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Posts posted by Supaluke

  1. My nomination goes to Mr Fletchsmile


    Smart guy, good business nous, probably never drops down into this Pub for a drink.

    If he doesn't make the cut, my other choices mostly have been nominated.

    Edit, umm, sorry for the large photo, I'm not very good with this stuff, can someone make that a bit smaller, I thought it would look (same size) like his Avatar. thanks

  2. I have friends coming to Bangkok and will be here over New Years.

    They are a married couple, about 50. Good Fun, not sticks in the mud.

    Even though I've been here a long time, I've never actually spent NYE in Bangkok.

    Any suggestions on what to propose for them?

    All replies appreciated wai.gif

  3. Christmas is what you make it.

    A wee nod to the religious side of it (very wee).

    A big nod towards close, rather then the extended Thai Family.

    BIG emphasis on the kids, but I don't just mean presents, that just kills the spirit of Christmas.

    Christmas and the Festive Spirit is alive and well at our place, but we are low key till about a week before, then we put a few decorations up and the tree.

    Maybe I'm the odd man out here, but I love this time of year!

    Oh, and the cooler weather also, I was rustling around last night looking for a sheet to pull over!

  4. I have an LG microwave that can grill, it was about 3,500 from Makro. I sometimes buy pizza bases from Foodland and make pizzas - it does grill but is obviously not the same as an oven.

    The Electrolux microwave/oven combo linked to above looks very good, I've never tried one. I'd like to test one but for 8,000 baht, I'd be tempted to buy a separate microwave and an actual oven. You can get decent microwaves for 1,500-2,000baht and pretty large counter-top ovens for 2,500-3,000. My reasoning would be the cost of repairs - I'd be wary about expensive repairs. I've always found that electronics are almost written off when they fail in Thailand due to the cost of repairs (ie it's better to replace than repair).

    My concerns also, but I buoyed by the comments MJCM that the product is durable.

    Appreciating all the comments thus far.

    Please add more if you can.

    • Like 1
  5. Many of the children are not Thai.

    Many of the woman clutching a baby are not their birth mothers.

    It's my understanding that some of it is organised.

    My general rule with charity in Thailand is to observe what and who the Thai people give to as that is a fair indicator who is genuine, and who is less deserving. Not fool proof, but a usefull guide.

    I've never been to India, but apparently, the industry is rife there.

    And yes, it's sad, very sad - at so many levels.

    It is very sad and we see many of these sorry souls in all countries. Would be great if we could wave a magic wand and put the world to rights, but we can`t and just have to let most of this wash over our heads.

    Quite some merit in what you say and yes, it's difficult to stay charitable when so many have so much less then we take for granted ... and I don't just mean money ... health, eyesight etc come to mind.

    We try and visit the orphanages at least once a year and give what we can. We either ring ahead and buy stuff or simply give money.

    It's a worthy cause and seems to be 'above board'.


    It's simply believing, you can't give everything, but you can usually give something to a worthy cause.

    It's identifying that worthy cause that sometimes becomes the issue.

  6. We've broken the microwave.

    Thinking about buying another a microwave but toying with the idea of buying a microwave/oven combination, that is if they have them here? Apart from the usual uses for a microwave, we just want to bake some cakes, hence the thought about a oven combo.

    I read the topic http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/874603-table-top-oven-good-or-bad/ and some good info there.

    Is there any microwave/oven combinations that are relatively cheap, but reliable?

    We are in the Bangkok / Bangna area.

    Ideas on models, prices and place where you can buy them/bought yours.



  7. Many of the children are not Thai.

    Many of the woman clutching a baby are not their birth mothers.

    It's my understanding that some of it is organised.

    My general rule with charity in Thailand is to observe what and who the Thai people give to as that is a fair indicator who is genuine, and who is less deserving. Not fool proof, but a usefull guide.

    I've never been to India, but apparently, the industry is rife there.

    And yes, it's sad, very sad - at so many levels.

  8. I struggle to digest the number of crap/quack answers/remedies you have received above.

    Like your goodself, I've also 'broken' my back. A severe buldging lower disc.

    Suffered a lot of pain in my leg and was confused, back then, how the pain in my leg could be related to a bulging spinal disc. As a stroke of luck, I was dating a Physiotherapist ATT.

    Soooooo ...

    When you sleep, if you sleep on your back, a pillow under your knees.

    If you sleep on your side, then a pillow between your knees.

    Maybe not best to sleep on your stomach.

    Becarefull when you sneeze, brace yourself and that caused me a heap of pain.

    Your back will heal itself naturally and slowly over time.

    You feel the pain in your leg because the sciatic nerve is being pressed by the bulging disc. As the bulge reduces, your back heals, the pain will start to travel up your leg, towards your groin. Believe it or not, this is a good sign.

    I copied the post below, as the gentleman has some good advice.

    95% Herniated or bulging disks will heal themselves. Sound like BS I know but that's what my orthopedic surgeon told me. He said to use pain management along with physical therapy to reduce the pain giving time for the disk to heal. I took a D-pack (methylprednisolone pill set) which had a huge beneficial impact on my whole body not just my damaged C6/C7 disk. Then rigorous PT and stretching. A year later my neck was 80-90% better. No more radiating pains or numbness in my left arm/hand/shoulder. Full rotation of the head regained.

    I now suffer from a mid back muscle issue and my usual yoga fixes are not helping. After a month wasting time with Chinese acupuncture garbage I got some Kapanol from an orthopedist yesterday and it has been great in eliminating pain so I can resume normal function again. Obviously pain relievers are not a "fix" buy at least now I can exercise and stretch the area and hopefully improve. I use the below video for my middle back pain and there have been times when a single session has completely eliminated my pain. Beware of depression. Don't ignore it. Everyday do something to try to improve it. Good luck, good health.

    Now I do Yoga back stretches (Greet/Meet the Sun) before I play sport and it works a treat for me.

    Feel free to PM me as I can help.


  9. When you are really young, you go out, party all night, get home somehow, shower and go to work and get on the golf course early.

    As you mature, you go out on the turps, call in sick the next morning and/or swear never to drink again. After one night, you have recovered, crack a beer and work out your next party.

    A little later down life's road, it takes you two nights to get over a good night out.

    When is old? ... when the desire to swaddle up with a hot coco, a rug and a good TV program rather then out on the town, for me, that's the first signs impending advanced age.

    Teetotalers excepted, of course. Respect, though not my cup of tea.

    Maybe when you go shopping for adult nappies is a fair predictor.

    PS, anyone see my glove, seem to have lost it last night, as the clock struck midnight.

    Probably some Cowboy has it by now!

  10. From my expeience with the oposite sex not matter if ther are white, yellow or brown.

    There are two types of women

    1. The bare foot pregnant type, that just wants you to take care of her and have a happy family life with you
    2. The type that is going to stick you for every cent you have and every other man she can, just because you stuck your pecker in her


    No shades of grey?

    Seems a very black and white perspective, and, in my experience, Thailand usually not that easily categorised.

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