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John F Gill

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Posts posted by John F Gill

  1. 1 minute ago, johng said:

    While not wanting to downplay the seriousness of "human trafficking" what happens in tourist resorts like Pattaya is a very small proportion of the total..most of the bar girls are fully aware of what thier work entails lots think its the way to a better life.
    The vast majority of forced prostitution happens away from the farang tourist areas.

    That's actually not true I wish I could get into the details of how I know that.  A lot of it involves Russian Mafia.  I used to work all over this part of the world in a very sensitive type of job for the United States government.  I'm also retired military.  

  2. 3 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

    I do follow the news there were last week in Pattaya  some barfights,a stabbing of a finish guy,probably a chainsnatch and some random small thefts and burglaries.Now compare this with the crime news from Marseille,Chicago and or Sao Paulo.Pattaya is already a very safe city indeed!

    No you have a point there, I fully agree our crime rate in the states is probably much worse that's actually what I keep trying to tell people back home.  But you can't say with a straight face that Pattaya's crime rate is low.  

  3. 10 minutes ago, johng said:

    Yes there is lots of other things to see and do but bar girls and massage parlors are part and parcel of what attracts tourists to Thailand, there can be a multiple layers attracting different groups to whatever it is that interests them they dont have to be mutually exclusive.

    Don't get me wrong I don't care what you choose to do with your time that's your business.  Just be aware that the human trafficking does still go on around here.  

  4. 9 minutes ago, johng said:

    Yes there is lots of other things to see and do but bar girls and massage parlors are part and parcel of what attracts tourists to Thailand, there can be a multiple layers attracting different groups to whatever it is that interests them they dont have to be mutually exclusive.

    Like I said earlier what people do on their own time is their business and if a grown woman chooses that profession that's her business.  I'm only concerned about the human traffickers and the young girls who are sold into prostitution by their families or kidnapped and forced into it.  That is an unfortunate reality that does go on around here and it's not just something you see in the movies.  

  5. 12 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

    Such as ?  There are many that could be found in a less hostile country.

    And if you want to talk about "hostile countries" I can tell you all about hostile countries I've been to many hostile countries all over the Middle East and Thailand is most definitely NOT one of them.  Try living in Kandahar or Kirkuk for a year and then you'll know what a "hostile country" really is.  

  6. 6 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

    Such as ?  There are many that could be found in a less hostile country.

    See that's the problem people like you don't know because you never leave your little areas. If I have to tell you than you haven't truly seen Thailand.  I suppose I'm supposed to draw you a tourist map and educate everyone.  Try getting out there.  

  7. What people do on there own time is there business.  If a woman chooses to go into that profession that's her personal choice, I don't agree with it but that's still her personal choice.  


    The thing that bothers me is the Human Traffickers and the young girls who are sold by their families or kidnapped and forced into that world that's what's gotta stop NOW.  


    I've only been down to Pattaya once I drove along that road that runs parallel to the beach and it's a shame that there's so much human misery behind the scenes down there because it's really a beautiful area.  I remember seeing more foreigners down there than Thai people.  I think Rayong is probably the safest beach area down there unless of course you're looking for that kind of thing.  I always knew that Pattaya was always the big party area of Thailand but I didn't know till after my first visit to Thailand how much of a seedy place it gets after dark.  When I was there during the day on the road it just looks like any other beach community.  

  8. If it was only 1 day and you're already out of Thailand it's to late now and 1 day shouldn't effect you whenever you decide to come back to Thailand, I think you said May.  I'm not sure what the fine might or will be but a 1 day overstay isn't the end of the world I think they're looking for the people who overstay like more than 90 days or something I'm not sure.  You ought to come back in mid April for the 3 day Sangkron festival it's a blast.  I believe this year it's April 12th through the 14th but I'd look it up to be sure.  


    You should be fine when coming back to Thailand you might get questioned but I don't know.  If you really want to be sure the guy you should ask on here is a guy who goes by the screen name Ubonjoe he knows everything about these things.  


    I wouldn't worry about it but if I were you I'd be extra careful to make sure that doesn't happen again.  From what I understand if you had been caught before you got back to the airport you could have been in a lot of trouble but I don't know what the rules are about a 1 day overstay just be more careful next time about your return flight.  Honestly I don't want to know what could happen that's why I'm always extra careful to make sure my visa is extended as early as possible.  If there's anyone in Thailand I don't want to mess with it's immigration, that's just because I like living here.  

  9. 21 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    A two day overstay overstay stamp would have no effect on getting a visa. The big risk is getting caught with the overstay before you get to the airport which could result in being banned form entering the country.

    You could apply for a 7 day extension, pay 1900 baht and be granted 7 days to leave the country at immigration.

    LoL I'm sorry I was just saying that he should talk to you but you've already replied to him.  


    Listen to what this guy says when it comes to immigration and visa stuff he'll never steer you wrong.  He really helped me out a lot my first year here, back then I hardly knew anything because this is the first time I've ever lived in a foreign country as a private citizen.  Before retiring here I thought I knew it all just because I've been traveling all over the world for years but I didn't.  The rules are so much different as a private citizen, and even in the service I used to travel a lot as if I was a private citizen but never for long stays like now.  


    What Joe said about getting a 7 day extension for only 1900 Baht sounds like your best option if immigration will do that.  If he says they will then I'm sure it's an option.  Go with that option it's much safer than an overstay even if it's only 2 days.  Plus you won't have to worry about being hassled later about having that 2 day overstay stamp in your passport when you come back.  Trust me getting pulled into secondary at the airport is no fun even when they're cordial.  I've never experienced secondary questioning here in Thailand but I've heard it takes up a lot of your time.  

    • Like 1
  10. Why not just try to get an earlier flight out?  Why take the risk just call the airline they could probably change your departure date for a few days earlier it might cost a little more depending on the airline.  Or maybe you can just go see immigration and maybe they can give you a short term extension or something.  Personally I'd never take the risk of overstaying especially if you want to live here.  That's just me I don't mess with immigration, I've read to many horror stories on this forum.  I know it's only 2 days late but all it takes is that police officer stopping you on the way to the airport or a routine visit to your house by the immigration police which they have been known to do once in a while.  I know who you should talk to there's this guy on here that goes by screen name Ubonjoe I've asked him for advice in the past during my first year here and he never steered me wrong.  The guy's an expert on visa and immigration rules talk to him he really knows his stuff.  He's pretty well known on here I think I read his posts all the time in these forums just to learn all the latest information about immigration stuff.  

  11. On 2/12/2017 at 6:14 PM, tlcwaterfall said:

    Thanks for showing me this.  I just got this box delivered today hooked it up and you're right it works absolutely great.  Better than I expected.  

    • Like 2
  12. 17 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Your in a multi entry non o visa correct . Not an extension of stay by way of marriage correct. 

    Then you are on overstay you do not do 90 day reports you do a 90 day border run. So leave quickly by air pay the fine.

    Don't get caught on the way to the airport.

    Right those of us on non-o visa extensions have to report to immigration every 90 days.  If you're not on an extension of your non-o visa than you're required to leave the country every 3 months instead, but most people on non-o visas just walk back and fourth across the border within like an hour depending on how long the line is at the border checkpoint.  I did that every 3 months for my first year here.  If you are on a one year visa extension obviously you would know.  If not if you are just on a non-o visa with no extension then your stamp in your passport will tell you when you have to cross the border.  The good thing about getting extensions is that you can just keep getting your visa extended every year for as long as you want to stay without ever having to leave Thailand as long as you keep your visa extension updated every year and valid.  


    If you are on a visa extension than you would most definitely know, if you are not then check your stamp in your passport it'll tell you the date that you are required to leave the country.  

  13. 4 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Savannakhet does not ask for financial proof to get a multiple entry non-o visa based upon marriage.

    Marriage certificate plus a copy, signed copies of your wife's house book registry and ID card is all that is required.

    After my first year here I was seriously thinking about going to Savannakhet for a new non-o visa but I am SO GLAD that I got the extensions instead it's so much easier to live here on extensions.  

  14. 3 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    You said  " I could be wrong but I think the fine for a late 90 day report is 500 Baht per day not to exceed 5000 Baht "

    That is incorrect, you can file a 90 day report 15 days early or 7 days late without a penalty. If even 1 day over that the fine is 2000 baht. They can charge 200 baht per day till the report is made up to 5000 baht but that is rarely done. I lost my 90 day slip when bank forgot to give it back to me and was 2 1/2 months late they just had me pay 2000 baht.

    Yeah I know about all that the 15 day early thing and 7 days late but yeah I may have been wrong about the 500 Baht per day.  Now that you mention it I remember that yeah I think you're right it is 200 Baht per day not to exceed 5000 Baht.  I've never been late before so I don't know for sure.  Although last time I reported like 4 days after my scheduled report date only because my report date fell on a weekend and because they were closed for Chinese New Year.  Still I had no problems they're always really cool.  I think it's just a matter of following their rules.  But sometimes people end up in situations that are out of their control you could end up in the hospital who knows, there are some things they should make exceptions to.  I'm all for following their laws because we as foreigners here have to remember that we're not in the United States anymore or whatever your home country is.  I was just trying to explain the difference between an over stay and just reporting late.  

  15. An over stay and reporting late are 2 separate things.  Over staying your over all visa or extension is a very bad situation the longer you over stay the worse it gets.  Just reporting late isn't that serious you just pay a fine.  I could be wrong but I think the fine for a late 90 day report is 500 Baht per day not to exceed 5000 Baht.  That's what I've read anyway but reporting late and over staying are 2 very different things.  Over staying will get you deported out of Thailand depending on the situation and possibly banned from Thailand for years depending on how long someone over stays.  Reporting late will just result in a fine it's not very serious.  Although definitely make every effort to report on time and keep good relations with immigration.  I've never reported late so I don't know what kind of other problems it could cause and I don't want to know so I never report late, but I do know that it's not an over stay it's only a fine.  Just be careful and take Immigration's rules very seriously because they don't play around when people break the rules.  

  16. 22 hours ago, tlcwaterfall said:

    I'm going with your advice because you seem really straight up about it.  There are SO MANY conflicting opinions out there about these boxes I had no idea it would be so complicated.  I like to keep things simple.  You say your friend bought this one and it works great and you even sent me the Lazada link for it.  So I think my mind is made up.  I can always return it if it's not any good.  I had no idea people had so many different opinions about the different types of boxes.  People suddenly started trying to sell me boxes, everyone's getting into the technicalities of them and the apps, I have no idea I'm not much of a techy.  I just want one that will work and do what I need it to do.  Once I get it I'm going to have my techy nephew hook it up for me, although I'm not totally tech ignorant I can usually figure most things out.  In fact it's time for me to stream the latest episode of Homeland off the internet.  

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