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Scuba 1st

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Posts posted by Scuba 1st

  1. With all this talk about snakes, do you know what to do if bitten by one that you suspect is poisonous? ?? Its not hard, have on hand ( first aid kit ) long crepe bandages. You rap the affected limb all the way up and then down again make it firm but dont strangle the limb. This slows the flow of poison in the system and then get to a doctor/hospital asap. Good luck.

  2. I love the village life when i go home to it. The kids in the area are the best, no internet and phone rubbish. They do as i did as a child, that play outside and i join them, play soccer, fly Frisbees and even managed to get some boomerangs to give them something different to do. Ive also spent hours with them doing simple maths with them as fun. The adults are great and in time we will be able to communicate as i learn their language. I have no problem with dogs and would never suggest a slingshot with marbles as ammo. Enjoy life in the land of smile people as i do, she be right mate.

  3. Airasia, what a rip off. Booked a flight from perth to bali six weeks in advance. Two day later tried to cancel/pospone because i had to go for operation and then couldnt fly for three months. They wouldnt do either, i had also booked my fiance on the same booking, as a curtsy if i sent a copy of our marrage certificate then they would re-emburse her flight. In their loyalty program we have booked many flights with them, never asked for said marrage cert, at the time was angry but now just laugh. But will email them every time i book a flight and hope to piss them off.

  4. Lets see, America who control the finances of the world through fear. Do as we say or else, economic defeat,

    do as we say and we will make lots of money from raping you. America only looks after the rich America, it cant even protect its own children in schools, in its "long" history it has only had four years when it wasn't fighting someone, it has made multi billions from other peoples misery and death. Who are these people to judge others human rights?????

    Yes i believe that in time Thailands work on eradication of human trafficking will work. Dont let America judge, their judgment isnt worth a bucket of hot cocky shit.

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