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Posts posted by Dannyboysyd

  1. Yes I put 0.5 to 1g per pound, so and 80kg person can take in between 80-160 grams of protein per day, which is plenty, the upper amount might be more suitable to bodybuilder, but they average guy who works out to get strong and fit could easily get by on 80 grams..

  2. If you get 1gram per pound of bodyweight you can build mass no problems, if you take in excess and your body doesn't utilise it, its just extra calories..

    I have seen vegan strength athletes outlift meat eater's on their huge protein saturation diets, you don't need to take in too much to get strong..

  3. I personally use pea protein and for years prior used brown rice protein and in the past have used Whey as well, but the only way Im using Whey these days is if it is free from artificial flavours and colours and is raw undenatured, the crap they sell in tubs marketed at bodybuilders is rubbish, if your care about your health its better to use a cleaner protein source.. I also have a problem with protein saturation, its BS your body doesn't need massive amounts of protein, all you are doing is putting excessive strain on the kidneys..

  4. "Acesulfame Potassium" This ingredient alone would stop me from buying it, it is an artificial sweetener, with long term side effects..

    Not sure if Optimum still have the natural range of powders without the artificial sweetener but that would be a much better option..

    You can get pure whey that is not made from the leftovers of the cheese making process, its more pure and generally treated with low heat, it is more expensive but much better for you..

  5. The problem with most Whey powder on the market is all the artificial flavours and colours and crap they add in, if you can find a Whey protein that is just pure Whey with no crap added in its good and preferably one that has been processed in a low heat filtration process leaving you with an undenatured protein which is pure and more digestible. The only additives should be either pure cacao with some stevia, not aspartame and sucralose and all that artificial garbage..

  6. Multivitamins are not that great, synthetic and not that absorbable, problem is they are missing the co-factors and enzymes that assimilate and digest the vitamins into a usable form for the body.. I think you are much better using whole food supplements , green powders e.g. wheatgrass, moringa or spirulina are better choices, add to that a good protein powder, pea, rice or whey and blend into a smoothie, much better then synthetic multi's which you just piss down the drain..

  7. better not take too much or you will have so much sexual energy

    they use a lot of maca in india ... is it a possible as a cause of many rapings as they get horny as hell and cannot control themselves + they see women as they slave / burder / cost

    The most ridiculous post ever made I think, Maca causes rape give me a break, I doubt Maca is widely used in India, its a Peruvian product and you might find most people in India would have trouble affording it.

  8. The wild cordyceps from Tibet are worth more than gold per ounce, truly and amazing herb. I can see how they helped to heal your friends back issues, not only do they have anti inflammatory properties but from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective they are a Kidney Jing tonic, in TCM theory if your kidney essence or Jing is depleted you will experience lower back pain and weakness, along with weakness in the knees , hips and ankles. Cordyceps are a potent Yin and Yang Jing tonic, very balancing and strengthening to the physical structure of the body..

  9. Similar results to you mate, basically overall increase in vitality, mental clarity, libido and increased strength.. I have been using them on and off over 15 years now, haven't taken them in a while as Ive been using Reishi which is another medicinal mushroom with good results too. There are so many good medicinal mushrooms all which have slightly different attributes, but for energy, codyceps is king

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