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Posts posted by InMyanmar2015

  1. Hi Sheryl,

    Fingers crossed you can help me. I live in Burma and am coming to Bangkok specifically to pick up BCPs for myself as a form of contraceptive.

    I should mention I've never used them in the past, so I'm trying to figure out my best option. I've had all the blood tests etc from my doc on this side and am cleared to go, I just need to figure out which one to pick.

    I don't have any issues like acne, pcos, or PMS that I'm trying to moderate but the two side effects I'm most concerned about are weight gain and mood swings (and I definitely do want to get pregnant later in life!!). Of course, I also assume a lower dosage (suited to a woman of about 135-140 lbs) would be ideal.

    Can you offer a few suggestions for what's available in Thailand and might fit these criteria? I am also a bit frightened by this talk of counterfeit drugs so will buy from a hospital if necessary. Price is not an issue for me. Just effective an effective oral contraceptive with minimal side effects.

    Any names you could suggest would be much appreciated. I'm very much in the dark out here.

    Thanks so much!


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