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Posts posted by Winkburn

  1. On 11/26/2016 at 8:46 AM, scotchonrocks said:

    The US economy will pay a heavy price. Hikes in interests rates are done to put the brakes on a booming economy. The US economy is in the doldrums and even a small interest rate hike will be a dampener for growth and will tank the stock market. They are clearly worried that cheap debt must end but what are they going to do when investment contracts and deflation takes hold because for sure that's what will happen.


    Get real Janet Yellen!

    In the Doldrums?? record high stock prices and falling unemployment or am I missing something??

  2. On 7/7/2017 at 7:56 AM, IMA_FARANG said:

    This is old news from 2016.

    This is mid 2017 now, and the Baht is , in my opinion, benefiting from the decline in the dollar especially Donald  Dumbo Trump in the U.S.

    A year ago the U.S. dollar was up above 35 Baht to a dollar.

    Just got my U.S. pension for July 2017 and the  Dollar/baht rate was down blow 34 baht to a Dollar. (33.83)

    The markets hate uncertainty and Donald Dumbo Trump scares them.

    Frankly, he scares me also.




    Yes blame the Don.. Economy booming unemployment falling to it's lowest in 8 years it must be Hilary's credit. The Thai baht is almost pegged to the $US

  3. On 11/26/2016 at 7:34 AM, NeverSure said:

    The US is in the slowest recovery from recession since WWII. Never in the past 8 years has GDP increased by even 3%. There are way too many Americans out of the workforce and way too many receiving welfare and food stamps. The extremely long time that interest rates have been at historic lows is a strong indicator of those. That's not just interest on the Fed's T Bill rate but interest rates on home and car loans, etc. These low rates were meant to stimulate borrowing and spending.


    I have no idea how the Fed can raise interest rates in this environment. Time will tell.



    How lucky there is now a President that has brought a decrease in unemployment and a positive economy in just 12 months credit where credit is due 

  4. 2 hours ago, RocketDog said:

    Count me with the happy Americans here. Yes, there are problems here, and traffic safety is a major detraction from the allure of LOS.


    The government is a junta, but in my country The Orange Raccoon is turning it into a fascist state as quickly as possible. And given how well past presidents and congress has pursued the same goal, The Cheeto In Chief doesn't have far to go.


    While Prayut might aspire to such a level of control of his citizens, it will be decades before Thailand has the funding, infrastructure, or technical expertise to pull this off. I'll be ashes by then, or perhaps dead on a highway somewhere in Thailand after an 8 year-old on a motorbike puts me down for good.


    At any rate, what I disliked about my home country has gotten worse, and the things that were good or at least acceptable are going in the wrong direction.


    So here I am and here I will stay.


    Color me satisfied and content in LOS.


    You whiners just keep on with your constant criticism if it pulls your chain every day.


    Maybe you've been in Thailand too long to appreciate how much better it is than the martial law, tax-'em-till-they-bleed surveillance states you came from.


    As many have said before, and it bears repeating:


    If you don't like it here then go the hell home. It just leaves more for the rest of us here. Let me know and I'll help you pack just to get rid of you.


    That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


    By the way, the American beauties in the story picture do absolutely nothing for me anymore. I much prefer the Thai women's exotic looks myself.


    As for temperament, hey, women are the same round the world.  Live with it or give it up. The choice is yours.





    Well said but draining the swamp and a booming economy with un employment falling the Don is doing something right.

  5. 2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Thanks for your interest, but not enough room here, but in short, was dating this 21 year old Greek girl, I was 26 at the time, she was different to the one night standers I was used too from young, i.e. she wouldn't let me in, suffice to say I though she would be the marrying material, remembering I was 26 at the time and had my fair share of one night stands, and you could say I might have been looking to settle down if the right girl came along.


    Long of the short, I had no idea she would turn out to be a spoilt Greek Princes who still required mothers milk and daddy's approval for everything, I tried, I persevered, and had my dad in the background saying, son, we are all different, she will make you happy eventually, she needs a child, i.e. marrying your own, keeping the cultures going etc etc, maybe for his days it might have been, but then again I am not one to give in, she did eventually leave me, which made things much easier for me, e.g. I did not fail in my marriage which was not easy, she was physically abusive, and would throw tantrums constantly, was jealous, paranoid and possessive, although many would say, why the hell did you put up with her, and my reply would be, if I didn't, and took a different path, I would not have met the woman of my dreams who I met 11 years ago this month, I would use the words " I am happily married" but it doesn't really gel, I would therefore say I have been "ecstatically married" for the past 10 years, there is no paranoia, there is no jealousy, there is no physical abuse, we grow together in harmony, she is a great cook, spoils me rotten, and is a great mother, my only hope is that I depart this planet before she does, because being left behind without her would leave a huge whole in my H....555



    Great to hear that like me you have a wonderful happy marriage to your Thai 

  6. On 7/1/2017 at 11:18 AM, jackcorbett said:

    A good friend of mine bought an Nmax right after I bought mine.  He loves it so much that he sent his PCX150 upcountry to be used by the family of his GF.  But--last week he told me he felt his bike had a little vibration problem so we swapped bikes to see if there was a difference. He felt my bike was much smoother.  Still, he does not find the vibration to be all that annoying--it's just something he's noticed.  


    I feel my Nmax is a bit rough at extremely low parking lot speeds, especially when I compare it to my gf's PcX 150.  But it's no big deal.  Overall my Nmax 155 is simply out of this world.  In my opinion it is far in front of everything else as the absolute finest all around bike one can have for the Pattaya area AT ANY PRICE.  My gf's PCX 150 is a nice machine, but my Yamaha Nmax is a Porsche sports car in comparison.  


    In my opinion it's been totally engineered from the ground up to take advantage of its 13 inch wheels.  As everyone knows here I am not a fan of smaller wheels.  I love those 18 inch wheels on my Yamaha SR400.  But the Nmax is a different breed of cat.  I believe Yamaha paid extremely close attention to detail and balanced this machine just right for the smaller wheels.  The struts are just right that strengthen the chassis.  Then there's the superlative brakes.  Disks on both front and rear with anti lock.  (which is unprecedented for an 80,000 baht "scooter type machine"  (it's an underbone , not a scooter per se)  So the smaller diameter wheels are able to initiate a turn very quickly.  And the driver knows he's got fabulous brakes so he tends to be braver going through turns.   The bike is extremely responsive and agile with loads of usable power on tap.  So the driver simply tends to go faster in all conditions.


    I drove my friend's Aerox which he loves (of course).  It's got massive (for a 150 c.c. underbone bike) front and rear 14 inch tires that make the Nmax's tires look rather small by comparison. Compared to my Nmax the bike seems more planted.  You can feel those heavier wheels at work, which is the way things should be.  But the Nmax really wants to dart from side to side and turn turn turn while still being very stable.  And, unlike the Honda Click I test drove a couple of years ago and put my results on You Tube, the Nmax with its 13 inch wheels is MUCH MUCH more stable at 100 kph and above.  The (Click has 14 inch wheels but its tires are narrower).  

    I am on my 5th PCX new each year as I do a lot of travelling. The NMAX is a reasonable bike I hired one for a comparison. The build quality is of no comparison that is why the PCX holds it's value so well. Example I sold my last pcx for 75,000 with 9,000 km on the clock  after purchasing 12months  new for 79,000 baht


  7. 3 hours ago, Jim walker said:

    Shinawatra  family who represent the overlooked poor of Thailand driving them out of the country just shows how scared the Right wing elite are in Thailand of a single family, who will be arresting  the generals after this coup and sending them to prison for 42 years for giving so much money to the Chinese and Americans for weapons  and trains rather than subsidising the rural farmers in Thailand what is more important people or weapons.    Good luck Yingluck take care and god bless.

    Oh I really missed something the Shins were the honest pillars of society not at all concerned about pilfering from the country, real role models hmmmm I have read some horrific posts but this one is up there

  8. Wow less expats is surely a good thing. I think demand for good quality established condo's near River are still very sought after. The new dog boxes without any view will always be difficult to sell. Great potential with the future rail and cooler climate will always attract. I think the level of expats has increased maybe tourist numbers are down. 12  month Visa for retirement or marriage easy to obtain.

    Iv'e lived between here and Australia for the last 8 fabulous years and don't tell too many people how good it is here as we have enough Farangs

  9. 11 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    That is so sad.....  talk of requiring a 'licence' is rather out of place, most countries do not have such a thing.

    Surely they were having fun, but were playing a dangerous game and it can only be described as misadventure.


    The husband will have many years of regret.

    Your so right In Australia you can hire a jet ski and a 50cc motorbike on the Gold Coast without a licence. Enough of Thai bashing RIP young lady

  10. On 12/3/2016 at 11:18 AM, SooKee said:

    Yup free and in many cases crap and mostly not doing at all well what they're supposed to do. I'd rather have features competently built in to the OS than have to try numerous free junkware apps, resorting to paid versions to get something useable.

    So yes indeed, the shock, the horror. And WAAAY too high-maintenance.

    Apple isn't perfect by a long way. Their Bluetooth I often find patchy, things like Airdrop seem to break with OS updates and of course with accessories, you only have to look at the embarrassingly botched up AirPods launch (big announcement / coming end October / then, error actually they're not, then tumbleweed blowing down the street amidst a deathly silence). Still, at least they don't burst into flames I suppose. Apple is just the better option for me, not the best, which doesn't exist yet.

    Posted using Tapatalk

    Do you have a lot of Apple shares?? I can't believe you have seriously given android a go otherwise you wouldn't be praising apple so much. Apple was ok but left way behind just look at their cameras

  11. I bought them as I thought it would be improvement in Technology but soon found they are just a gimmick and nowhere near as good as wired phones eg. beats or boss. Having to keep then charged and way overpriced just a poor option for the serious sound buff I'd give them 3 out of ten at best.

  12. 1 hour ago, vivoviajar said:

    I am an Australian J.P. living in Chiang Mai and am happy to witness documents, Stat. Decs. etc.  J.P.s cannot charge for their services, it is a community service.


    P.M. me if needed but I do travel a lot.



    Hi I was thinking of having to go to Bangkok to get a stat dec for declaration of income for my marriage visa. Previously I have obtained a retirement visa from Australia but that is becoming more difficult at a state level.I now intend to apply for a marriage visa as we have been married for 7 years. Is a stat dec signed by a JP as acceptable with Tha immigration?

    Thanks in advance for your help and I would appreciate knowing how to contact you.

  13. Breaking the familiarity with Apple is a little difficult but the transition to Android will be the best decision you make as you are not locked in to the overpriced apple system,

    Smartphones at half the price of apple with many more features are freely available today. Remember when Sony dominated the market a few years ago and it was necessary to buy everything Sony to use the product. Eventually people realised that other products preformed equally well and we watched Sony lose it's market dominance

    Having been an apple user for many years I am very happy I made the move

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