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  1. These criminals do not deserve anonymity, why are they pixelated at AN?
  2. At school, a child not only learns arithmetic and mathematics, but also social behavior with other children. Overprotection of children is also a form of child abuse. Anyone who homeschools them is keeping them in solitary confinement... anyway, my daughter has successfully completed all all state school levels here in Thailand, including medical studies. Today she is an assistant doctor in a private hospital and... she was not bitten by a snake once during her entire time at school
  3. Copper nail in the trunk works 100%
  4. There he is again, the racial expert at Asean now
  5. Clueless: The hospital costs are not a real problem, they are 30 Baht/day for Thais
  6. A few years in prison followed by an expensive assessment and rehabilitation will fix it for sure
  7. On the contrary! The death penalty must be reinstated worldwide.
  8. ...."...for the benefit of Thai citizens"...... Disgusting, these pandering populist politicians
  9. You mean this Dr Mark Trozzi, also known as a conspiracy theorist, who had his doctor license revoked
  10. Fresh, crispy white bread with butter, French Camembert cheese, original Italian salami, some pineapple, cantaloupe and a donut, rounded off with fresh coffee
  11. How to uninstall McAfee on your Windows computer In the Start menu, select Control Panel. Select Programs and Features. Right-click McAfee Security Center and select Uninstall/Change. Select the checkboxes next to "McAfee Security Center" and "Remove all files" for this program. Select Remove to uninstall the app.
  12. According to your expression, by crass, insensitive, rude people you mean yourself
  13. ....and nothing happend....I bet
  14. The story of two fools ends like this: One dead, the other spends his future in prison🙄🙄🙄

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