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Posts posted by Wadan

  1. Then why does this charade have to continue? Doesn't the justice system have anyone with conscience to do the honorable thing. I wonder if in the system there are provisions for bringing charges to anyone who engages in coverup, purgery and making attempts to pin evidence on innocent subjects. Is there any provision to bring and lay charges in the event such acts deemed to have taken place?

  2. Off course it is not Thai persons carrying out these dirty crimes. They are the model of decency, high values and super ethics. The police are honest and take no tea money. And when a Thai makes a mistake , thy only have to become a mond for a week. Then they become perfect again.

    Common you farangs who are corrupting the Thais. go back to your country and leave Perfect Thailand alone.

  3. This is the problem with Thailand. This murderous cop killing woman should not have the option to dictate how much she should pay.

    This poor family lost a bread winner in the prime of his life. she should pay through her nose plus jail time.

    she gets to have it her way. kill an innocent man, avoid being tested at the scene for being under the influence, and and created a circus like atmosphere at the crime scene. Now she is trying to dictate the terms of her criminal act.

    Thailand is a lovely country but the laws smells. the justice system is redicilous once again it is showing that one law exists for the rich and another for the poor,

    This crmimial should not be in this position to dictate any option. should be in jail where she belongs and an appropriate part of her weath confiscated to help this surffering family

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