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Posts posted by awcode

  1. So currently looks like 3BB issue.

    Maybe nationwide or maybe Pattaya.

    Any further data to help confirm or expand on this appreciated.

    Already had the Mrs call 3BB, typical usual struggle of needing to break past the front line on the phones and get the message to an engineer who knows what DNS is. Will wait and see.

  2. Is anyone else using googles DNS server?

    Currently failing for me at 2 separate locations over last 2 days.

    Both use 3BB fibre and relatively close proximity in Pattaya.

    Please test and report provider and location - want to determine if it is an isolated, provider, regional or wider issue.

    Luckily is working fine, so internets working (though the office somehow setup with a single DNS entry was down yesterday!)

    Anyone with a 'nix box simply type the bellow to test

    dig google.com @

    This is a success

    ;; global options: +cmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 40148
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 16, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
    ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
    ;google.com.			IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    google.com.		299	IN	A
    ;; Query time: 40 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Thu Apr 07 08:19:57 ICT 2016
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 295

    and this is a fail

    ; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-11ubuntu1.3-Ubuntu <<>> google.com @
    ;; global options: +cmd
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

    Sure someone can contribute an equivalent windows check.

  3. The internet in Thailand is totally f*cked due to this IPV4 vs IPV6 issue.

    Not just Thailand.

    Had to disable ipv6 on a top global webhost (rackspace) since it was giving me routing problems to composer.org (highly technical company supporting developers around the world).

    Problem could have been either end or anywhere in between but that is the problem ipv6 faces, until global support and reliability improves ISPs and businesses will be forced to continue using ipv4 as well.

    Hence carrier grade NAT going to become more common.

    To the OP and other recent poster, not ideal but possible to work around with a VPN if you run a private VPS somewhere with a fixed IP.

  4. I agree with some of the others that a more mainstream system would provide a far easier experience, especially if this is your first venture into linux.

    Debian runs slower update cycles on the same base as ubuntu (ubuntu based on debian) which gives increased security and stability.

    More importantly, a huge global network of experienced users who can help solve issues like this.

    Smaller distros have smaller community so reduced support options meaning need to figure out much more on your own.

    Qubes does look good and in theory would be significantly more secure, assuming no weaknesses that haven't yet been found - new ways of doing things ALWAYS bring new flaws.

    It is the speed of finding and fixing those flaws that help security (heartbleed/shellshock were around for years for instance)

    The big question is whether you truly need the increased level of security and whether you are willing to trade it for the inconvenience.

    I am happy with Ubuntu (Mate edition, hate unity) but then I don't store credit card details, official government secrets or work for wikileaks.

    Only you can decide if you need it or not, based on informed facts and your personal situation.

    As for the issues, never used Qubes but know linux very well and fairly local, but very short of time currently so see if you can get it sorted, if not get in touch next week.

    Also out of curiosity, those System 7 computers look great, but did you get stung on import tax coming in? If so how much?

    Also do they extend their monthly payment scheme to overseas foreigners? (do they even offer it at all, hard to tell!)

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