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Posts posted by Kupal

  1. I agree with comments about not doing anything for 2 years. What were you waitting for and what was she expecting.

    You need to be two to tango and girls are as unfaithful as men. Based on my experience it does not matter if they are in a relationship or not, they just do it as well. Only very few don't give in if you are persistent enough and give them a bunch of flower "once in a while". Their BF/Husband don't do it anymore so you become "Mr. Romantic"

    My advice is that you should be more careful when you are cheating on your GF. I've been unfaithfull with most of my girlfriends hundreds of times and I never got caught. They are golden rules to follow but I guess this is for another post.

    Your GF/Wife is probably cheating on you right now. Get real, it's life..... Enjoy it while it lasts. :o

  2. I use a plant mister to spray myself with and sleep with a ceiling fan. No problems except for the first time I did it, our maid found the mister the next morning and looked at me in a very strange way! :o

    Try putting rubbing alcohol (not drinking alcohol Yorkie,so don't panic! :D ) in the mister.The cooling effect of the alcohol evaporating from your skin should cool you down a heap quicker than using water... :D

    I put mouthwash on my skin. With the mentol it gets really cooling. It can burn a bit if applied inaccurately on sensitive parts but that has some aphrodisiac effect so it's not so bad afterall

  3. Your relationship is barely two weeks old...... everything is fantastic..... something to expect at this stage ....... enjoy the ride while it lasts........ that does not mean one night stands should be cancelled in the meantime.... :o

  4. I just can't imagine how he gets the job done when he gets an order from one of those Super Size Me American in purple skimpy shorts and orange T-Shirts. Comon girls, it's a hard job...

    Probably about the same way a Thai girl gets the job done when faced with a fat, sweating, loud German/Brit/Aussie/American/Canadian etc etc. :o


    Well, you seem to miss the point sbk. They are different physical requirements needed to perform this task..... Do I need to say more?

  5. Yes, I wish he would shut up (Thaksin) and let the police and judicial process continue without political intervention. He is influencing this case every step of the way.....and it is a very serious matter! But he seems only concerned about revenue or loss of. I don't like it and neither should anybody else who wants justice for the Horton family and all involved.......

    Inappropriate post deleted.


  6. Such scams are not unique to the LOS or the rest of Asia for that matter. Similar scams took place in Singapore, France and New Zealand. Donors should only give money to organization they trust. If they don't they can only blame themselves for wasting their money. My compassion goes to the victims of natural disasters not to careless donors.....

    At least here they do it with a smile

  7. Well I find those squeaky shoes great. I offered them to a child with the unique purpose of annoying the parents. Worked out great. The parents could not take them back from the kid coz he was always requesting them and it did drive the parents crazy.

    It's the ideal gift to get back at someone while appearing nice. Even better if your single coz you can play stupid and claim you didn't know it would drive the parents nuts.


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