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Posts posted by bornz

  1. These people just don't understand the word "no" they refuse to recognise any authority but their own, they are a group of very dangerous people, I would put a wager on it that there will be a terrorist event in Bangkok in the coming weeks maybe days that will target the NBTC or one of its members, that is the only way they know, if they don't get their way - murder someone

    The organisation should be proscribed and banned and the leaders put in jail, how many times is Jutaporm going to be let out on bail, I can see how the PM wants to try and keep things calm but I think he is overestimating the support these criminals now have since the children were murdered in Trat and they all rejoiced on stage, arrest them check their assets and find out and expose where all their money came from

    "...how many times is Jutaporm going to be let out on bail,"

    Gee, I don't know, but I doubt if it has been as many times as Sohdhi Limthongkul on bail for appeal AFTER his multiple convictions.coffee1.gif

    What has Sondhi got to do with this thread?

    Absolutely nothing.

    It is but a feeble diversionary tactic.

  2. According to the news at the time payments were only made to people that PTP " deemed eligible " If some 96 people were killed and each received 7.75 million baht the total should have been 744 million baht, plus payments for those injured But only 577.66 was paid out So who died but was deemed ineligible as even if only those that were killed were paid 577.66 would only cover 74 people, but a total of 524 people received payments So lets say only 50 of the people killed were deemed eligible and received money and 474 others also received money because of injuries 50 x 7.75 = 387.5 million Leaves 190 million divided by 474 = 400,000 per person Whatever are the correct numbers, it leaves a lot of people killed who were deemed ineligible by PTP Why should also be a question raised by NACC ?

    The "why" is in the other thread on this topic.


  3. There was about 30 people from the national park cleaning up on the beach today, still a fair bit of rubbish around but no where near like the earlier pictures were showing. Would hope that some sort of investigation takes place, and who knows maybe a culprit found.

    Thank you for the update and good to know the cleanup happened.

    The earlier photos showed extremely much more trash than is typically on the beach there and it would be very advantageous to find out why and how that occurred.

  4. I wouldn't grant broadcasting rights to any group which included persons who had previously stood on stage inciting the crowd to burn whole cities and even nations to the ground.

    I believe in total freedom to broadcast for all groups, including minority groups (I'm not saying this group is minority) and even for fairly obscure quirky fringe groups.

    However, any group that talks about burning cities to the ground etc., should not expect the same future broadcasting rights as normal peaceful groups. Part of moving on into a peaceful and inclusive future is about remembering the deranged and violent outbursts made by certain group spokespersons in the past.

    You succinctly put the entire issue (and the accompanying 185 posts) in its correct light.

    Thank you.

  5. Advocating violence and insurrection is not free speech.

    It's arrogant to think it somehow is.

    Neither is starting you will seize Governemt house by force and try to detain members of the caretaker government and have people like Michael Yon ask his sheeple to "hunt" down government officials including Yingluck.

    But that's okay as the shirt colour is the right one ?

    Both sides are just as bad as each other with their hate speeches, Chitpas saying Reds were too dumb to vote isn't showing hate? calling Reds Buffaloes isn't classed as hate ?

    They all should be shut down down regardless the colour and ladies beach volleyball shown instead!!

    Hello Haggis

    the exact words from Chitipas were "they don't understand democracy" I know I saw her speak several times at RDNK in Nov 2013 and on that occasion these were her exact words ever since she has been misquoted countless times by every tom dick and harry here at TVF, Thai media and western media ( thank You Mr.Head ) even Suthep's foaming at the mouth tedious monologues could not match what was said at around the same time and during April/May by the UDD. Quote " I hate Sondhi and those n***ers from the south" this one sometime in Nov 2013 at the sports stadium in Ramkhamhaeng, Natawood screaming for the country to be carved up for his/their Isaan lanna state in Feb 2014. The UDDN TV channel ( Now Peace TV Yeah right!!!) having an icon fixed in the bottom left of the screen which read "civil war next month" and please don't forget the fist punching crowd pleasing cop in Korat who cheered the murder of a 9 year old little girl the previous day.

    Western media basically lied their asses of about what was said and not said by the PDRC during that period and to be honest I kinda agree with what Chitipas REALLY DID say during that speech



    Thank you for correcting the mistruths that were posted.

  6. Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

    Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

    yeah, arrogant...

    free speech is not for everyone.

    Advocating violence and insurrection is not free speech.

    It's arrogant to think it somehow is.

    They were not shut down for advocating violence

    Regulator revokes Peace TV's licence


  7. Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

    Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

    yeah, arrogant...

    free speech is not for everyone.

    Advocating violence and insurrection is not free speech.

    It's arrogant to think it somehow is.

    They all should be shut down down regardless the colour

    Good to see you agree with the premise of this thread in that Peace TV should be shut down for advocating and instigating violence.

  8. No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist

    Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

    Don't compare the 'freedoms' in the United States to what's happening here.

    When was the last time you had bombs exploding and armed rebels(oh sorry, peaceful protestors. Hah!) trying to overthrow the government? This with the aid of 'neutral' 'Peace' TV stations egging on the crowd? Or idiots going on stage calling for the burning of Bangkok and cheering when bombs blow up kids?

    Things have been pretty peaceful since the Army took over. That's good enough for most people.

    Looked a bit like that in Baltimore this week. Actually, it reminded me of Bangkok in 2010, but the "peaceful protestors" didn't burn nearly as much and they didn't appear to have automatic weapons and bombs.

    Well never having been in Baltimore I can't compare and most certainly the TV stations make things appear much worse than they actually are, But I seem to remember CNN mentioning automatic gun fire and petrol bombs aplenty in Baltimore the last couple of days. Things being so bad the entire city was shut down and under curfew..........But I don't think the either the National Guard or the police are going to shoot 70 protestors.

    Well, at least not until those "protesters" start shooting the police/Guard with automatic weapons (as occurred in Thailand).

  9. If you are going to take away a fundamental human right- which speech is- you need to have a compelling interest. That's why dishonestly yelling fire in a theatre can be barred.

    What was Chavalit saying that justified muzzling him? What was he saying in that interview that was so outrageous, that rose to the level of shouting fire in a theatre?

    Because, according to the original report on page 1, Peace TV was raided to stop the interview with him. Not because Peace TV was broadcasting without a license. Not because Peace TV had "incited violence" in the past. Chavalit's speech, at the time he was making it.

    So far, nothing about the speech's content. Just more "trust us, we know what's best for you." That's comforting. I'm sure they know what's best.

    You're confusing extremely poor journalism and pathetic reporting for inconsistencies with the government's actions.

    Peace TV was ordered to be closed for provoking and inciting violence before Chavalit.

    Typical of Thai police historical inaction, they had not been closed.

    Today, they have been closed.

  10. Its easy to criticize the junta from a Western prospective, because everything they are doing is often by force and to silent the opposition.

    However for those of us who lived through the last 2 protests, infact i had a grenade go off over my head, had a business station just 25 meters from the red shirt camp, and have witnessed first hand both the miltia whom guarded my shop against the looters and many other first hand experiences during those bloody days.

    Keeping the peace is paramount now, and the Reds are far from a peaceful group.

    The only thing that matters is that protests, burning of buildings, black shirts, brown shirts, and fake floods are prevented so that the economy can recover and the divide between the north can heal. So far its much better now than it was before, and i am certainly not a yellow, nor a red, they both make me cringe. But its the lesser of evils that counts.

    Thank you for sharing your first hand experiences.

    It negates a dozen pontificators who weren't even here at the time and feebly attempt to rewrite Thai history from elsewhere.

  11. Don't compare the 'freedoms' in the United States to what's happening here.

    When was the last time you had bombs exploding and armed rebels(oh sorry, peaceful protestors. Hah!) trying to overthrow the government? This with the aid of 'neutral' 'Peace' TV stations egging on the crowd? Or idiots going on stage calling for the burning of Bangkok and cheering when bombs blow up kids?

    Things have been pretty peaceful since the Army took over. That's good enough for most people.

    When was the last time you had bombs exploding in areas excluding the South and Bangkok during political protests?

    Bombs exploding? A hand grenade or an M79 wouldn't be classed as bombs either, so when is the last time bomb(IEDs) like Syria and Iraq see day in and day out have exploded all over the country?

    Things have been pretty peaceful ......unless you lived in the South.

    Things have been pretty peaceful for many places all over Thailand even during the 2014 protests.

    Sensationalism much? ?

    Pedantic much? blink.png

    If you are blown apart by an M-79 Grenade Launcher, does it really matter if it meets your classification of what constitutes a "bomb"?

    Yeah I will be pedantic again just for you, the launcher won't blow you apart, the 40mm grenade fired from the launcher might just ruin your day ?

    A distinction that will be inconsequential when your body parts are flying.

  12. "...Troops and police raided the Peace TV satellite TV station at 11 pm Wednesday to end the broadcast of an interview of former prime minister Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh..."

    The current government at its worst. Let's face it, they are not stamping our insurrection, they are stamping out the opposition party before the next elections. They are systematically grinding them into the ground and it's so patently obvious.

    speaking of worst...

    Chavalit is 82 and has not held a position in a party (opposition or otherwise) since he resigned as PM Somchai's Deputy PM on October 7, 2008, admitting partial responsibility for violence due to police use of tear gas at a Parliament blockade, injuring 116 protesters.

    ;) but hey, sorry to interrupt a good rant.

  13. The source below details the amount per type of damage. There is no average 1 million compensation/head, it depends of the type of damage. Due to the high number of deads, it probably represents most of the expenses.


    Types of compensation

    Killed at the scene: Bt7.75 million

    Succumbed to injuries: Bt7.95 million

    Disabled: Bt7.9 million

    Loss of important organ: Bt4 million

    Loss of unimportant organ: Bt1.95 million

    Serious injury: Bt1.175 million

    Not serious injury: Bt695,000

    Slight injury: Bt235,000

    After converting these numbers into whatever currency, I would say most of these would be similar to claims made in other countries

    The numbers are extremely dissimilar to any other similar victims in this country, eg. previous protests, thousands of dead in the South, etc.

    It was unprecedented at the time and has not been repeated since Yingluck and the red shirt MP's instituted these huge amounts, with nearly all claimants being red shirts.

    How many yellow shirts do you know participated in the 2010 riots?

    Why is it a big surprise that it was redshirts here?

    I hope that those injured in the protests last year are treated similarly as in compensation wise.

    If they receive e similar figures, what would be the issue?

    as per the article, it involves more than just 2010. ;)

    from political violence since 2005-2010.

    by that, it should involve hundreds of yellow shirts injured, maimed, and killed and thousands of Southerners.

    BUT.... they didn't receive the same compensation.

    If they spent these millions of taxpayer baht to cover ALL victims, then there would be much less of an issue.

    • Like 1
  14. No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist

    Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

    Don't compare the 'freedoms' in the United States to what's happening here.

    When was the last time you had bombs exploding and armed rebels(oh sorry, peaceful protestors. Hah!) trying to overthrow the government? This with the aid of 'neutral' 'Peace' TV stations egging on the crowd? Or idiots going on stage calling for the burning of Bangkok and cheering when bombs blow up kids?

    Things have been pretty peaceful since the Army took over. That's good enough for most people.

    When was the last time you had bombs exploding in areas excluding the South and Bangkok during political protests?

    Bombs exploding? A hand grenade or an M79 wouldn't be classed as bombs either, so when is the last time bomb(IEDs) like Syria and Iraq see day in and day out have exploded all over the country?

    Things have been pretty peaceful ......unless you lived in the South.

    Things have been pretty peaceful for many places all over Thailand even during the 2014 protests.

    Sensationalism much? ?

    Pedantic much? :blink:

    If you are blown apart by an M-79 Grenade Launcher, does it really matter if it meets your classification of what constitutes a "bomb"?

  15. The source below details the amount per type of damage. There is no average 1 million compensation/head, it depends of the type of damage. Due to the high number of deads, it probably represents most of the expenses.


    Types of compensation

    Killed at the scene: Bt7.75 million

    Succumbed to injuries: Bt7.95 million

    Disabled: Bt7.9 million

    Loss of important organ: Bt4 million

    Loss of unimportant organ: Bt1.95 million

    Serious injury: Bt1.175 million

    Not serious injury: Bt695,000

    Slight injury: Bt235,000

    After converting these numbers into whatever currency, I would say most of these would be similar to claims made in other countries

    The numbers are extremely dissimilar to any other similar victims in this country, eg. previous protests, thousands of dead in the South, etc.

    It was unprecedented at the time and has not been repeated since Yingluck and the red shirt MP's instituted these huge amounts, with nearly all claimants being red shirts.

    • Like 1
  16. From the same named other thread:

    One may wonder about the requirement made on relatives before given a cheque. They had to sign a document stating not to sue the Yingluck Government with regards to the deaths and/or injuries.

    BTW the number of deaths during March - May 2010 red-shirt fun was 93, not the lucky number 99.

    not sue - keep their mouths shut or tell lies when asked what happened

    as the article highlights:

    critics see it as a form of bribe or reward,

    • Like 1
  17. One may wonder about the requirement made on relatives before given a cheque. They had to sign a document stating not to sue the Yingluck Government with regards to the deaths and/or injuries.

    BTW the number of deaths during March - May 2010 red-shirt fun was 93, not the lucky number 99.

    not sue - keep their mouths shut or tell lies when asked what happened

    as the article highlights:

    critics see it as a form of bribe or reward,

  18. And how much compensation was given to the families of the Muslims that were handcuffed and thrown in trucks to suffocate on Taksins orders? Surely they should all get 7.75 million too?

    They haven't received 7.75 million baht, but that's different.

    That doesn't involve Thaksin's red shirts.

    From Yingluck's perspective, their lives are worth multiples of a million more important than any other Thai.

  19. Must be a real bitch sifting through policies from a government you ousted to reinstate what you canned.

    This is adobes representative recommending this, not the govt.

    It's funny to see his own ignorance derailed further to the point of his calling others the same while takes some real comedy twists.

    Difficult to have a dialogue with someone so comically ignorant.

    10 out of 10 for thread derailing and name calling. thumbsup.gif

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