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  1. Yagoda and Facts......Ice vs fire......🤣
  2. ....and Trump/Musk right wing fascism😉
  3. Tea money eventually🤣
  4. Of course, Bangkok has always been in the earthquake zone, and in 1964, the alert level was adjusted to reflect reality. Danger Level 2!
  5. Complete nonsense from an unsuspecting!
  6. Another self-proclaimed construction expert who thinks a magnitude 7.6 earthquake is a joke. In most Western countries, such an earthquake would result in 80% structural damage. I've built two houses in Thailand and I'm familiar with the earthquake safety requirements here! Where is your authority on this utter nonsense you're spouting?
  7. No wonder? Corruption is deeply rooted in the Shinawatra family.
  8. Phetchabun south?
  9. I like your kindergarten humor, it fits
  10. Is this here a Forum for mentally retardet?
  11. Nonsensical chatter! Anyone who knows how easy it is to get a driver's license in LOS knows where the problem lies: education, education, education. TV spots and safety-first banners are just cheap substitutes.
  12. .....like a normal person.....says who?
  13. Nope, that's more the right wing level you prefer
  14. [email protected] Brit tried to steal the motorcycle.....you apparently have no idea about the incident or are illiterate
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