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Everything posted by Slugs11

  1. You can start the process of applying for the Non O visa straight after you get back into Thailand. I did the same as you’re planning. I left Thailand to kill off the old Non OA visa, re entered Thailand the next day and started the process of applying for the Non O visa within the first week. Just wanted to get it all completed and not leave it to the last few days.
  2. Our first full blood Beefmaster calf born on the farm. One of the 6 traits of Beefmaster cattle is suppose to be easy calving. Maybe because she was a heifer and her first time calving she was struggling, had to help her in the end and pull the calf. Excellent mother with plenty of milk, another of the 6 traits what they were breed for, so hopefully the calf will grow good. Happy as it’s heifer calf so will most likely keep her for future breeding.
  3. First calf from my full blood Beefmaster bull. The Dam is 75% Hereford. It’s a heifer calf which is always nice to see from a new bull ????
  4. Just tried my gateway tax account and again no problem in receiving the 6 digit code number. Maybe it’s your mobile provider which is blocking the code ? Certainly with AIS, no problem
  5. Just logged into my CGT gov account, no problem in receiving my 6 digit code on my Thai AIS mobile number.
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