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Posts posted by markokang

  1. I was witness to an accident with a bus and a motorcycle. The bus was definitely wrong but I was very surprised when at the police station we all had to wait for the manager of the bus company who chatted with the police who finally told the young girl she was at fault at which point I intervened and said it definitely wasn't her fault and I suggested to the girl to take it to court at which point the police said they would prosecute the girl for reckless driving. She said she didn't want a problem and it was left up to the insurance guy who meekly said ok and signed the documents accepting his clients liability. Draw your own conclusions as to why it happened this way. $

  2. Outside Burapa University last night there was a big brawl involving over 30 students (Not from Burapa) on motorcycles. No-one seriously hurt but this stuff goes on almost daily now in Thailand. Only when someone dies is it newsworthy.

    Pretty accurate article. Good point too by Crusty: There is little for young kids/teenagers to do outside of school, particularly in Bangkok.

  3. Those with the urge to let loose with a volley of snide put-downs, should instead consider that this man is playing by the rules. He's exercising his legal rights to seek redress before the courts. His protest is peaceful and not an imposition to anyone else's rights and liberties. At the very least, he is entitled to appear before a judge who can then render a decision based upon the evidence. What we see is the same type of delay that some U.S. states employ with wrongfully convicted people on death row. The Innocence Project has cleared alot of innocent people based upon DNA evidence that prosecutors and police wanted to suppress or prevent from being used. According to the Innocence Project more than one-third of the first 250 people exonerated by DNA testing were 22 or under when they were arrested. They spent decades in jail being abused and denied their rights. If an advanced society like the USA can send people to prison, what happens in Thailand to those without the means to defend themselves and that are wrongfully condemned?

    What's the alternative for this person other than the court system? Do you want him to get violent and start making things boom as has happened elsewhere in Thailand? Justice delayed is justice denied and justice denied is an indication of a corrupt judiciary. ( Corruption does not necessarily mean the taking of bribes but includes interference by political and vested interests.)

    I agree 100%!

    There are many many people in prison that should NOT be there!

    The Thai justice system is a scary thing, stay here long enough and you will see what its really like.

  4. The government cant even get the flood problem under control, despite admitting it happens every year, pretty much like their English plan, they haven't got the basics right before progressing to other less important things like idioms and non-existent earthquakes.

    A lot of study with little action, good for the politicians, bad for the people.

  5. BBC sure lost credibility. I know ol' Dan was in the camp and scared, but as a reporter, can't he enter and exit? His expressions showed he thought of them as "victims" reduced to only slingshots and such. No research into the root of the problems were presented. Man, CNN did the same sort of things.

    Actually, I though Reuters presented it more unbiased.

    In times like this, you'll have propaganda.

    I agree, I know a few Reuters journos and they ask a lot of questions to a lot of people and then make up their own mind. CNN etc, come in and get an interview from whoever and leave without much research or even worse incorrect research. Many of the Reuters reporters have been here for years and so already know a lot of background and have a lot of contacts.

  6. It would be very interesting to hear Marko Cunningham's views - the only foreign medic in Thailand working with the crash teams.

    I doubt he would make any negative comments. I have never heard anyone that was planning on staying here make negative comments if they were working with the Thai government, education, or medical. Most leave Thailand and go negative, then its written of as if they were disgruntled or liars.

    I have only just spotted this forum comment so am replying a year late sorry!

    I have PLENTY of negative comments (most that have got me into trouble) but most can be read in my book "Sleeping with the Dead"

    I certainly haven't made any friends with my comments but they are blunt and factual.

    Way to complex to write about here but basically the Thai Rescue service is 95% voluntary and so government regulations are minimal since they are happy to not have to pay for an professional ambulance service.

    There are many groups, two of the best (and biggest) are Ruamkatanyu and Poh Teck Tung. They are more professionally trained than the smaller groups. Also in the last 10 years standards have been dramatically improved.

    but saying that I have no doubt that what this writer is saying about the poor "Rescue" attempt is true. There are still some shockingly bad rescue workers out there.

  7. This report has already been long discredited for the biased opinon piece that it is. the language is neither neutral nor objective, but rather hysterical and inflammatory. Why would the reds send only 200 guards if they thought there were 400 soldiers inside? Why would they come with stick to fight with 400 soldiers with guns? Why haven't the Red leaders been shouting this from the stage instead of falling over themselves to in turns apologise then blame each other, the hospital, the government, the position of the stars etc etc?????

    It's a nonsense and you know it.

    I have no idea about that part of it, you may be right! I am only talking about the incident in the car park at 9pm on Thursday night!

    Read my post again! Call me a liar if you want but its REALLY bizarre that more than 1 person come up with the same lie!

    I was 10 meters away from the shooting and even talked to one of the soldiers!

    I already said I wouldn't reply to anymore comments but have 1 day off after a long time! Pity I am wasting it on here:/

  8. so markokang you where there you got pics of the sheels . that would mean you are one of the guys storming the hospital . remember they opend fire from inside according to nathuwat

    please post the pics go on dont be selfish

    cant wait to see

    still waiting for your shell-pics

    Even IF I post pictures are you going to believe me!?????

    Secondly I reply late because I am working every day at the Red Cross Hospital (Behind Chula). Unlike you I don't have a lot of time to sit behind a computer desk flaming other people! (Although I would like to take this opportunity to say you are a D@#k!:)

    I don't appreciate your antagonism asking to see a photo of a shell on the ground when we both know it will make no difference to you calling me a liar!

    Secondly IF you had read my post correctly you would know I was talking about an incident that happened in the CAR PARK outside of the building!

    Finally here is an "alternative" report of what actually happened by Mandala News. (The only thing about this news story is that the shooting happened on the evening of the 29th (not the 28th). I believe this is a mistake by the writer.



    "Chulalongkorn Hospital – an alternative account

    May 1st, 2010 by Andrew Walker · 34 Comments

    There has been enormous media coverage of red intrusion into Chulalongkorn Hospital. A New Mandala reader(NOT ME) has provided this alternative account:

    Pure cunning of the state security apparatus and their army friends portrayed through the media as Red occupation of Chula Hospital. Here’s the truth from firsthand accounts, including a close friend currently at the protest site: on the morning of the 28 April the Director of Chula Hospital ordered the moving of patients out of two buildings to other hospitals without any reason. Outpatients was open as usual. In the evening [see correction below] Red Guards asked to check inside the hospital as two security guards at the hospital arrested them and then let them go. However, a group of soldiers ran from the hospital building and crossed the road toward Suriwong Road and later to rejoin an army site situated on Silom Road. Soldiers shot twelve rounds to scare the red guards who in turn then then ran back to the rally site. Morning 29 April, Hospital Director referred to a higher authority requesting to unblock the road and that there would not be any army or police around. The three core leaders (Jatupon, Wiira, and Nuttawut) agreed, even as it was apparent that there were no patients inside since midday the day before. This road is strategically vital because it connects to the back of the Red stage. But the director did not keep his word. In the evening, eye witness accounts noted around 400 heavily armed soldiers located near the protestors and inside the hospital building itself. There were no patients and all lights were turned off in these buildings. Then the army moved in close to the mouth of Silom Road: About 50 PAD simultaneously came to wave flags and taunted the protestors. The red guards then quickly replaced the barricades. The police and blue uniform special branch then ran across the road. It is clear that the final plot is being hatched: Newin’s thugs have now infiltrated the protestors because of the mixed colours and the army using Chulalongkorn University grounds and the Hospital as a base for massing forces for the final crunch. the final push will come from at least two sides, but through the rear with the help of the “Hospital” director and the black shirt thugs are armed to move in close to the stage. It is anticipated to come early in the morning before five AM because that is the time that the day volunteers replace the night protestors. Did this account get reported in the media?

    [uPDATE: 2 May 2010. The author has corrected one aspect of this account. The author now reports that the shooting incident took place on 29 April. ]"


    So now you either believe me OR conclude there is a conspiracy going on! lol

    I will not reply to anymore posts regarding this as I don't really want to waste my time. I have already spent too much time trying to defend a simple incident that happened 10 meters away from me! I had no idea it would be so controversial!

    Back to my job of helping people!

  9. Markokang --- why do not even the Reds document what you claim?

    The initial tweets in the Nation's daily news thread reported the sound of gunfire, which was later corrected to be fire crackers.

    Obviously one of the two reports is wrong.

    I was there: I have a photo of the shells, meaningless I know, as that could have been taken anywhere.

    Where was "The Nation" when this happened?

    But I AM surprised it was reported as firecrackers! Thats a blatant lie (or serious mistake) by someone.

  10. Markokang --- why do not even the Reds document what you claim?

    JDinAsia... I have no idea!:)

    But what is the "incident" that took place on Thursday night?

    Don't really care if you believe it or not, I have no reason to lie as you can see in my post it lays blame with both parties..

    Whatever... ignore if you want, I don't really care but many people know me in BKK and would believe what I said.

  11. Please understand I am writing as neutrally as possible here with a couple of observations. I have my own beliefs but they don't align with any color OR any government. I am just reporting what I saw since the reports are not quite accurate enough and may answer some of the questions asked here.

    The so called "incident" was a SHOOT OUT!

    I was right there (5 meters away) and the Thursday night incident happened like this. It was about 9pm. There were about 7 armed soldiers in the car park of Chula Hospital at the very far end near the Red Cross hospital and they were sneaking their way towards the hospital where the Reds are held up another 300 meters away hiding behind trees and bushes.

    I also saw the Reds were creeping up on the soldiers and I knew they would clash so picked up my pace to get past the soldiers and to the Red Cross Hospital where I am based. Just as I got past them there was a hail of Sling Shot ball-bearings whizzing past me and the army personnel and there was also a small caliber shot fired(which came from where the Reds were positioned). Immediately after the small caliber shot was fired the 7 or so army personnel fired about 15 rounds from M16's. After that I didn't see much as I ran across the road where 30 or so unarmed police officers saw me running and immediately followed me to run into the Red Cross Hospital to hide.

    The firing lasted about 5 seconds and then a contingent of unarmed police went back into the Chula Hospital car park were the incident happened car and sat down in the middle of the car park and given a speech by a senior officer. The Reds and the army had disappeared back to their original positions and it appears that no one was hurt.

    It seems the police are relatively neutral in this as they are allowed to sit in the middle of the car park, very close to the Reds, unarmed without incident. I was surprised at this since there had just been an armed standoff there. Senior police regularly walk around the grounds and talk with the Reds.

    I don't know why the army was in the hospital grounds, this is not their normal position. They are normally on the opposite side of the road (and apparently are not allowed in the grounds of Chula Hospital?)

    Secondly, the small caliber shot appeared to me to have had to come from the where the Reds were, and I have already seen a hand gun in the Reds enclave in the past so have little doubt about this. I believe the Red's fired a handgun first, or someone standing next to the Reds.

    This all took place in the Chula Hospital car park located next to Param 4(Rama 4) not in any buildings. M16 shells were found and photographed by the media and the police.


  12. Has anyone noticed that the soldiers were wearing pink ribbons around their neck today?

    The colors are to signify what platoon they belong to. There are many many colors I have seen so far, Blue, yellow, red, pink and green, possibly more. I asked the soldiers and that's what they told me (The only thing in the translation Im not sure about is "platoon")

  13. I just heard that there have been several cases of H1N1 in the Red Shirt enclave! Could it be that this once feared disease is the answer to the whole problem! Could they all be sent home because of fear of an epidemic there!?

    Would be an amazing end to an tricky situation (even if only a temporary one).

    Source: Channel 3 news

  14. such incident gives me 2nd thought about my plan to drive into Thailand this year end... hrmpp...

    Maybe Msia-Hatyai-Phuket routes are safer ??

    anyway, very sad of such happening ... furthermore towards a person who is a dad to be ... i hope the family, esp the wife and the kid to come will pull it thru ... god bless them

    Absolutely NOT! Its just as bad, if not worse, down there! On top of that you have Muslim extremists letting off bombs in the southern most towns such as Pattani almost daily, on top of that just search (Phuket-Patong) for a long list of violent crimes in the last few years. Where ever you choose to go in Thailand, don't travel alone at night, etc. Common sense stuff. And ALWAYS "ALWAYS" walk away from confrontation, even if you're sure you're right, let it go, its not worth it, you will never win, even if you win! Almost all Thai males will have a weapon on them at any one time, especially in vehicles...

    Good luck with your trip:)

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  15. I still can't really understand why Thais are fighting over who they want to F* them over, whatever color government wins the average Thai will surely be shafted once again!

    They all should be fighting over 1 issue and that is corruption, its the basis of all problems in Thailand (and other countries for that matter)... stick together and denounce corruption...

  16. Can't U guys read anything between the lines? Phuket is the first place anywhere in Thailand I ever had to pay a Bribe to get something done on my passport, It was not very much, but it was a real eye opener, There was a special fee and no place to gain understanding of it, a long line of Ferang waiting to get this stamp and pay the special fee.

    That this guy would be transferred and so close to his retirement, is a real indication that somebody somewhere is trying to do some clean up in a much needed area, about time too, Phuket has been an immigration mess for as long as I have been coming to Thailand.

    No, In actual fact quite the opposite, he wasn't making his quota of Tea Money!:)

  17. Not defending the bar owners who do this. I would love to see it wiped out. I am questioning the scapegoating ONLY of gay establishments. That seems political, and it stinks.

    FACT: In Chon Buri (and I imagine ANY place in Thailand) you can get underage girls from Karaoke bars! from 14 to 18(possibly younger). But these are THAI establishments and almost NEVER frequented by foreigners. No crackdowns or arrests there! Some are there to pay of parents debts, or there own debts, some choose to work there but they are still underage. They are frequented by Thais only and sometimes by local authorities: and not to arrest anyone but to use the service!

    ANY day of the week the police could go there and arrest people and get the girls out BUT... they don't.... why? A hundred answers to that question!

    Why too, are there children in servitude on the streets of Bangkok selling flowers or begging!? This is illegal and comes under the newly updated law (1 year ago) of "Human Trafficking". Some of these children are sold into servitude or helping to pay off parents debts, others literally bought as slaves. They are picked up and dropped off by gangs (or organized crime groups)... in front of everyone's eyes on Sukhumvit road! never an arrest or story in the news about these crimes!

    So much going on here but actually foreigners are a tiny tiny part of it. Its all run by and used by Thais.... no arrests! no news! I know a 14 year old girl who was given in marriage to a Thai man in my sisters home town of Rayong! The things that go on in Thailand right under all your noses is shocking. And I'm sure there is a lot more sick stuff that even I find hard to believe: Rumors and stories I've heard but they are less provable.... if there was a really good reporter out there who could leave the country after the story was published (that's if the papers would publish it) they could be famous and help save a lot of other victims or horrendous crimes in Thailand!

    I agree this story has a political edge to it and only happened because of the FBI's complaint! Otherwise is business as usual in Thailand!

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