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Posts posted by gdhm

  1. 11 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    My reply to a post stating it was a 5 or 6

    3 minutes ago, jayboy said:

    You assume wrong.It is simply a method, along with other checks, of ensuring the new passport is issued to the right person.

    hour trip to Bangkok from Khon Kaen.

    I have made many day trips by air to Bangkok to get thing done at my embassy. No need to stay overnight. There is nothing I can do at it using an agent and passports are applied for by mail to the embassy now.


    Seems crazy to me that having proved Thai address that the British Passport office in UK cannot DHL (or whoever) direct to the proven address, rather than making citizens call back to Bangkok to collect.  Especially as Agents or personal representatives are allowed to be used I fail to see how proof of address ensures passport reaches passport holder as that is down to the Agent or personal representative. Not only that but Agencies and most personal representatives themselves will have to post the passport once collected. So current system seems to me more likely for passport delays/losses in post..

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Khon Kaen has a airport. Flights are not all that expensive.


    True but apart from the fact that I am scared of air flights (have been all my life ) you need to add on travel in Bangkok plus possible 1 night hotel/ guest house  stay each trip (not to mention all the time taken) and costs are comfortably more than for example Key Visa charges.

    Anyway its academic because I have said in both my posts I am not in good health. Not to mention the risk of travelling to a COVID-19 outbreak area.

  3. Thanks for the responses. So far nobody has said they have actually used the 2 suggested (to date) Agencies or any others.

    Tanoshi has suggested trying the Thai Visa Centre, Bangkok but when I went online I did not see any reference to British Passport Renewal services or prices.


    As another Poster fishtank seemed to know, I am based in Khon Kaen. Even if I was fit and healthy the cost of doing the process myself would cost more than doing it via an Agency. 


    I have decent photos taken by a professional. Took me about 2-3 weeks to find one where I could park close by because being 160 Kg and getting totally out of breath if I walk 30 or so meters makes it impossible to go out and about.  I had this problem when I was 42 and the solution was to lose weight (I know its my fault and in my own hands).


    I have completed my Renewal Form, Debit form, have photos (no need for counter signatory as although younger looking in my current passport it is obvious my new passport photos are me ????.  I had intended to have sent the documents to the Agency I trying to regain contact with but first needed a few questions clarified so I can avoid making the mistake of not sending all that the Agency needs that is acceptable in one go.


    It is possible the Agency I have contacted has seen this post and if so I'd greatly appreciate a response to my emails if received (they were reported as received when I sent them - but who know with technology).


    Maybe members here know the answers to two questions I have.,

    1) I believe I need proof of my Thai address (which is on the Renewal Application Form) BUT this is not straight forward as most Thai post  received is in Thai and in my wife's name for convenience as i do not speak a word of Thai (well maybe a couple or so words ????)

    I have received my Vehicle renewal documents from MSIG Insurance, Thailand only two weeks ago and am wondering if the received Receipt/tax invoice with my full address would be satisfactory. I also have a UK State Pension Proof of Life letter with my Thai address. That was dated Aug 2020. I received another Proof of Life request Letter from my main pension provider in UK dated mid Nov (received Mid Jan 2021)  Would any or these that be new enough and satisfactory.  I cannot use UK Bank statements or letters because statements are online only AND the Bank I use insisted on a UK address (I use my sister's) because of its  security precautions for Thailand. Of course I have P60's but they are 10 months old. Does anybody know if any of these or a combination would meet "Proof of Address" requirements.


    2) Am I correct in assuming VFS & UK Passport Office only need my original current passport and NOT my Thai TM30 and Thai Departure Card (TM 6) which is always pinned to my Passport


    Once again my thanks to those who have replied so far.


  4. Although my British Passport does not expire until December, I will need a new British Passport by July 2021 when my Visa Extension is due.

    My Health mainly breathing  means it is impossible for me to travel to Bangkok to renew my passport and I need the services of a reliable trustworthy agency that a member feels able to recommend, to assist me with all the processing.


    I have been in contact with one Agency I found on the Web some time ago,  but for some reason after initial contact early January and a speedy reply, I am now ready to apply BUT the agency has not answered 2 emails sent in the last 10 days. There may be a perfectly valid and reasonable reason for this, so I will not mention name as that would be unfair. However, naturally it is not helping my confidence.


    Consequently, I feel I need to find other recommended Agencies that members have and used successfully and trust to give me new options. With COVD-19 I feel I cannot delay much further, nor do I wish to be without a passport for any longer than reasonably necessary and unable to communicate with an Agency for advice/updates.


  5. Thanks all.


    My understanding has always been the same as MeePeeMai and scubascuba3. I only became concerned/confused when in a different topic i mentioned if someone else drove my pickup in an emergency" and a poster asked whether I'd allow an uninsured person to drive my pickup. I had always thought to that point. Current Driving License holder of same class of vehicle is allowed to drive my pickup with min CTPI but that question threw me. Not that I consider CTPI adequate but is a matter of legality as well.


    I actually have Comprehensive insurance on my Pickup but it is only for me as named driver (so only I would be covered under that)

  6. Hi I have searched the internet but still am confused. Perhaps someone can clarify situation for me.


    I appreciate all registered vehicles must have CTPI otherwise a Road Tax disc will not be issued. I also appreciate CTPI only covers injuires to people not property so is very limited..


    What I do not understand is Although my motorcycle and Pickup both have CTPI taken out in my name in my name does that cover cover ONLY me driving my vehicles or does it cover over any person with drivers license for my class of vehicle who I allow to use my vehicle OR does a different driver need to have CTPI in their own name for their own vehicles in same group which would cover them if suing my vehicle.


    Essentially what I am asking does my CTPI in my name cover only me to drive my Pickup or Motorcycle (and others vehicles) OR does it cover me and any driver holding a drivers license for class of my vehicle, who drive my vehicle.



    1) if I wanted a friend with a drivers license to drive my pickup to get its road worthiness certificate does My CTPI cover them whilst driving my pickup.

    2) If I was taken ill and someone wanted to drive me to hospital in my pickup are they automatically covered to drive under MY CTPI  if they hold a driving license for my class of vehicle?


    My apologies if my questions sound confused or ignorant.


    Many thanks





  7. Thanks for your very  helpful information robblok. Its appreciated, as is your time 


    May I ask are there fundamental differences between an Amazon Fire TV dongle vs Google Chromecast TV dongle vs android set top box.

    If a dongle is all I need to achieve my needs then that indeed does seem to be a good and cheap way to go and I would only need to sort out Wi-Fi dead/poor spots in my home.


    Kind Regards


  8. 5 hours ago, robblok said:

    Yes I guess your old fashioned and the price of Thai netflix is far below that of an UK or Dutch Netflix not sure for US one.. For me its the best thing to watch.


    What you are talking about is something that indeed old people use and want to use. No problems there but if you ignore a solution that is probably far cheaper then what you want to do with a bricks and mortar shop then yes your old fashioned and your hurting yourself.


    But as it is your life, then just do it your way. But you should know all your old fashioned retailers are going the way of the dinosaurs. Maybe a few expensive ones will keep existing the rest will go over the internet.


    I know your comments are fundamentally correct robblok soon the fun of window shopping and instant purchase and possession will be gone and we will never need to leave out homes.  Online shopping IMHO is a bit too sanitary.  Seeing a product in person and demonstrated can be advantageous.


    It not just me being old fashioned robblock I worry about, what I consider several valid concerns: fakes, non delivery, returns systems and one sided costs (sometimes one sided) , stuff not turning out compatible with this country's systems or exactly as advertised, whether my Visa is at risk if an item I ordered turns out to be illegal for use in Thailand, that although items are cheaper I understand Thailand is looking into checking and taxing online goods brought into the country which will I believe level the playing field considerably. 


    Thank you for confirming Netflix is cheaper in Thailand. I will check it out further as I was unaware that that was the case. When it first started here it was minimally cheaper and with a massively smaller database.  A concern I have with Netflix (and similar packages) is that they seems to be movies and series based only or mainly.  This means acquiring other packages to get News and sports. The AIS packages sound pretty good to me and I hope they will at some time allow different ISP users to purchase their packages (be it a little more costly if necessary). In the main I have been very happy with what I get on KTV adequate Movies, News and sports channels.  I am aware many on the web speak of accessing Netflix USA by various methods but I do not wish to go down those routes (I'm not implying you do robblok).


    An additional issue I find annoying is that my UK bank has a habit of blocking every overseas Visa debit I make online outside Thailand. They are so keen to protect me that any payments overseas are considered "red flags" and blocked. I'm not suggesting that I am not grateful to the protectives intents.

    I have taken to contacting them first by message to advise what I am about to do an important online overseas transaction, but of course the message and transactions do not always noticed in time.


    I think online purchasing is ideal for technology because provided not a fake you usually know what you will get but even then brands have slightly different specs for different countries and warranties may be problematic. I'd hate to buy clothing online or not be able to get a local emergency item. Online takes time be it only a few days.


    PS Don't knock the dinosaurs completely, it took a global catastrophic event too take them out (or the actors in the Jurassic Park movie series????). 


  9. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    Maybe you could hook up an amazon fire stick to your TV (if it has usb its possible) Then you can watch netflix on your TV. You do pay a subscription but you will have many tv series and movies. 

    Thanks for the suggestions. To be honest I'm not that keen on Netflix after finding (when they first launched in Thailand) how they charged similar prices to US and UK but offered a tiny fraction of the shows due to copyright. My instinct was "rip off at the time". No idea if things have become more balanced. I also prefer purchases in Thailand (ideally stores/retailers I can go back to (maybe I'm just old fashioned????).

  10. Hi,

    Hoping some "far more knowledgable members than I" can enlighten me on several semi connected enquires.


    1) KTV (KhonKaen Cable),

    My wife went to pay our usual 12 months in advance subscription to KTV (KhonKaen Cable) and worryingly was informed they are not currently offering anything other than monthly renewals. From what I could understand from my wife is that KTV (like many other channel providers) have been losing customers due to peop[e switching to Internet streaming. My wife was told they were planning to have discussions in January 2020 on their way forward.  This sounds ominous to me and I fear maybe they are thinking of ceasing (BUT I AM ONLY SPECULATING).  I admit I am worried because I have been happy with my 3-4 English soundtrack movie channels, News channels and sports channels in English.

    Has anybody heard or knows of any more info regarding KTV?


    2) Android Set top boxes.  ThaiVisa (and other sites) one to two years ago was advising that Android set top boxes had been banned in Thailand unless specifically licensed by Thai authorities. Ignoring all the online retailers like Lazada and AliExpress etc. I have noticed recently that PowerBuy are selling a couple of Android Set Top Boxes and True one. Can anybody confirm that there are now Android set top boxes that can be legally sold in Thailand (I am assuming they are conventional Android boxes and do not have "enhanced/adjusted ROMs" I wish advise at this point I am ONLY interested in Legal Android Set top boxes that can substitute for my very disappointing Panasonic LED TV TH-L42E6T Panasonic which we bought in Dec 2013.. To be honest I was unaware at the time that Brands cease to support their older models often only after a few years, thus turning their Smart TVs into near dumb ones.  In our case the YouTube app worked perfectly until about a year or so ago, when we were advised it was no longer being updated and would not work anymore on our TV (thanks Panasonic). The TV had its own Browser app which to be honest was always awful as it kept crashing on many sites (I suspect inadequate memory) and it certainly could never run YouTube via it.


    I have 3BB Fibre (which seems to have been auto upgraded to 700/700). However, it is not connected by Ethernet LAN to either of our TVs. The TV in our bedroom seems to get Wi-Fi speeds of between 24mbps to 57mbps. Am I correct in believing that these speeds are fine for streaming 720p or even 1080p YouTube.


    I have yesterday tried to see if I could use my Smartphone to mirror stuff to the Panasonic but if the Panasonic can be used like this I have been totally unable to find out how or whether it can do this.


    The TV itself has not been used that much as I had a Samsung Cathode Ray TV that far outlasted expectations for many years before finally failing recently. Now the Panasonic has been moved to our Bedroom instead of it. If KTV ceases then the Panasonic will be  pretty useless on its own, so I am wondering if an Android Set top box is the solution. My hope is to use the box to access Android apps, YouTube and web browsing via it, and using the Panasonic purely as a dumb TV. I am loathe to buy another Smart TV as I fear apps will after a few years fail and not be supported. I have also read that Android Smart TVs are not as stable nor do they perform as closely to Android Smartphones as Android Set Top boxes do.

    Our Lounge has an LG and its pretty good as its Browser seldom has buffer issues and YouTube works perfectly.


    So my questions are:

    a) Has Thailand started to allow some Android Set Top boxes to be legally sold by Thai retailers like True and PowerBuy?

    b) If I bought an Android Set top Box would it substitute for the inadequacies and non working apps in the Panasonic TV.

    c) Are Google Chromecast dongles being sold legally in Thailand now AND IF SO are they a decent alternative to Android Set Top Boxes?


    Leading on to 3) TrueID TV BOX

    From what I understood from Web articles this Box is legally sold in Thailand and is an Android Box and uses one of the latest Android OS Versions. From what I can ascertain I believe do not need to use True as my ISP or Fibre Provider for the set Top Box to work. Can anybody confirm this and does anybody have any knowledge or input on the suitability of these boxes for my scenario?.


    I note I cannot think about purchasing any of the AIS TV packages (which sold very good) unless I abandon 3BB and use them as my ISP. This I am unwilling to do as I have used 3BB for many years and am happy with them. Are there any other LEGAL in Thailand channel packages that are inexpensive (NOT TRUE VISIONS) that have several news channels and English sound track movie channels and a few Sports channels in English. With Regard to News Channels my most watched channel is Fox News (sorry US Democrats out there - and no I am not a US citizen or a Republican).


    4) Wi-Fi Mesh

    My son's bedroom is at the diagonal opposite location from where my downstairs PC and HG8145V GPON are situated (cannot be realistically relocated). He gets zero Wi-Fi 2.4GHz signal for either a smart TV or his Smartphone (very occasionally it clicks in and out at around 3-5 Mbps. One other back bedroom also has no coverage and to be honest my nearer Bedroom, as I already have said< only gets 24 -57 Mbps. I have read about conventional Wi-Fi extenders but they halve the signals and Power line extenders may or may not be effective depending on the wiring. So to me, a simple 1 or 2 Mesh system seems desirable.  Any advice on this, and if considered a decent solution do you have any recommendations on Brands and models (My 3BB Huawei HG8145V GPON is dual band (2.4Ghz and 5Ghz) so I'd like a Mesh system not too expensive that can cope with both bands, as many users where I live are on 2.4Ghz (my smartphone Wi-Fi analyser catches 10 to 15 at times in various parts of the house).


    Many thanks everybody. Sorry for such a long and varied enquiry but with the KTV situation unclear, all are subjects I now need to consider

    Kind Regards




  11. Thanks NamLaew for the interesting input. I will liaise with my dealership on what plate holders they have to other. Personally I do not know why plates are no screwed into place with nuts and bolts. Still not convinced my plate fell out because as i said if it had then the hanging out metal cover would not have remained on the plates back holder if it had not come off with the plate (somehow) it certainly would have fallen off with the car bouncing. Anyway its all academic now.

  12. On 11/19/2019 at 4:28 PM, chilly07 said:

    Think your own temporary plate in the back window will suffice plus a note in Thai about plate on order or  try renting some red plates from a local dealer?


    Thanks for your opinion chilly07


    On reading all comments, I think I will just rely on the LTD receipt. My concern being that a temporary "non offical" plate of any kind kind might be regarded a "false plate" violation, even though well intended for identification purposes.



    • Like 2
  13. 6 hours ago, stevenl said:

    Some years ago there were issues with issuing new plates, and the waiting time increased to 90 days. These days the waiting time is back to normal again, DLT's are required to issue them in 30 days. So I'd give them a call in 30 days.

    Thanks StevenL, thats good to know.

    I just hope that, when my wife phones LTD after a month, she doesn't get an earful about not waiting 90 days first.  Naturally I'm very keen to get my Vehicle properly and legally plated as fast as I can. 

  14. 7 hours ago, Scott Tracy said:

    Why bother worrying? The number of vehicles, especially motorbikes with no plates at all....


    The speed cameras all seem to take pictures of the front of the car, so, you'll still get the fine. 


    The plate thieves will use your plate on their vehicle to commit a crime, Mark my words. it'll all end in tears.


    1st sentence: Yeah I have noticed that fact ???? . I have also how many Red Plates are not official as they lack the LTD embossing on them and also noticed how many especially Lorries plates are so dirty they are totally or partially unreadable. Although my vehicle is often dirty and dusty the plates are always kept clean.


    2nd sentence: I don't speed or jump lights. I have never been ticketed by Police, whether using my Motor scooter (until last year) or vehicle. I always carry driving licence and insurance and never used my Motor scooter without a helmet so I am not concerned about traffic cameras.


    3rd Sentence: This is my concern and opinion if (as I still believe) my plate was stolen. If so it would have been for a reason, and obviously if seen fleeing the scene of a future crime, it will be that plate witnesses see. Just hope its not used on a similar type and coloured vehicle (but i fear it will be and that was reason for theft of my plate and not other vehicles plates.  Luckily for me, many around where I live know I seldom use my vehicle, never at night (except a visit to dentist 2 weeks ago to have a wisdom tooth pulled) and that am at home all day most days so any false leads to me should be easy to prove as not my vehicle or me involved.




  15. On 11/19/2019 at 12:56 PM, Just Weird said:

    ...because that's his choice, perhaps?


    On 11/19/2019 at 1:08 PM, Just Weird said:

    Don't panic.  Many government agencies will quote a (sometimes ridiculous-sounding) maximum time period knowing that the item probably will be available in a much shorter time,.  They do it to give themselves leeway in case of delays and it stops them constantly being bombarded by chasing phone calls.  


    For example, I requested a residence cert from CW Immigration on 8th November and was told it would take at least 30 days but to call them on 9th December to chase it.  The cert arrived in the post two days ago, 17th Nov, after just 9 days.


    As someone else said, you've got the LTD receipt, you'll be ok.


    Thanks for both posts Just Weird

    • Like 1
  16. 34 minutes ago, wgdanson said:




    Of course not. I would never willingly allow my wife or step son (in the future) to drive uninsured or without a driving license.  My wife understands the importance of these and she and my stepson always wear  helmets when on a motor scooter whether as a passenger or in my wife's case the driver.  


    The named driver I mentioned is for my Comprehensive Insurance cover on my pickup. It is in addition to the mandatory CMI on the vehicle. When I said if I am not around I mean if I am decease. If my wife was to use the pickup whilst I am alive I would get her name added to my Comprehensive policy. If I am dead she would have to apply for her own.


    • Like 1
  17. 16 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    Because Thais just leave their trolley where it was when they emptied it.


    True and I know you are correct. On this occasion however, I parked away from busy rows in the car park (and there were a few spaces between the nearest cars and my pickup, because being very obese I park where I do not expect a car to park near me so I can get my door open wide enough for me to fit it. The trolley being behind my car I feel was there for the reason of making it look like a person (if seen) had arrived at his pickup and two mask any removal attempt.  I will in future park closer to the Supermarket entrance and where the is certainly more activity to be safer from potential mal-intents.

    • Like 1
  18. 29 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    What's the point of having the vehicle then. Were you at the supermarket just to charge the battery?

    Pretty close wgdanson. I do actually kill two birds with one stone. Give the motor a run and get some supplies.

    When I got the pickup I used it a lot, but as I have got older, fatter and less healthy and to be honest bored with my local places to visit, I spend most of my time at home and on my PC. My wife has now passed her driving test and although I only drive the pickup if we go out (saves a lot of insurance premium with my full no claims discount and me as only named driver). My wife will use if I am not around (12 years older than her). It is also important for emergencies. Selling the pickup would IMO be silly as I would not get a good price and as I have mostly only used it around my city, it has done less kilometres since brand new 12½ years ago, than many do in a single year. There is no rust so to all intents and purposes its almost Brand new in may respects. Must admit currently it looks like it hasn't been cleaned or washed in all those years with all the dust on it :wink:.


    I also have a motor scooter that I have not driven for well over a year. The bouncing on the roads triggered terrible sciatica which lasted 2-3 months and I have been too afraid to risk triggering that again. Normally I would have used that for in-city travel (unless needing to carry stuff) But now I rely on the Pickup only. My wife runs that to charge the battery. My stepson is now 16 years old so I think he will some take take over his mum's or my scooter.


  19. Thanks stevenl I see you concur with canthai55 and I will follow the speedy and useful advice of you both.


    With a possible 90 day turnaround for a new plate I don't get the feeling the plate for ID purposes seems as a important to the authorities in Thailand as in many countries in the West, where a replacement would be in days.

    I just hope I did lose my plate due to wear and tear of its container, and that it was not stolen, coz if stolen, one has to worry about the reason and whether it will be used for something illegal. Thankfully my wife kindly reported the loss to the Police within  1-2 hours of us realizing it was gone.


    I assume by your 30 days comment stevenl that you feel the 90 days was more likely a very conservative estimate and that it would probably be a good idea for my wife to give DLT a call in about a month.


    I do plan to do one thing differently, when I get my replacement plate and that is to silicone or glue bond the back of it to the new plate holder I need to buy. That way if the cover does come off, the plate will not fall out/off. Additionally, if there is an attempt to steal it will be more difficult and a slower task to remove it.  I must check out my front plate holder coz if the years and heat did cause the loss of the rear plate then the front must be very vulnerable and on borrowed time.

    Kind regards



  20. Last Friday after returning to my Pickup parked at an out of town Supermarket Car park I immediately noticed  a supermarket trolley left at back of my Pickup. My wife removed it and I then immediately noticed my Rear Number plate was missing. We called a car park employee who looked at the empty plate fitting and just removed its cover plate revealing broken screw sockets. He asked how old the plate cover was. The plate retainer was same age as car 9 years. He said they would check cameras and later phoned my wife to say they saw my pickup drive in minus the rear plate (where I was parked there were no cameras). Although I cannot know for sure I still feel it was stolen at the car park, why else would there be a trolley conveniently hiding missing plate. Additionally the car park employee was able to just lift the retaining cover of the rear plate as it was just hanging in place. It is also it is reasonable to believe a retailer would prefer patrons not thinking/saying a vehicle plate was removed on their premises. I feel had it failed whilst i was driving that plate would certainly have fallen off together with the number plate.  ????Anyway its all academic because I appreciate one parks their vehicles in Retailers car park at one own risk.


    We got a Police report and my wife went to the 20 kms away LTD to ask for a new plate I gave her a signed copy of my passport Visa stamp and ID page, my Blue Vehicle registration book and my original passport. She went because I could not drive my pickup with no plate or LTD document and being massively overweight and not in great health tuk tuks or taxis would have been difficult. About 90 mins later she returned home advising they needed me to personally sign their request form for replacement rear pate and my signed passport page (*which included my handwritten request that I authorized my wife to act on my behalf was not considered adequately signed. They wanted me to sign ON each passport page image on the sheet. They also wanted to see and copy my wife's ID. All seems overkill to me but "rules is rules". My wife went back and later returned home after the second visit with a receipt for ฿105 for the Rear number plate which was stamped that we should phone tel no. XXXXXX after 90 days to see if plate is ready for collection. 

    Has anybody else ever been told to get a replacement plate takes 90 days? It seems an astonishing time to make up a new plate.

    My wife was told if my pickup is stopped by police just show them the LTD receipt ordering a replacement.

    Has anybody else been told the payment receipt is adequate for the police if stopped?  I must admit I feel very uncomfortable driving for 90 days without a plate when, the whole purpose of having front and rear plate is for others to be able to ID my vehicle if necessary. I have to drive the vehicle every 16 days to recharge the battery (I do not often drive it nowadays at other times).

    What about police cameras on certain roads checking speeds and traffic light jumping?


    Am I allowed to use a handmade card and felt tip pen as a temp substitute rear number?  It would be better than nothing IMHO BUT I would not wish to be accused or charged for using a fake/unauthorized  plate.


    Any input based upon experience or knowledge will be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks all.



    Fair enough Just weird I'll accept what you say is correct.

    I agree about not antagonizing the police but asking nicely what law is it because you were not aware of it Is IMO not aggressive or provocative.


    Pilotman you are probably correct however I have avoided 2 incidents of TM without situation getting nasty.  To date, since here, Both whilst in my pickup car (both many years ago now) for traffic offences. On both occasions they were for TM and not actual genuine traffic offences.


    First time, on a local city highway ring road a heavy lorry in front of me and I were stopped. I was told I was speeding at over 80kph and fine was ฿400.  My wife interpreted for me that was not the case and pointed out were were following the heavy lorry also stopped and it was not going over 60kmph (as we were a long gently upwards slope I doubt the Lorry was actaully capable of 80 kmph on the section of road. The officer, then surprisingly called another officer across and went to speak to the lorry driver. The new officer said we were speeding (interesting since he got out of a Police car in the no man's land section in middle of the Highway which of the two police cars there was facing watching the cars going in the other direction. We repeated what we told the first officer. He then went silent for 15 secs and then told my wife I was lane swapping to get past slower vehicles. WE remained quiet voiced, polite and respectful but these unfounded untrue accusations was really annoying because we are aware that Police often do checks in that location and to avoid any possible issues I always ask my wife to check my speedometer just is case we get stopped an accused of speeding. Additionally, on this occasion we were following a slow moving heavy lorry for well over a kilometre and FINALLY, we knew this second officer had not personally been watching our side of the highway anyway.  My wife was then asked how much I was willing to pay as a fine. My wife advised we did not wish to pay anything as we were not guilty of a driving offence. Not being is a hurry I advised the Police officer (via my wife) I was perfectly willing to accompany them to their police station to make a statement (this was not a bluff but a genuine offer) . We were then waved on.


    The other time was approaching Korat. I was pulled over with several other vehicles and told we were travelling in the pedestrian/motorcycle lane of the highway. My wife informed the officer we had been travelling along the normal slow moving path side lane.  He said that was not true and we can see we are in the pedestrian/motorcycle which he admitted was not well marked as the road had been repaired and the lines were mostly missing or faded. I told the officer we are in the pedestrian/motorcycle because he waved us to pull over which we and the others cars stopped had to change lane to do so. As before, I offered to go to the police station to make a statement. As before we were waved on.


    Please do not thinks I am aggressive or that these conversions are anything other than respectful, polite and low voiced, but unlike many who are willing to go with the flow and pay fines when not guilty, I do not wish to give the impression I was offending when I am 100% certain I was not and had my wife as a witness to that fact. Had I realized I was in error or possibly in error on either occasion I would immediately have accepted guilt and fine. I have been driving now for 40 years in UK Spain and Thailand and only once have I been fined because I try my best to obey traffic laws. In that case I was fined in UK (and guilty) of parking near Leeds United's Elland Road in a nearby side road where many cars were parked. It turned out that the side road had a sign at the end saying no parking on match days (I found it after seeing the ticket on my windscreen which surprised me). I had come from London to the match and had not noticed the sign post whilst looking for a parking space and was not aware of the match day restrictions in some side roads in the proximately of Elland Road . Of course I paid the fine and offered an apology and offered no excuses as I was guilty (even if not with intent)




  22. Hi eisfeld,


    My wife has just retuned home from the cinema and told me a local bike repair shop person told her his friend had been fined a few days ago.

    I do not use my bike these days as I get sciatica when I do, so my wife (who has a Mio) rides my bike every two weeks or so to charge the battery and get tyres pum,p up if needed.


    I have said to my wife if she is stopped and fined to ask for identification of the new law so we can look it up.

    If my understanding of current countrywide laws on fines is correct, fines cannot be collected on the spot and an official completed form must be filled in and given to "offender(s)" for payment of fine within specified period or for challenging fine. If my understanding is correct that should be more revealing and if an immediate on site fine is demanded, then even more so.


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