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Posts posted by babynutz007

  1. Mahidol has an excellent reputation and from what I've heard they have an excellent international college. If I could do it all over again, I would go there.

    After I completed my B.B.A., most of my friends I studied with were hired and are either working in Thailand or abroad. However, if you're not from Thailand it's still difficult to find someone to hire you and pay foreigners wages.

    Opening your own business might get you around that. Since you're an American, you qualify to start a business and own it 100% under the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation between Thailand and the United States. That might help if you have enough money to start the business.

    I started on an MBA as soon as I completed my B.B.A. because I had some money left from the GI Bill. I figured studying may be beneficial down the road. I did have a part time job but felt it interfered with my studies so I quit.

    Now a days, if you're not from ASEAN then it may be even harder to get hired. ASEAN integration takes Thailand's labor market of almost 40 million and ups it to 315 million people with the inclusion of the other ASEAN countries labor forces. It's hard to say what the large ASEAN labor force will do to competition and wages. Some countries may see increases in wages while other countries may see declines. First world countries say the labor increases will not have much impact on wages but studies show its a different story in developing countries such as Thailand.

    Already in Bangkok many western English teachers are being replaced by Philippino English teachers because they are cheaper to hire and speak English well enough to teach in the Bangkok schools. I expect this trend to continue with foreign wages ultimately being impacted.

    Increases in the importance of globalization will make an international education more important throughout the world. However, in some ASEAN countries, xenophobia may make it more difficult to hire foreigners. Non-tariff barriers seem to be increasing the closer we get to the December 31st, 2015 AEC deadline.

    The MBA does seem to be getting me teaching offers because my ASEAN thesis topic is quite popular. I've also spoken on my topic 4 or 5 times at my university as well as other places in Chiang Mai as well. I'm hoping there is enough interest in Chiang Mai for me to find a good job but you never know.

    Good luck to you and your studies.


    Excellent reply. Very informative. I appreciate your opinion on the developing ASEAN integration as this will most definitely impact my future. I will most most assuredly be pursuing my MBA considering nowadays a BA is a dime a dozen. Im hoping to put myself through the first year of college so I can save a year of the GI bill for the more expensive MBA.

    I was hoping to get your opinion on what you think the difference would be in getting my MBA back in the states or in Thailand? My thoughts were, BA in Thailand for global experiance, then MBA in the states to round it off and increase my network of connections and credibility. I'm not sure if I will go back to the states for the MBA or stay in Thailand... Also, I have considered starting a business in Thailand but I will have a while until I have to make a decision on that.

    My ex-girlfriend just moved to thailand to teach english and from what I understand, their are quite a bit of ESOL jobs available but the higher pay is dwindling and only available at the international colleges. I have no idea where the job market will be 4-6 years from now... I hope we are all still alive pending an alien invasion! Your thesis topic also sounds interesting. You said you are getting teaching offers? For english or teaching at a International College? Your direction and accomplishments thus far, fuel me in that I can better envision where I should be going. Thanks again for all the info!


  2. I used mine here and got an extra year when I requested an extension. The money goes a lot farther here than it does in the US. The graduation ceremony was last night in Chiang Mai.

    attachicon.gifMark Graduates.jpg

    What did you study?

    International Business Management for a B.B.A.


    I want to get the same BBA degree at Mahidol University in Bangkok using the GI Bill. What is your opinion on that degree since you received it? Was it worth it and helpful? Job opportunities? Any advice you would give me could be greatly appreciated!

    I used GI Bill in Thailand at Mahidol University, so can confirm they are on the list

    Although you also need to check the major as well to see if it is approved. If interested in International Business degree than can confirm this is approved, as this was my major.

    Although if interested in a different major it is not a big deal. As I had to submit papers to VA to add IB major.

    Actually just needed to put school admin in touch with VA and The VA told the school what docs were needed and all was taken care of and approved before the terms started.


    I am happy to hear you went to Mahidol as I will be going there for the exact same degree. What did you think of the international schooling? What is your opinion on that degree since you received it? Was it worth it and helpful? Job opportunities? Are you still in the area? What are your thoughts on getting a masters degree either back in the states after graduation or in Thailand? Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated!

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