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Posts posted by ngainfish

  1. Hello my wife is haveing a bit of dificulty sending money to the uk from Thailand, the money is in her sisters acount... Her sister went to a bangkok bank branch and tryed to send a transfer but it was refused .. Is there laws against sending money out of the country? If the banks will not do a transfer is there alternatives? How much thb can you carry out the country.. Thanks to any sme's who can help out!

  2. Hi all

    Due to bad admin my wife will be flying to thailand via malaysia this summer on one of these as her passport has expired. Im finding it hard to get any info from the Embassy on these . Has anyone seen / heard of these. id like to know a little more about them? espeaicaly how long there valid for as she will need at least 6 months, to be aloud to travel through malaysia?

    Thanks for any help you can offer!

  3. Ashas been said, if the trip is back to Thailand she can travel on an expired apsspor and get a new Thai passport in Thailand, provided she is registered on someones househld book. The Thai passport only takes about 4 days and can be send to her adres in Thailand. Applying takes less than 30 minutes.
    The Thing is flights are booked To KL Malaysia and we were going to travel up to her home town in the Deep South so Scuppers that plan, gona cost me a bit to change flights direct to BKK.

    Has anyone got any Knowledge on CIs (certificate of Identity) and how these work, What i realy want to know is will they let her into Malaysia with one?

    Im trying to find out on the web but no english translation, and the wife god bless - thick as mince.

  4. Tryed today, There very Rigid with apointments now, and wouldnt help us out. sat at the back till 12 to see if there were any cancelations and they still wouldnt help because they got Stamps and there Important.

    So Screws my travel arangements, if she goes to the embassy two weeks before flying they can issue her with a Emergency Passport. and we will have to go to Bangers and get a new one, two days it takes aparently.

    Top tip for anyone whos wanting to renew a thai passport start trying to make an apointment atleast 4 months before travelling.. bag of arse!

  5. Hello There.

    Having booked my trip to Thailand this August we checked passports to see if they were in date and to my horror the wifes runs out in June. Having tried very hard to get through to the embassy for an appointment, after the 15th attempt got through and told the quickest appointment i can get is 1st of July. with a 4 to 6 weeks processing times thats leaving things far to close for comfort. I asked the operator was there any chance of getting in before that and he sounded uncertain and told me no guarantee!

    Has anyone tried to get in to the Embassy in London to renew a passport without an appointment, or has anyone who may have been to the embassy to renew a passport with an appointment notice them letting people through without appointments!!

    Really grateful for any tips or info anyone can give to us!

    Our fault for being daft and not keeping on top of the passports ! But really hope we can get it in time .. Last chance for a nice holiday for me the missus and kid before going to Afghanistan for 7 months with the Forces!

    Thanks again!

  6. Thank you very much for your answers,

    Having thought about it i think we will persit with the ilr route, as anoying as it all is best to get it over and done with.

    And thanks for clearing up the Tax credit situation for me, nice to know there not going to stop giving us money :o

    All the best


  7. Hello,

    My wife and our daughter have been living together in the UK for for just over a year, Recently ive been preparing for the next stage of getting my wife ILR and have my wife learning such usefull facts as how many Parlimentry constitutions there are in the UK, and how many seats the UK have on the european Parliment. To pass the ball ache of a LITUK Course.

    I Just read about the european family permit, And realise i have a claim through my Grandparents to being Irish. very tempted to go for this Cheaper and less hassle option.

    But > after Completing the 5 years will she be entitled to citizenship? Will she have to do that daft LITUK test? Would her rights to NHS treatment be the same as she is on the settlement visa (Spouse) now?

    also will she be able to travel with me freely to other european countrys with out applying for a visa?

    Thanks if you can answer any of these questions.

    Another thing im unsure of is. Since being in The UK i have started recieving Child Tax Credits and working Tax Credits, Despite my wifes Visa stating (No recourse to Public Funds) Am i alowed to claim these Tax credits as a Family ? or am i heading for trouble? ... if anyone can answer that it will put my mind at ease!

    Thanks for any replies!


  8. Thanks very much for the input!

    ...Although they cant travel on there UK visa its not to much of a nightmare to get the required German visa, which is a weight off the mind...

    Ill probaly apply for there visas in London as theyll be stayin in England for the first couple of weeks till i get established in Germany, and find some were to live other than the back of the car! :o ...

    Thanks again


  9. Hello There!

    Im planing on returning to The UK in August with my wife and daughter who have both got thai passports and UK settlement visas... the later being bit of an epic and best of luck to all going through the process!!

    Ive been offerd a spot of work in Germany, which after an initial 2 weeks in Uk im probaly going to travel there and take it up.

    My Question is can i take my wife and Daughter with me, with there UK visas... does it allow them to travel around the european continent as well? or will i have to apply for German visas for them, which i dont expect would be easy seeing as im not German....

    Thanks very much for any advice you can offer!! :o

    Oh another one while im here... any recomdations for cheap flights back to the UK... Contacts etc..

    Thanks Again!

  10. "Ill Informed" your not wrong there.

    The company im working for has run out of visas for westerners, there for ive had to set up a Partnership with my wife (thai), to obtain a work permit which i had help with. The same people who helped me set up the partnership have aplyed for the work permit already and have given me the (Aplication Recieving Form) WP.3 ticked on it? And told me to take it to penang and apply for Non imigrant B. Does this sound corect? or will it be a wasted trip? im in an awkward position and dont want the people who are helping me to loose face, as they are part of the company ill be working for.

    Seeing as i am so ill informed would some one please enlighten me?

  11. Hello There!

    was looking for information on a non imigrant B visa/ work permit.

    I have My own Company and have aplyed for a work permit, And recieved a (aplication recieving Form) from the department of employment, is this all i require to make the non imigrant b Visa? or will they also need to see company papers which are curently held by the department of employment?

    Also what days and times can I apply for the visa in Penang?

    And is there any were i can download a aplication form for the visa and what forms do i need to fill in?? .... Head ache...!!!! :o

    Also any recomended places to see/ stay whilst in Penang? :D Thanks for any help yous can offer!!


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