would be for the country ? ????
  3. I usually have it deliver from Cigar Emperor: they have it stored in a special room at the right humidity and temperature. They usually have it deliver to you the same say through Line Man. I also enjoy going to Whisgars, where cigars are also stored in the same conditions. You can have a lady pour you a nice whisky and lighting a cigar of your choice. Don't expect to pay the same prices than in the West though: it is definitely a luxury product here. If you find a better place with lower prices, please let us know.
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