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Posts posted by usa4079

  1. if police are supposed to be the example for non govt officials, does that mean we all can follow suit and deny breathalizer tests? just say i m not drunk and let it go at that? if indeed he was not drunk he should have just taken the test and passed it and make a good example of himself. instead he just showed he thinks he is above the law. oh... and teach the officers to be better at their job? does this mean learn to recognize people who think they are above the law? i thought the police volunteers were just doing their job correctly.

  2. Sorry. Being a qualified teacher does not make u a better teacher. Knowing the material and knowing how to communicate it to students who dont soeak ur language are worlds apart. Iv been teaching in asia 19 yrs now. I have met my fair share of qualified and unqualified. Im gonna say it is 50 50 on both sides. i know plenty qualified teahcers who have nobidea what to do in a thai classroom. Language barrier is a bitch my friend.

  3. Look in ur contract. Most say u must notify 1 month in advance if planning to leave. If urs says this then do that and the school realistically has to let u out of ur contract. If u dont notify them then it puts the school in a bit of hurt having to find a reliable teacher quickly. They could block u from going. And u cannot leave the country under a valid work permit without the school giving u a letter to say they are allowing u to leave for whatever reason. If they dont know u r changing schools, when u come back in u still have valid work permit that hasnt yet been cancelled by ur present school. They may still b able to block u from working at anoyher school. only way legally and respectfully is to notify ur present school 1 monyh in advance that u r leaving. Then they shouldnt b able to stop u. But thwy still need to cancel ur work permit before u can leave.

  4. Yes it didnt affect the outcome coz they were dominant. But they prepared to cheat just in case the game was more competitive. That is the point. The outcome of the game means nothing. The pr3game cheat preparations is all that is important.brady had to know. He is a smart pro. He had to know. I used to play qb in hs and even i could tell if a ball was underflated. But as brady is just a pawn on the chess board and belicheck is the actual puppet master, belichexk and org must b punished. Brady just doing his job and using whats given him. He surely not gonna turn his team in. Any player on that team that touches the ball had to know the ball was underflated. These guys arnt rookies. They r the best of the best

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