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Thai Dan

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Everything posted by Thai Dan

  1. Police asked to probe Move Forward MP Ha-ha, oh-ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha-ha! Whew, that's a good one!
  2. I had my first dose of Pfizer a few days ago. Yes, my arm got sore in the area of the jab; not to the touch really, but when raising my arm high, etc. I did find myself "fatigued", or at least sleeping more deeply and frequently than usual. Next day, fine. My boss in Singapore had the Pfizer shots there and told me his first was like mine, and that his second shot pretty much knocked him out for 2 whole days, and by the 3rd he was back to himself again. He is in his early 40s and fit. I'm nearly 60 and not. No harm in having someone around to help out, just in case, I would think. I always have my wife and son, so don't have to make the special ask. If I were in your situation and had to ask, I think I'd ask. Good luck!
  3. Hi @ubonjoe/All, Here is the latest list (attached link) from the Roi Et City Immigration Office for "Support Thai Wife", or Non-O Married. The local office phone number is listed on the bottom and is valid and working. We do call them any time we have questions and they are very helpful and patient. My wife usually does the talking but they also speak pretty good english. We have visited the local office twice to confirm requirements and obtain the list. Due to Covid, I switched to retirement visa last year, but will now switch to the Married Visa this year in hopes of being able to travel and to reduce the amount of money held in the bank for these purposes (800k down to 400k). The Roi Et Immigration Office facilitated my switch to retirement visa last year and will facilitate the change to Married Visa next month. They have advised us to come in 1 week prior to the expiry of my current visa and that will be sufficient time for them to issue the new Married Visa. Lastly, the Roi Et City Immigration office has moved from downtown to a new location just West of the city, which can be found at this Google Maps link: https://goo.gl/maps/vsHPNrxZqspXRaQT8 Hope this helps Regards Dan Non O Married List of Requirements.pdf
  4. I buy dark roast coffee beans from Red Cliff Coffee, online. They are located up north in the Chiang Rai/Chiang Mai mountains area. Great coffee with good prices and service. Been using them for a number of years now.
  5. No, not Watson's or Boots. I almost never go to those. In Roi Et City there is what I would call a big, major local pharmacy downtown that normally has the stuff none of the smaller ones do. Like I said, I will check there and the government hospital.
  6. Hi @ubonjoe Is that confirmed? I registered as soon as that link was provided here a few weeks ago and have not heard a peep from them since. I am 58 but have Cardiovascular disease, etc., so I expected to be contacted before now. Any info is welcomed. Thanks.
  7. Good idea(s). I will check with our main/big pharmacist here in Roi Et City and the local public hospital. Then, thinking ahead, if any new prescriptions are added to the mix we can call the local pharmacy before leaving the hospital to make sure they can supply. Compared to drug costs back in the U.S., these are much cheaper already, but they still amount to hundreds of US$$ per 90 days, and it looks like I will be on most of them for some years to come. It is worth looking into and being as much of an informed consumer as possible.
  8. What about this? I have to go back to the hospital for blood tests and prescription adjustments/refills every 3 months, and the wife and I have been led to believe that we can only get my meds at the hospital pharmacy. I'm currently taking about 22 tabs a day. The hospital is Srinagarend in Khon Kaen. Can/should I get my prescriptions filled outside at any major pharmacy for cheaper?
  9. Thank you. Had a look at their website, but only see wheelchairs. I'm thinking about a mobility "scooter".
  10. Where does one purchase mobility scooters in Thailand?
  11. There are actually quite a few "E" bikes available now, although I don't know if any are for sale in Thailand at this time. One would imagine the local riders of such machines here could/would attach one of those WOMPING BIG speakers to their back for extra sound effects. Like they do on the back of pickups for just about any reason at 6 o'clock in the morning in every village across the country? Check out this article which showcases some really nice E-bikes: https://luxe.digital/lifestyle/cars/best-electric-motorcycles/
  12. Nice article. Cleared everything up. Do continue your search, and good luck.
  13. Yes they have been warning about the "grave dangers" posed by climate change, and yet their track record of predicting climate change has not been too good so far. But you and I both know we won't come to any agreement on these predictions, right? No discussion or skepticism allowed, right? I'll leave it with you. Good luck saving humanity!
  14. And then there's this, since you brought up the original interview with Mr. Hansen: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/10/22/a-little-known-but-failed-20-year-old-climate-change-prediction-by-dr-james-hansen/ (Excerpt) Source: this update on Dr. Hansen’s personal web page at Columbia University. In my story, below, I quoted from Reiss here in the Salon interview. So I’m happy to make the correction for Dr. Hansen in my original article, since Mr. Reiss reports on his original error in conflating 40 years with 20 years. But let’s look at how this changes the situation with forty years versus twenty. Per Dr. Hansen’s prediction in 1988, now in 2011, 23 years later, we’re a bit over halfway there … so the sea level rise should be about halfway up the side of Manhattan Island by now. How’s that going? Are the predictions coming true? Let’s find out. Let’s look at the tide gauge in New York and see what it says.
  15. You won't be surprised that I don't take panels formed by the United Nations too awfully seriously. All the rest of the work by the U.N. being so stellar.....
  16. See how you do that? You either didn't read my words, or didn't comprehend them, or chose not to address them. Did you seriously think I was talking about development predictions?
  17. Nobody has said ICE won't be phased out, or shouldn't be. Liberals, since you brought it up, when offered a discussion of compromise, hear only "it can't be done". I am well aware of the incredible advances in renewable energy tech, and I am hopeful. But I am also pragmatic. Wind and solar can and should be used, and they are and will be, but we are not at the point where they can replace existing energy systems. Not yet. But we are in luck: we are moving in that direction, and we have time. Predictions of the last 50 years have not come to be, and it's a good thing too or New York would be under water, and I have my doubts that all these dire predictions of the next 50 years will either. And finally, one ought to have a little more faith in mankind to solve problems as they arise, pragmatically.
  18. And natural gas is literally flowing out of the earth all the time as it is. In some/many parts of the world it is being burned off 24/7 and is a total waste, while polluting unfiltered. We need to capture and use it, filtered of course to reduce its impact even more.
  19. Oh come now. Really? Everyone in Bangkok has a plug out by the curb, right by their reserved parking spot. ????
  20. Sorry you can't understand. Demons? Proliferation? Forced? Humanity reducing itself to a primitive state of simple survival in much smaller numbers?!!?!! Wow! Take it easy, big fella. We'll get there eventually and harness all that mother nature has to offer. Just try not to bankrupt and starve those that you presume to be helping. Then we can all get along. Unless the temperature goes up another 1.5 degrees, of course. Then we're screwed, right?
  21. Here's one from the U.S.: Put 4, ahem, "healthy" Americans (I'm American, so..) in there plus a driver and you're tipping the scales at a ton. And that model is for sale in the U.S. Here's a good link to that reality: https://www.treehugger.com/wheeled-electric-tuk-tuks-offer-clean-silent-shuttle-delivery-option-4857674 Like I say, that's probably fine and Thailand may be able to handle it with some relatively affordable shifts to the grid. If so, more power to them. But in the meantime they can simply go with natural gas while moving in that direction.
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