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Kurt Kubik

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Posts posted by Kurt Kubik

  1. there only is a suggestion you find a power greater than yourself.... call it him whatever you want.. and it is a just suggestions... the first is that you keep it simple..and 1 day at the time

    " some people say i am i denial, i am not"... waw what a statement.Now AA is not for those who need it... but for those who want it... elsewhere there would not be space enough i the rooms

    Its not meant to be by agitation, but by example....People can for my sake drink themself to dead or getting a wet brain.. it none of my business.. but if someone reach out for help we are there

    for me the question was stupid... does not matter what time you start.. 9-10.11 it is can you control the drinking...Asking a question how to slow down... seems like a realization that the man

    has a problem...Nothing wrong with being an alcoholic....something wrong not doing anything about it... but nice guys dies from this disease...when i wanted to control it, i could not enjoy it

    and when i could enjoy it, i could not control it....so i am out of this debate...

  2. Just about the jesus thing as they have en Europe... There is not such thing as jesus in the AA recovery program.. there are a 12 step program which is a SUGGESTION" to a program

    of recovery... there is a suggest that you find a higher power than yourself.. which means replace your EGO... well enough you know that you are not God.. Alcoholism is a disease,, a mental


    obsession and a physical addiction...there are as i see now a new recovery program, called " SMART RECOVERY" but as i see it, nobody is to stupid to join AA.. many are too smart,

    I am among drunks every day, because i need to socialice...And it seems a lot of them is doing ok... because they have a Thai wife to pick them up...So many just die from this disease

    or they hit the rock bottom... And have to make a live or die choose...so again, you are the only one to know... but we are there for you if you attend an AA meeting... for sure ;o)

    There must be different AA's then.

    My best friend - a real alcoholic - went to a meeting and walked out when they started to thank their lord for the strength he gave them to remain sober. Makes you wonder why that lord did not give them the strength to not start in the first place. Silly lord, if you ask me.

    PS: my friend is sober now, so he is not using the lord thing as an excuse to keep drinking.

  3. Just about the jesus thing as they have en Europe... There is not such thing as jesus in the AA recovery program.. there are a 12 step program which is a SUGGESTION" to a program

    of recovery... there is a suggest that you find a higher power than yourself.. which means replace your EGO... well enough you know that you are not God.. Alcoholism is a disease,, a mental


    obsession and a physical addiction...there are as i see now a new recovery program, called " SMART RECOVERY" but as i see it, nobody is to stupid to join AA.. many are too smart,

    I am among drunks every day, because i need to socialice...And it seems a lot of them is doing ok... because they have a Thai wife to pick them up...So many just die from this disease

    or they hit the rock bottom... And have to make a live or die choose...so again, you are the only one to know... but we are there for you if you attend an AA meeting... for sure ;o)

  4. Maybe you should try to find out if you are an alcoholic stop drink 1 week. if you are there are no way of slowing down.if at the other hand you are ready to admit to yourself you are an alcoholic..

    go to an AA meeting... I have been sober now for 24 years.. and sobriety deliver all alkohol promise you.;o) for me it was my best friend until it became my worst enemy... but alcoholism

    is on the other hand the only disease where your brain tells you .. there is nothing wrong with me...My Dad died at the age of 46, i have lost a lot of friends in my 24 years of recovery

    and as they say in Thailand.. its up to you....i smoke cigarettes and there is no slow down for me there either... its all or nothing... i quit 4 month.. came to Thailand in 2010 to stay,, just needed

    a drag of a cigarette, and was back at 40 a day in a matter of no time.. the same will happens if i pick up a drink... one is too many 1000 to little.... good luck

  5. I have lived here for 7 ½ year...I nearly think you or we have the answers to our own questions.. I have a GF.. we have been together nearly 3 years, met her in a bar.. but that dont really matter if its in a bar or o a dating site, .. my trick was to say after one month.. sorry some bad things happened to my finances back i denmark, so i can not take care of you anymore.. means pay her 10 k a month.. She wanted to stay, and i would never anyway have a GF that do not work..maybe i have been lucky, getting really burned the very first month i came here.. naive, and without any knowledge of the Thai culture as well as the " love and money goes together" as the one who really burned me told me years ago... they lies are all finished, because they all lie.

    Now i consider it as a honest relationship...but i have kicked many out..can only advice you to listen to your Intuition... and take actions from there..And i believe you already know the answer yourself..Wish you good luck and remember to think we the big head ;o)

  6. I have been in Aa for 24 years, now i live in Phuket and go to meeting there... Just go to meeting, dont drink between meetings...One day at the time.. take it easy..

    AA 12 step program is a simple program for complicaded people...It says a power greater than yourself... Call it what you want.. if God, just know you are not God.

    If a church helps you, go to a church... there are no dues or fees for Aa membership...Get some AA phone numbers..,, And remember 1 day at the time..

    best wish and good luck.... And there is a reason it starts with step one...

  7. I didnt think you could get the pension outside australia.

    Sounds disgraceful. So if you have worked in Australia and paid taxes all your life you can not choose to retire abroad. Even the scamming politicians in the UK aren't that bad.

    same in denmark.. you cant leave more than 6 month....insane...

  8. yes its the same with the Koh Tao murders... first i saw the photos of the victims... nasty pictures on facebook... police photos.!!! he might made a buck selling the pics then the total up crime scene... then DNA samples in 24 hours.. impossible... yes they sure know who did it.. but they dont regard myamars as people.. human beings that we see with the boat fugitives... hope they soon not just lose face, but drop the mask.!!!

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