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Posts posted by element555

  1. Except the hippy this could be any beaches in the gulf of Thailand when strong wind is blowing onshore. I have seen the beach like that in Hua Hin and Rayong, Patt but also small villages... The situation is really bad and most of the plastic is floating offshore or packed in the rivers and canals waiting for moonsoon rains to be expel. And yes locals doesn't mind as long as tourist will continue to come. Most of the locals in non touristic places and small villages by the sea unfortunately toss everything on the beach or the sea including fishermans. Tourists are stupids and continue to book their holidays in places highly affected by pollution and they are responsible for this as well. Why govs and people does not realize how bad the situation is with the seas, the "party is already over"


  2. Would likely have been different brands with the pricey one an import

    I think I pay about 50 baht for 10, local brand

    Hi Sheryl, could you tell me in which pharmacy you buy them if you are in Bangkok ? Is it the generic brand named Tindol ? (accident 2 years ago and 3 broken vertebrae, only 50mg tramadol works for me). I asked for it in few pharmacies today but they were selling only a mix with paracetamol which i prefer to avoid.

    Many thanks !

  3. Hi, we sell our loyal and great Toyota Avanza which never had problem or accident. No LPG install, it is still use the original petrol 91. It's a very strong car and perfect for Thailand. It is the higher model from this serie (S). The milesage is 153000km , oil and filters replacement has been done every 12K.

    PRICE : 280 000THB


    - With the sun the spoiler color has faded a little bit.

    - The 2 set keys would need a replacement as buttons starts to get old but we agree to make it for you if you buy the car

    - We give a free baby carseat (value 6000THB) if you need it

    Here is some pictures :









  4. Today November the 3Rd, 30 minutes walk on the beach at Soi 75. Check pictures : No ! situation is not back to normal. A little tip : You can use any food grade oil (even cheap one for cooking) and some tissues : drop large amount of oil on your feet and wipe it off with tissues. Always remove engine oils spill from your skin it is potentially carcinogen : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2612787

    If there was only this oil spill occasional thing but it's in my opinion a minor issue for beach users compare to the rest... TOP 4 :

    N°1) Pollution of the water garbage, plastics bags , dead fish, detritus of all kinds... unclear water

    N°2) Jellyfish/nettles/sealices or whatever makes those little stings when swimming (nearly all year)

    N°3) Horse manure which contaminates natural sand banks pools and shallow water, bring sand flies as well - Horse ride activity in genral

    N°4) Sandflies





  5. Hi i would like to share my experience with a guy named "Bus ", i have found his number on another forum looking for an electrician...

    I came back from Khon kaen on a Sunday evening to Hua hin and no electricity at my house. I have a young child so i booked a small hotel near my house and expected the problem (which was serious) will be fixed on monday... But Bus call me back and came to my house at 9PM and worked at the problem in the night until 00:30 am !!! So my wife my baby and i could sleep in our house eventually. The price for the 4hours night intervention was very low and he even came back the day after to check everything was OK. (Never expect something like this in Europe)

    I HIGHLY HIGLY recommend Bus and his mate, they have make an amazing work on a complex electric problems during the night. They changed cables outside the house and Bus speak good english.
    And last thing they can fix washing machines and other electrical appliances !
    Thank you thank you thank you Bus !!! His number is : 082-0048532
  6. Just another chance for expats etc to display their ignorance of road safety and engage in a litany of racist abuse and bigoted misconceptions about Thai drivers and Thai roads.

    Thailand has no more or less stupid drivers than any other nation. The problem is how successive governments have allowed the road and traffic systems to develop with little or no science or planning.

    ...pointing out single items as if they are the sole cause of all Thailand's traffic problems is just banal in the extreme, and endless anecdotes of "bad driving" prove absolutely nothing apart from the ignorance of those posting them.

    You must have never drive in Thailand....

  7. They are 100% WRONG. The roads are not bad. In fact they are pretty good. It is the Thai drivers that are bad. When they drive they look right in front of their vehicle not down the road about 100 - 200 yards. So they do not see anything coming until it is too late. They do not use their mirrors for anything but putting on make up, coming their hair, and picking their zitts. They can be the most polite people face to face but when they get behind the wheel of a car or truck they are the MOST rude and ignorant drivers in the world. And I have driven in many countries around the world.

    SO TRUE wai2.gif

  8. Is the beach at Cha Am better or worse?

    Not sure but i think it's the same last time i have been there they had horses too. But now it's "rainy' season and almost all horse have left the beach to leave place for sand flies and BIG jellyfish. Spotted 2 on Takiap beach yesterday probably 10kg each and nobody in the water... If it's for holiday on the beach i highly recommend you another place further south (Suratani islands) or Andaman seaside seems to be better. If you choose hua hin or Cha-am anyway rub yourself with white vinegar and coconut oil for sandflies.

  9. I went to Ban Phu Nam Ron on Wednesday of this week and can report it was a very easy and fast process. There were no people waiting, the immigration staff were friendly, I paid my 910 baht and was driven to the Myanmar checkpoint, where the driver hopped out of the car with my passport and returned 2 or 3 minutes later with my passport stamped as entering and leaving Myanmar. Drove the 5 minutes back and went through thai immigration where i received my 90 days stamp.(non immigrant O visa based on marriage to thai)

    There was a lot of roadworks going on over the last few kms where you go up and over the mountains. As an aside, I took my wife and 2 kids and we stayed over in kanchanaburi for the night which was nice. Ate at a restaurant called "Meat & Cheese" which was great!

    Only downside is from Bangna area it took about 4 hours to get to the border.

    Dear hotchips and/or UbonJoe,

    I'm in the same situation like you hotchips, I have a 2 years old daughter and i am married with a Thai (married legalized in THAI celebrate in France) i have a non immigrant (based on marriage to thai) delivered in France, which i have already extended for 60 Days at Hua Hin immigration center. I have just been told by Ubonjoe that i can only get a 30 days single entry visa on arrival at Ban Phu Nam Ron. But it looks like hotchips obtains a 90 days extensions ?? I'm a bit confuse...

    Can you help me on this ! Thanks a lot

    EDIT : I think i figured out myself : hotchips probably had a 1 year non O visa which requires 90 DAYS stamps... Mine was a 90 DAYS with a max of 60 Days extension. The family trip described by hotchips still looks interesting, so i will probably do it tomorrow as my extension ends on the 21st !

  10. I went to Ban Phu Nam Ron on Wednesday of this week and can report it was a very easy and fast process. There were no people waiting, the immigration staff were friendly, I paid my 910 baht and was driven to the Myanmar checkpoint, where the driver hopped out of the car with my passport and returned 2 or 3 minutes later with my passport stamped as entering and leaving Myanmar. Drove the 5 minutes back and went through thai immigration where i received my 90 days stamp.(non immigrant O visa based on marriage to thai)

    There was a lot of roadworks going on over the last few kms where you go up and over the mountains. As an aside, I took my wife and 2 kids and we stayed over in kanchanaburi for the night which was nice. Ate at a restaurant called "Meat & Cheese" which was great!

    Only downside is from Bangna area it took about 4 hours to get to the border.

    Dear hotchips and/or UbonJoe,

    I'm in the same situation like you hotchips, I have a 2 years old daughter and i am married with a Thai (married legalized in THAI celebrate in France) i have a non immigrant (based on marriage to thai) delivered in France, which i have already extended for 60 Days at Hua Hin immigration center. I have just been told by Ubonjoe that i can only get a 30 days single entry visa on arrival at Ban Phu Nam Ron. But it looks like hotchips obtains a 90 days extensions ?? I'm a bit confuse...

    Can you help me on this ! Thanks a lot

  11. Hi back, my visa expires in 2 days :

    - I'm currently use the 60 days extension from my originally 90 days family NON-O Visa as parents and husband of thai citizen delivered in France. The 60 days extension was given in Hua Hin. $

    - My plan was to leave tomorrow from Hua Hin with my wife and daughter, visit the waterfalls and make the road trip to Ban Phu Nam Ron to try to obtain another 90 days non immigrant O family (which would be the best for me).

    Is it possible in my situation to apply to a new 90 days non immigrant 0 family (married) VISA and if yes, is the following check list is right :

    This the list i have found for Vientiane on the forum (could not find for Ban Phu Nam Ron) :

    For the purpose of accompanying spouse/family members, documents required are;
    1. Copy of marriage certificate - provided with additional documentation of my wife's surname change to my own
    2. Certified Copy of spouses ID card (in Thai) - my wife just signed and dated the doc to "certify"
    3. Copy of house registration book (in Thailand) - aka "tabien ban"; your wife has one.
    4. Copy of bank statement (in Thailand) - did not provide; no questions asked.
    5. Other relevant document, for example, copy of childs birth certificate / ID card - I also provided a letter from my wife requesting my visa, at the suggestion of some people in this forum, however the letter was returned to me during the submission process.
  12. I have been to kids playground with my daughter today (near the immigration center ) and was shock to see the kids swimming and playing directly outside the sewers (and sewers directly into the sea). Don't know what the parents are thinking there must be some very dangerous bacterias in the water here mixed with harmful chemicals... hope the town will install some signs to inform parents even if it looks (and smell) obvious to not swim there.

    Also be careful if you go there with your kids , there is no fences to prevents them to fall down in the 2meters deep sewers which are literally all around the park and just all around playground. Any recommandation for another / better kids playground where i could bring my daughter play with other kids ?





  13. Thanks for documented answer sirocco. I take good note of this. For the sandflies i have found that a german cream i use for back pain which really works and remove this horrible itches

    So still try to figure out what creates that tingling sensation when i swim in Hua Hin water. It does not leaves stripes marks but sometimes read random shapes marks on the skin. "urtiquantes" sensation last for about 1H after leaving the water. it's quite painful if you swim under water when it stings around the eyes where the skin is very thin. whatever it is it's invisible , just go for a swim and you will immediately experience. I have also noticed that the tourists checks at their body after a swim, sometimes scratches... and thais almost always where long sleeves and skinny jeans and does not looks too much affected. However what ever it is, it must go under their shirt too, so i think they just accept and maybe think that how a swim in the sea should feels.

    I think if it's not jelly eggs or jellies babies, it must be something like sea nettles then. After checking diving forums and wikipedia description really feels like "Viatrix globulifera".

  14. Going back to the main subject,

    I keep picking the "horse manure" plastic bags when i see it, and i bring it back to a garbage when i have the chance to find one. Heard some thai say something like : Ho my god ! falang.... i not pay attention, i have no problem about people mocking me that if it can activates some neurones here and there with the locals looking at me, and specially the horse guys/owners.

    About the beach issue : Soi 75, i have try to swim 20 meters away form the shore and get my body and face stung everywhere ! I could feel some sort of small jellies bubbles (like eggs) between my fingers (i have manage to capture one of them check pictures bellow). Again it's not strong stings and the tingling does not last more than 30 minutes but it's impossible to swim. It’s really feels like jumping in a nettle bush. Same result in Takiab yesterday + sandflies (elbow sting on the picture).

    But going back to the sea problem, there is something in the water which stings... maybe it's a combination of things: sealices like someone mentioned, jellyfish eggs, plancton... I’m not sure but i really want to know. From my experience i had only few days, during may-june where those things were not in the water. Rest of the time you can always feels those sea nettles or jellyfish…

    Sadly sandflies are here all year, i confirm, new bites yesterday.. Yes as somebody said here, why do i insist to go to the beach ? Well before i leave i would like to know exactly what are those things. If it’s a global warming effect then it will spread everywhere in the gulf of Thailand even snorkeling and diving islands in the south..

    NOTE: If town hall read this : Install GARBAGE every 200m along the beach that would be a good way to start…


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