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Posts posted by nickinspring

  1. Amazing, locals ask for government help, don't get it...... start a project on their own dime and what do we get, bitchin' !!!! I think, that it is a good comment on self determination of a Village to improve themselves. I like that they got tired of waiting (though, I am not patient enough to wait 40 years) and have started to take action themselves.

  2. A Fool and his money will surely be parted. First, he should have had a emergency reserve fund to support himself, and get himself home. But, to the comment, is he to lazy to work ----- remember that unless he has a work permit it is illegal for him to work in Thailand (or for that matter in most countries) as he would be taking a job away from a Thai. Second, never fund a business for someone else. Third, if she loves you, funding a business will not be an issue and fourth, take her to a lawyer and set up a contract with her over any business arrangement(and use your lawyer, not her's). Also, if he had used a lawyer, and a Chartered Accountant(CPA in the USA) they would probably have brought it to his attention that the costs of setting up a business and being able to fund his life in Thailand were beyond his means.

    I do feel for this man, it seems that a naive man, who trusts his heart instead of his common sense (and a good lawyer and accountant) will always lose. But, just to put this in perspective. I have a friend in Nebraska, USA, just got divorced. He had started a business with his wife years ago, and during the divorce she plead poverty and was looking for alimony from him in the divorce. Saying that the business was losing money and that she would be unable to support herself from the business. Well, he knew that the business was profitable, that it would supply her with a good income. So, he investigated, and found that she had opened a Bank Account in another state - and had been funneling money into that account for several years. So, after this was disclosed to the judge with the appropriate affidavits, the judge fined her for hiding assets and forced her to turn over half the assets in the account to her husband and denied her alimony. Woohoo,

    So, remember, it is not a Thai thing to screw over your partner (in love, or business). It is a thing that happens all over the world.......

  3. WoW, Sorry to hear about your troubles, but your sharing has brought up some very important considerations to take into account. Any other suggestions on how to protect your cash when in Thailand would be greatly appreciated. And, I was wondering if it is possible to get a safe deposit box in a Thai bank to stash some cash (for emergencies), credit cards, and copies of passport and other important papers? It seems that this would be a good precaution to have cash for an emergency.

    I thank you all for the suggestions posted so are. I appreciate them.



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