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  1. And the parents were not taken into custody?
  2. What's the point? Molko is right. Meloni is a pioneer of national socialism and racism, and is apparently becoming socially acceptable again... we see this all over the world!
  3. By creating artificial outrage against foreigners, one can easily turn a blind eye to the crime committed by fellow countrymen in one's own country
  4. No, dry mean dehumidifier and has nothing to do with air purification. Generally, air conditioners cool the existing air and do not produce new fresh air!
  5. ....and in your country foreigners can work without a work permit, joker
  6. That doesn't matter. In order to perform, you need a work permit, otherwise public music-making is only permitted for Thais!
  7. Your own fault, Thailand! Completely misguided visa policy. Quantity seems to be more important than quality here. Only lets more scum into the country. That and the new tax regulations are making many expats in Thailand think about leaving Thailand!!
  8. Really......Is this a tip for stupid? The consequence for such stupidity in Thailand is conviction with financial consequences and deportation for foreigners!
  9. Beautiful fairy tale. Dog killers in Thailand. Do you actually believe what you're drooling about?
  10. That means: wait and see! As long as the Thai government is not able to provide reliable information, I will not even get a TIN. Btw....Cambodija is also a nice Country
  11. Space Oil: https://www.google.com/search?q=space+oil&sca_esv=a12588ecf4d7e578&sxsrf=AHTn8zpXJZpykhJxe9-fE7G3EXB-ws2viw%3A1739526895739&source=hp&ei=7xKvZ5jtKrGRvr0P1p2vgA0&iflsig=ACkRmUkAAAAAZ68g_10snJMkFKn7KFoTTBfK8vzn9HBA&udm=7&oq=&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IgAqAggAMgoQIxjwBRgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQLhgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCMgcQIxgnGOoCSPATUABYAHABeACQAQCYAQCgAQCqAQC4AQHIAQCYAgGgAg6oAgqYAw7xBVT7oJL-d8xnkgcBMaAHAA&sclient=gws-wiz#fpstate=ive&ip=1&vld=cid:f9937e71,vid:kbgRZ-C8jBI,st:0
  12. The problem is the dirty fantasy of certain locals

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