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Posts posted by Nemesis

  1. Look at the effect letting people in had on the US  Muslim extremists crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

    Sorry there all you conspiracy theorists, but "Muslim extremists'" didn't crash any planes into the WTC or the Pentagon.

    The recently released video 911 in Plane Site refutes the lie that the Pentagon was even hit by a plane at all quite convincingly using CNN FOXNEWS and other publically available material and videos in its presentation. A must see.

    911 Plane Site video excerpts

    Michael Ruppert, in a recent speech given at the Commonwealth Club in San Fransisco, arguable the most prestigious Club in California if not the West Coast, claims to have "overwhelming evidence" of the guilt of the leaders of the American Government, including Richard Cheney, and would be "proud and confident" to place that evidence before a District Attorney or a jury.

    Michael Ruppert was trained as a police officer and detective for years and has been an investigative journalist for many more. His website is

    Michael Ruppert's Site

    Ruppert's new book is called, Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Oil Age In his book Ruppert claims to provide over 1000 endnotes to back his claim that US leaders were behind the alleged attack on September 11, 2001

    Furthermore, 50% of New Yorkers, the site of the WTC 'attack," believe that the US government had prior knowledge of the attacks and did nothing to prevent them. Additionally, 66% Call For New Probe of Unanswered Questions by Congress or New York's Attorney General, according to a New Zogby International Poll.

    Zogby International Poll re: 911

  2. "Look around you " said the citizen. "This is the larget market in all the world."

    "Oh, surely not," said the traveller.

    "Well, perhaps not the largest." said the citizen, "but much the best."

    "You are certainly wrong," said the traveller, "I can tell you....

    They buried the stranger in the dusk.

    Fables, Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)

  3. most die young from self induced heart attacks trying to create their own perfect little world rather than enjoying all the experiences life throws at them...  Keep on whinging Nem I can see the pressure rising.. :o

    Actually, quite the opposite, but I guess you missed the 'venting' post, which explains that venting relieves pressure. Just had my pressure checked 128/80. Perfectly normal.

    You, on the other hand, seem to not be able to let go when someone gets the better of you.

    Many of my Thai friends complain more than I do about conditions here, especially the ones who spent time in the US. Postal service opening or not delivering mail, poor planning, the money give away to the villagers, Thaksin's football scheme, low salary's for teachers, corruption, the list goes on,


  4. Why haven't the feminist insist that us men not grow beards? Or Mustaches? I mean let's be consistent.

    Feminists want control. I think what I like most about Asian countries is they are still Patriarchal societies. The Hong Kong woman who was released by the Queen after spending only 12 months of her 18 month sentence for lying about being raped would have been believed without question in the States and the men would have been imprisoned and definitely not released early by a man catering to the feminist's rants and shrill whinings about how Patriarchy has suppressed them for so long.

  5. It seems to me that there need to be a few more complaining Thais in society.

    Lack of complaining by the Thais is prima facie evidence that the entire society is dysfunctional - too many accepting too much about things that can and should be changed, as in the list you provided.

    I never 'complain' about things that can't be changed, e.g. the weather. But everything else is fair game for constructive criticism.

  6. The reason the second line starts seriously is because the first line was not serious... sarcasm my good man..

    Its been said before if you don't like it go home we all like it just the way it is, warts and all.

    Is that why you also wrote this "It's been said before......." in the same post?

    The old 'love it or leave it" patriotism rant from the States.

    I can read just fine my man.

  7. I'm sure things are off the wall for a thai also if they went to where your [sic] from?? :o

    That is probably why Southern California (Los Angeles area) is considered to be Thailand's 77th province, it's so 'off the wall" for the many Thai people living there.

  8. because it is the only place foreigners can vent their real feelings and observations about living in such a foreign culture.

    Complaining aka 'venting.' Lots to vent about in LOS. So many things here are so off the wall a normal person has to respond in some manner. Venting is normal and is better by far than blowing a gasket. Keep 'it' in and 'it' eats away at your insides.

  9. Old topic, new thread. btw: thanks george for the courtesy of a reply to an honest question as to why close a thread because it happens to go off point.

    Anyway, if this thread doesn't get deleted, here goes:

    The three most important principles in 'learning' are Repetition, Repetition, Repetition. The secret is in the variation of the repetition.

    The three most important principles for 'teaching' are Preparation, Preparation, Preparation.

    Remember you're teaching people, not content.

    One of the biggest fears people have is speaking in public. Understand this fact and do what you can to overcome this fear in your students. Don't expect them to speak out in class because they are afraid of making a mistake and looking foolish in front of their classmates. Remember, you're asking them to speak in public in a foreign language they may not have mastered yet. Ease them into it and put them at ease.

    Make the time spent learning fun.

    Involve your students.

    Tell me, I hear.

    Show me, I see.

    Involve me, I understand.

    In my view a teacher's role is not to teach his students, it's to help them learn how to think and learn the subject matter on their own.

  10. Virgin Air scrapped plans to install urinals in the JFK airport lounge after the feminazis at NOW protested


    "There's something wrong with someone who thinks that urinating symbolically into the mouth of a woman is quirky and fun," said Rita Haley, president of the city's chapter of the National Organization for Women. It displays a horrendous lack of social consciousness," Haley added. "The [urinals] are disgusting, degrading and humiliating to women and they encourage the abuse of women."

    Meike van Schijndel, a 30-year-old woman from the Netherlands who designed the "Kisses" urinal, told the feminzis to ""Lighten up," she added. "[it's] just a cartoonish looking mouth. There are worse things in the world to get all worked up about."

    No shit Meike. Shouldn't made a urinal in the likeness of Haley's mouth for men who have a shy bladder. Cure em quick pissin' into the likes of Feminazi Haley.

    Gotta hand it to the folks at Virgin Air - unlike Haley, they gotta sense of humor.

  11. But, on a practical note, maybe some of those ladies in the ads for the whizzys aren't feminazis or bulldykes as Nemisis implies.

    Undoubtedly. But it's more fun to poke fun at the feminazis.

    btw: say what you like about me, but spel my name rite please. :o

  12. It's been my contention since the start of the war in Iraq that Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and Co. went into Iraq for one reason and one reason only - money.

    Apparently, according to the Coalition Provisional Authority's own Inspector General there is "At least $8.8 billion in Iraqi funds that was given to Iraqi ministries by the former U.S.-led authority there cannot be accounted for....The CPA apparently transferred this staggering sum of money with no written rules or guidelines for ensuring adequate managerial, financial or contractual controls over the funds.''

    They should check the Bush Family's, Rumsfeld's and Cheney's offshore bank accounts for the 'missing' funds. My bet is that is where most of it is.

    And we think Thailand's government officials are corrupt. The US's are not only corrupt, they're smart about it too. Those offshore accounts are set up like Russian doll sets, one inside the other ad infinitum.

    Billions. Yes, that's Billions with a B

  13. Women need a Whizzy.

    Whizzy is a device that enables a woman to urinate from a standing position like a man. It is formed of heavy paper that slides virtually flat between your legs and opens to form a trough. Its unique and patented shape, angle and easy-grip handles make it very easy to use. It adjusts to each user's anatomy and stance. You stand naturally, with no bending or straddling necessary. It is reusable and disposable. It fits easily into purse, pocket or backpack. (A plastic, non-disposable model will be available soon.)



    "It's a new way to stand by your man."

    Susan S. California

    "I can piss just like a man now! "

    Iam Dyke, Montana

    "Now I really can do everything a man can."

    Wilman 'Butch' C. Kansas

    Feminazis get yours here:


  14. They did not know you were a non-reporter

    They gave me an one year non-immigrant B visa and didn't know I was a non-reporter?

    I'm goin' download me a form, copy me passport pages send me letter to them registered with a SASE and let the chips fall where they may. The fact I will include a letter on my university's letter head may help. :o

  15. what are the advantages of using refined

    petroleum and what are the disadvantages of using

    the vegetable oil ??

    The advantage currently for using diesel is it's less expensive than boi fuels, but the pollution costs are not factored in. Large scale production of bio-fuels would eventually drop the price to compete with the less expensive diesel fuel.

    Bio fuel burns cleaner, non-toxic, biodegradable and renewable.

  16. 1. If you used vegetable oil you would have to grow the ###### stuff, process it, refine it, transport it etc.

    2. There is a world food shortage???

    3. When oil runs out this will be an alternative fuel source.

    1. Growing bio-fuels will be much easier than exploring for, drilling for, pumping and transporting the so called and mis-labeled 'fossil' fuels.

    2. There is no world food shortage. In fact, there is a surplus. Corporate famers in the US get paid not to plant some crops.

    3. We will never run out of oil and it is being replenished within the earth's core. This has been known for years. You've bought the oil companies and the government's propaganda.

    Bangkok's bus system could easily be converted to run on bio-fuel. The fuel would be available within the country, creating an entiore new industry, but the oil companies have been prevening that from happening, for obvious reasons.

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