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Posts posted by jonnybegood

  1. Salaries are too low and and paperwork requirements are too difficult. More and more people are just going to China where they can make twice the salary and have half the paperwork headaches. In China they aren't kicking experienced workers out because they used up their licensing quota. So the low salaries are attracting fewer potential employees, and difficult work permit/visa requirements are driving existing ones away.

    Exactly. I've taught here for 8 years. Modesty aside. I'm a damn fine teacher. But I don't have an Ed Degree. I have a Science Degree. The TCT wants me out. End of this term I MUST leave. I'll be going to China.

    I could spend lots of time and money getting an Ed degree or a PGCE...but for Thailand's wages and chronic hoop jumping...it's just not worth it.

    Presently, my school is still short of 4 teachers. At least the extra money I'm making by covering classes with no teacher will help me reestablish myself in China.

    No other country in the region demands an Ed degree. South Korea...no problem, Japan...no problem, Taiwan...no problem...

    Thailand/TCT ... PROBLEM

    I'm afraid I know what the TCT is doing with it's right hand.

    Try a Private School or Khoasan Rd for your Ed degree? I am told it is registered with whichever Uni u

    you choose

  2. Is there a way a way to know how many nationwide vacancies there are? A statistic comparing this time last year to now.... or is it just from looking at job boards? Or talking with friends struggling to fill vacancies? Is it just english teachers or does it cover other subjects taught in english? sorry for so many questions.

    Try www.


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