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Colin Foreman

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Posts posted by Colin Foreman

  1. Thailand has retained it's revered and treasured culture and it's independence and should continue to do so.

    Why should farang be allowed to own Thai land when it does not belong to them?

    Thai people deserve to own land abroad because they work hard and contribute to the countries they live in... whereas farang, generally, pretend to work as a 'teachers' and marry bar girls, and treat Thai people with no respect.

    Go figure!!!

  2. Seems to a Catholic thing....

    Ireland should accept that a % of law abiding people are gay men and gay women.....

    or they should follow that other bastion of Catholicism.....The Philippines......ban homosexuality.....but keep the legal age of sexual consent at 12........damn good guys these Catholics....

    never mind, a few hail Mary's and they're off to heaven

  3. The point of not failing students is a strange thing for farang to understand.

    The point you are overlooking is that the students G.P.A. is the relevant entrance point to Thai Universities, and the higher regarded the University the better chance of future better employment.

    A Grade Point Average of approaching 4.0 shows a prospective University that the student is good.

    A Grade Point Average of approaching 2.8 shows a prospective University that the student isn't good.

    At the same time not failing students saves wasting time trying to make an Albert Einstein out of a turnip.

  4. I find it difficult to believe you all presumably live in Thailand and all you can do is make slights at the country that is your host, criticize everything Thai and then 'look down' at Thai people.

    You should return for a visit to your home countries and possibly think again.

    Road accidents, scams, corruption and suicides.....everyday and every country.....why bitch about Thailand?

    Sorry to generalize but most of you fail to try to understand Thai culture and Thai people......while claiming some moral high ground as in an old colony of the British.

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