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Posts posted by James436

  1. Some constructive advice needed.

    Having arrived here from the UK with my Thai wife for a 40-day holiday mainly for the family to see the little lad now he has grown up.

    However things started o go odd with the wife first off she walked out the second day due to me complaining about a photo her friends put up of Facebook without asking me, she took a taxi to Morchit Bus Station BKK and said she wasn’t coming back.

    We have been married 3 years and been together some 5 years now.

    Spent a small fortune on a coffee shop that failed, moved all the stuff we had bought for the coffee shop and our home, to her family house in the village, including my Honda Steed.

    Two years later we are back from the UK having spent another fortune getting her a UK visa to find the bike is a state and all the Coffee shop contents used including the Air Conditioners. The rest my wife sold to her extended family at a give away price.

    My problem now is my wife wants to have the responsibility of looking after our 3 year old to the family, while she eats papaya Salad and chats, while my son is running native all over the village.

    I am not happy and say so she sees this as a slight against her, as normal and refuses to see the problem, further to this there is nothing to eat for us I cant eat beetles bugs and so on and the family don’t eat bought food it all comes from the forest. My son eats egg and rice every day and I have to go to the next village to get food, and this irritates my wife.

    Cut a long story short after 3 weeks in the village with nothing to do but try to stop being conned into fixing the Papas car or spending money I told the wife I was board and that we should go away a few das as they had some festival in the village with full speakers from dawn to dusk.

    She flew into a rage and said I did never want to be here and I don’t like the family and the rest.

    She then said she would kill me and that she had the support of the family to do so.

    Threw all my stuff in a bag and told me to leave and take him with you meaning my son. I really had no choice but to drive the bike from Nakhon Phnon to Udon in the heat of the day. I am now at a resort in Udon writing this with my 3 year old son asking where his Mom is.

    I am in shock, I am 65, and to have got into this situation with a small son I just don’t know how this could of happened. What goes with this mentality?

    The wife called a few moments ago to say she would let me have the rest of my clothes and suitcase if I let her take my son to stay here in Thailand and I go back to the UK alone. That is NOT an option to see the life he would have he is just a mascot for them to show a white boy with fair hair in the village.

    I am at a resort in Udon Thani at the moment I have to sell or store my bike and leave for the UK ASAP. anyone know where i could store a Honda Steed?

    Being confused and shocked, what are my options try to fix with the wife as she is adamant she wants to live with her family not me, and also having spent a small fortune with the coffee shop and visa for the UK she keeps talking about me building a house near her family. That has also been the cause of some problems.
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