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Posts posted by 235291_1469957462

  1. 10 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    How exactly were retirees pivotal? The only thing I have seen is that Buriram Nois can afford a new buffalo. 

    Boy meets girl. Boy supports girls family. Boy moves to Thailand and needs to live in a western style house so he boys one in a Mooban.  The he buys two new motorbikes and a car. Then a whole houseful of Furnitire. The people in the town open up a bunch of restaurants and markets to feed the boy and girl.  The mall opens

    up Furnitire stores for the Furnitire. The girls family buys lots of new things and so on and so on and so on. 

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  2. Every single one of them should have their bikes confiscated until they all comply. 


    a. Until they can provide a license. 
    b. Pay the fine

    c. Have their bikes in proper and working order. (Headlights and tailights)

    D. traps need to be set up for speeders and if they have three offenses they

    go To school. 5 and they lose their license for a year. You do all this and the deaths drop dramatically.  

    imagine if they put their bullsh** immigration efforts in road violations how many lives they would save and how much money they would save. Silly country

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  3. The USA and the UK will receive the first supplies. The vaccine is 95% effective so some of these comments are incorrect.  If you have the vaccine you should be able to travel world wide. There is little change of contracting he virus after the vaccine. The Thai government will be substantially better off without the quarantine option to those with a vaccination certificate. I will spend far more in the country not being confined to a hotel room. Thailand being a third-world and highly corrupt county it's hard to imagine how they will handle it once the population of the western world starts to get vaccinated.    

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  4. Sorry I'm going to be blunt.  One or both of Two reasons why most people move to Thailand.  Wonderful beautiful women that you can get to sleep with you and live with you, and a bowl of noodles for just over a dollar. (Metaphorically speaking on the noodles)  On top of that you can do what you want and there's no one to spread the rumors of what you're doing.  The country is hot, dangerous and the medical care is substandard, its unsanitary, the government makes it harder and harder to live there unless you're Chinese or Korean, when they should be creating incentives to make you want to stay.  Moobaans are collapsing, and most of the failed shopping and tourist projects make the country look like something out of a futuristic movie after doomsday.  Its a country of failed projects at the expense of westerners.  Its fun to visit because its cheap and the sex is easy.  Other than that is a proverbial dump.  I lived there for 6 months and most expats are always saying why they love Thailand in an effort to convince themselves that they love it.  Most of the time they are talking about how little they paid for something and how you paid to much.  To sum it up, Its cheap to live eat and have sex.   Other than that its a constant struggle.  I will go back to visit for a few months at a time.  Most westerners that think they can move there totally wake up to the rude awakening that its no place to live your whole life.

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