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Posts posted by sagittarius6999

  1. Why dont they hold the court case in absentia, like they do in many other  countries and strip him of his properties and wealth and if not found, from the temple., there is always a remedy. Then put him on a wanted list around the world to be arrested

  2. There are some really stupid posts, such as they guy who mentioned that Ireland had a land border with Northern Ireland and no problems existed, how can you possibly compare the 2. The border between the North and the south was done basically on religious grounds and thousands of not nice people crossed it with arms and explosives to kill people and in those days the words Immigrants never past anyone's lips. Today. many immigrants cross over to the UK by the ferries across the Irish sea, so maybe we should  have a wall or whatever between them

  3. Let them have another referendum but this time make it  fair, let the whole of the UK vote , not just the scots and then they will win but 95% to 5% as people are p--------d off with them always moaning and wanting more money, it already costs nearly twice as much to look after every scot than those in England.

    In 2 years they will be broke and going cap in hand to the IMF and of course back to the UK saying oops we made a mistake and the the rest of the UK gives them two greasy fingers, pompous lot

  4. Its people like the the bleeding hearts who are so "compassionate " that we have all these problems with Muslims and refugees in the world.. Why should anyone feel the have a right to anywhere in the world. Donald is spot on with refusing entry , pity the UK does not adopt a similar strategy. I know I will get them all on complaining about my attitude. They always think they speak for the majority  but they dont, they are in the minority its just that bleeding hearts always want to get online and talk, makes them feel goog

  5. I used to race saloon cars and that car is doing approximately 150 mph and by the look of it does not appear to be braking the speed of the vehicle is not reducing and at such high speed if maximum braking was being used the front end should be dipping down under the braking force. Like someone else said, he was going extremely fast, do not need to know how fast, anyone crashing into the rear of another is automatically guilty and why would he want to be trying to undertake a car that is in inside lane with carriageway to pass on, obviously must be drunk or on drugs. I see there is no mention now in official comments that was given earlier that he knocked a motorcyclist off on this same journey or the guy who was hit by his previous BMW, presume they have been bunged to reduce the mud in the water. Question? Do the Thai authorities read Thai Visa and do we have any effect apart fro getting our frustration off our chests

  6. " whose African boyfriend had allegedly hired Siriwan"

    The proverbial African boy friend story .... they're such a nice lot those guys, when will those Thai lady

    will ever learn? never I guess, as there's tones of drugs out there, millions of African boyfriends and

    thousands of gullible stupid women who's willing to take the risks....

    Well you know these Thai Girls they love the "BIG BAMBOO"

  7. Thailand does not need to invent more taxes it just needs to implement the laws they already have and make the fines so many times the persons daily wage.

    Motorcycles, helmets, speeding, dangerous driving, driving on footpaths, driving on wrong side of the road.

    Beach Road prostitutes, 2000 Bt Businesses and Vendors using the pavement to sell their wares shall we say 3000 bt

    Most of the above are not just laws broken but actually cause danger to others and there are loads of other laws broken that if they were enforced would bring in billions a year.

    Where I live off Soi boukhao ( I know its spelt wrong ) I could make 50,000bt a day just in motoring fines only charging 100 bt an offence

  8. All the people who said dont pay the inflated price, walk away, they will bring the price down when they learn. I have to ask how long you have been coming/living in Thailand if you think you will make any difference they would sooner go broke than loose face and put the price down. I was in Hua Hin about 9 years ago, the guest house I stayed in was 16000 a month in Jan and Feb,coming to March I say lower season in March is that right, she say yes, so I say price come down, oh no she say , go up to 18,000. I was taken aback and asked how lower season could be higher price, she answered by saying, I have no

    customer only you, so price have to go up. I said I would leave if she put the price up, so she said leave then. That is the Thai mentality or lack of it.

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  9. The most scandleous part of the sentance was not that he got it reduced to a suspended one, they could have done that straight off the bat, it was the rediculous reason. "He has never been charged or imprisoned before" so that is why he gets no jail. He killed 4 , was guilty , could go to jail for 10 years but because you have never been caught before you get no jail. Suppose if I shoot someone as I have been a good guy all my life I will be let off, Ooops, forgot I am not Thai.

    The country is great place to stay, short or long term and the people in general are great but as a functional country it must rank along with the worst, would love someone to name any government department national or local that good be said to be run efficiently and without, cronyism, nepotism or coruption.

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