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Posts posted by Aussie123

  1. I have a non immigrant B visa. Issued in penang, Malaysia. Issued is 2014, current visa is valid till may14th

    You do not have have a visa ! That visa issued in 2014 is long expired .

    You actually have an "extension of stay" (it is not a visa) issued by an immigration office unless you have a more recent Visa issued by a Thai Embassy/Consulate.

    Providing that you have a re-entry permit and the paperwork is in order you will have no problem applying for another "extension of stay" on your returning from the trip.


  2. My problem is this, my visa runs out on the 14th of May. I will leave Thailand on the 25th of this month to return on the 7th of May( 7days before my visa expires). I work with an agency and they have given me a new contract, I went to the immigration to see if they can extend my visa using my new contract before I leave. They said they can't extend it because I still have about two months before my current visa expires.

    However, i have already extended my work permit with no problems but the immigration still won't extend my visa saying that i can only extend when i have just one month left on my current visa.

    Question 1: Will i have a problem when returning to Thailand?

    Question 2: I will have just 7 days left before my visa expires, will they allow me in with just 7 days?( i will extend immediately as i have new contract and relevant documents already)

    Is there anything to be worried about?

  3. My Chinese colleague just texted me a few minutes ago , that she was thieves visited their apartment a week ago while they were sleeping.

    I am talking about two young girls, 21 and 22 both living inside the school premises. In the beginning of the school term , they were told it was

    not safe for them to live out of school like the male foreign teachers. They were not happy with this arrangement as they felt they were being monitored and

    not having freedom.

    According to one of the girls , she lost some money a couple of weeks ago and only realized the the window upstairs was broken into. She never complained about this but last week , the unexpected happened, She said two guys armed with knives and with their faces totally covered went to the building. They started shouting for help and the thieves ran away without doing any damage.

    Now the problem is when they complained to the school authority and the police , the school and the police told them that they have no evidence to proof someone came to attack them. The case was dismissed without any form of investigation whatsoever. All the other Thai teachers living in school also claimed they heard no noise , footsteps or sounds on the night of the incident.

    This raises so much questions as our salaries are discussed everywhere with anybody who asks to know. The girls feel they are targeted because of this and right now , i don't feel safe as well.

    Anybody with this kind of experience ?


  4. I hate it when all thos old white people (i am white mind you ) see every opportunity to bring up race. United States system was not built with black people in mind. all the illegal private prisons jailing up black people, the scrutiny they get from law enforcement is unbelievable. I am sure if this guy was White, all he racist comments here wouldn't have been. US legal system is a joke!.

  5. lol....go to any anonymous with white people , and you will see the real form of racism in them. When you meet them , they will quickly tell u how they are not racist. Nobody loves Americans..people just pretend.

    Lol, no one really cares what people like you who don't live here or pay taxes here think. Do you think I care if you don't love me? Do you think I would act differently in person to make you love me in person? Haha, what a joke!

    Lol so you are accepting that you are racist? Yeah, they all pretend to get some love because they know nobody genuinely loves them.

  6. So this evening , i decided to buy wine from our local 7 eleven store. I paid for it and went home. After opening the bottle , my instinct made me to look at the expiry date, and kaboom the wine has been expired for over 6 months. Now the issue is i decided not to go back there and complain. My main reason was the 'safe face' issue. have any of you had such experience? there are many other bottles of expired wines in the store i guess but sadly i can't even complain in fear of how they will react.

  7. Hate???

    Another word worthy of consideration... racism.

    Sorry, BB, this is NOT racism.

    The local Authorities in unison agree on "Hate crime".

    There are many racists on either side of the color divide, but such heinous crimes are rare.

    Nobody, but nobody, goes and starts shooting people in church because of racism.

    Intense, burning Hate is the motive. The big question is "Why"? I suggest we wait and see.

    what was his motive for killing Nine People? isn't it about race ? who cares what other people agree on ?

  8. Some posters here are simply ridiculous!! There are very decent and good Nigerian businessmen out there. I saw another post last week with a Farang complaining that Thai schools now give jobs to "very black" Africans now just because the victim is a Nigerian , there is much room for racist comments. This is BS

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