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Posts posted by stommeln11

  1. The tax is 2 - 4%.


    Yes , I know a farang who won some years ago 4 Mio Bath. He got the money without problems. Ok, he could have a problem, if he wants to transfer this money outside of the country.


    My first win: When I came together with my wife, she went with me to an astrologe (17 years ago). He told me three lucky numbers too. And sure, by order of my wife I had to buy 3 lottery bills with ths numbers. I won 20.000 Baht. I got the money (after tax 19.400) without problems.


    The only problem: My wife does not belief until today, that it was chance.

  2. It was the same for me here in Phi Mai. At the first counter we got the information: Not possible. We ignored this, because we know this man. We walked straight on to the counter, where Thai people get their ID-Card.

    It was only a little problem, because I was the first in this amphoe.

    After a short time I had my card.

    And I wonder! For free! It is the first time for me in Thailand, that farang get something for free, where Thai people a to pay for.

  3. A friend of mine asked Bkk Bank for a Debit Card to use in Canada. They gave him one with Chip an the garantie that he will not have any problems. Now he is in Canada with the Card and can not get money anywhere. He called the Hotline of Bkk Bank in Bangkok and the told him, that Bkk Bank has no Cards for use overseas!

    I use my be 1st card all over the world and I works, but you must tell them before you go to enable international use.....

    By default, it only works in thai, probably because most Thais are unlikely to need to use it abroad

    The problem may be, he went to the small branch here in Isaan. The only spoken languages are Thai, Lao, Korat Slang and a little bit Khmer. He had to give back his Card with the magnetic stripe and gave him one with Chip and the guarantie, that it will work in Canada.

  4. For me is this visit normal. It is an officer from local Police living not far from us. (Amphoe Phi Mai) We know him like a friend since many years. He has the a form with the names and pssportphotos of farangs living here in this Tambon. He has the order to visit them once a month, take a photo from the passport and from the farang and ask the family and the neighbours, everything ok with the farang? We know him very well, so he told, he would come only all two or thre months to us. And so he does since about two years.

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  5. Report from my visit at Korat Immigration today.

    I am married with Thai wife since 15 years and we live near Phi Mai (Province Korat) in the house of my wife. I have a yellow housebook and stay here on base Non-Immgrant-O extension - married.

    I stay here 8-9 months a year and go back to Germany twice a year each 6-8 weeks.

    I came back from Germany on 10.02.2016 and got my new passport from the German embassy on 11.02.16 and then i went to our house.

    My wife never made a report (TM 30) to the immigration when I arrived. Same this time.

    Today we went to Korat Immigration (70 km) to get the extension stamp transferred in the new passport. I know that some immigrations say that you can ait with it until the next 90-days-report, but they told me last year, that I have to come immediately when I have the new passport.

    "My" officer was also the little bit older one in the middle, a little bit fat and wearing glasses.

    He and no one else asked me or my wife for the TM 30 report of my arrival.

    But he did not want to talk with me. Everything he had to explain or asking for more copies my wife, first sitting backside, had to come, he told her in Thai and she should tell me. He looked a little bit angry to me, when I answered to him in Thai "kaudschei läo krab".

    English is not my native language, but I think good enough for the conversation with him. (Sorry for my not perfect Englisch here!)

    The only English I heard from him at the end was, when he smiling asked me for 200 Baht without bill. I smiled back and made with my fingers a sign like a zip on my lips. Then he laughed.

    At the end he explained to my wife, that I can come 45 days before my actually extension ends to apply for the new one. The extension ends on 8.5.16 an he showed to my wife that will be in the next week. I said that this will be 75 days! His answer: "No!!!" And I thought it would be better not to say anything else and wait until the end of march.

  6. A friend of mine went yesterday to Korat Immigration for his first extension based on a Non-Immigrant-O Married Visa. He had to pay 2.900 Baht (with receipt, no teamoney!). He asked why 1.000 Baht more as usual? They told him, it is only for the first extension, the next will cost 1.900 Baht.

    May be that this is the new Price inv´cluding the visit at home!

    Look in his passport. Did they give him a single re-entry permit @ 1,000 Baht?

    They ask me every time I pick up my approved extension. Comes across as being anxious to sell me the stamp, but I think they are trying to be helpful by anticipating what is often requested by many western foreigners who get it all done in one visit vs. having to come back later for a re-entry permit.

    No, he paid 2.900 Bath and got e receipt. In his passport he has the normel stamp to come back in 1 month to get the married-extension.

  7. Its very different from one Amphoer to the next. I had to show all teh documents see above (amphoer Phi Mai). The two witnesses had to come with us. It must be the the Mayor of the village and someone who works for the goverment or teacher in higher grade. Frst they asked my wife an me about our life, than the teacher and the mayor seperate each one hour and than we all together one more hour. The witnesses had to know me and my wife very good or they never could answer the questions. Without living in the village for many years I never would get the yellow book. I had to wait about 6 weeks than. Then they gave me the yellow book like it would be a big honour!

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