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Posts posted by yugobrian

  1. The Nation praises the government for setting up a committee which will protect industrial estates, presumably by building higher dykes around them, to be led by a businessman, and undoubtedly peopled by cronies. Will they order their friends to tear down the hotels and other businesses which have blocked canals in Bangkok (and Pattaya causing the earlier flood there). Will they address deforestation (again their friends)? No mention of this committee addressing the causes of the flooding. Where are the hydrologists and water management people? What is needed is a means to move the water out of the Chao Praya River basin to the sea without flooding inundating the country. It continues to be sad days in Thailand.

  2. With the enormous amount of water heading south in the next week and the chance of more heavy downpours, it is obvious that Bangkok is being saved from serious flooding at the expense of the provinces. However,it would be interesting to see people being ferried down Sathorn Road in longboats.Drown the provinces, save the capital.

    opps, posted incorrectly

    I do not understand how "Bangkok" being saved from serious flooding causes more flooding upstream. It seems to me that water tends to flow downstream not up. Can someone explain to me how protecting Bangkok affects upriver provinces? Is it the confining of the water in the Chao Praya River in Bangkok raising the overall level of the river. And how much of an effect is there if this is true?

  3. I am really tired of the anti-Thai posts which re-occur with regularity in these forums. Thai students don't know European history. Well, I can assure you that European and American students don't know Asian history. So the difference is what? And if you've lived in Thailand for even a short period, you should know that the swastika does not mean Nazi Germany - so no, the BTS clerk is not a Nazi sympathizer. He's just hoping for some good luck and, at the amount of money he makes, he needs some.

    On the other hand, parading before the school in uniforms of whatever kind (German, French, English, American) carrying toy machine guns is another issue.

  4. [i think some people are jumping the gun on this one a bit; of course condolences to those directly affected, but to immediately assume the accident is a result of poor driving standards is unfair - for all we know it could have been caused by some other reason like brake failure or swerving to avoid a dog. The driving standards are not good in Thailand, but that doesn't mean that every accident is down to them. Accidents happen unfortunately, and they happen everywhere.

    THAI drivers AVOIDING hitting a dog?

    that's hilarious.

    Yes, accidents happen everywhere, but here they just happen more often and with more serious consequences. If you have ever been on a bus, you are immediately aware of how dangerous it is - and I am talking about every bus I've ever been on. No bus should be going 120 km/hour. Brake failure - according to the news reports - happens all the time. That is ridiculous. And if its brake failure, then the issue is not maintaining the buses. I agree that not every accident is a result of bad driving, only 99 percent of them are.

  5. "The government has to continue to have a dialogue with the demonstrators and they need to reach an agreement on a path forward," Crowley said. Another idiotic statement from US Embassy. The government had a deal with the "demonstrators" and the "demonstrators" backed out. To call a paramilitary group with an armed redoubt in the middle of Bangkok for 40 days demonstrators is absurd. I applaud the Prime Minister for his patience in trying to resolve the situation but it is now beyond doubt that the red shirts are people who can not be trusted and it is time for the "demonstration" to end.

  6. Three points.

    1. If I buy my wife/girlfriend (depending on your situation) land which she (or the children) will keep when I am gone and if she does not come from the landed Bangkok elite, haven't I just helped expand the middle class and perhaps the GDP - maybe she starts a small business. What a great idea but apparently illegal. Are the rights of Thai woman who marries a foreigner less than those of one who marries a Thai? See 2007 Constitution, sec. 30: All persons shall be equal before the law and shall enjoy equal protection under it. Femails and males shall enjoy equal rights.

    2. What does revoke mean? Who gets the land? And who's out the price of the land?

    3. I want to know when the foreign embassies are going to do something to protect their citizens' interests. I note that, e.g. the U.S.A. works diligently to try to protect U.S. drug companies' profits - it wants a FTA which would curb the "listing" of medecine, done per WTO rules (see TRIPS) by Thailand which allows Thailand to import generic versions of patented drugs to provide affordable drugs to cancer and HIV/AIDs patient. But I never see the embassy doing anything to address the interests of U.S. (or other) expats.

  7. As the figures at the end of this post demonstrate, Thais' have approximately a 50% greater chance of dying in a road accident than those in the USA:

    Thailand: 18 per 100,000

    USA: 12 per 100,000

    I do not know the percentage of road deaths in the USA or Thailand which were of those riding motorbikes. However, I can venture an opinion that if motorbike ridership was at the same level in the two countries, the death toll would likely be less in Thailand than in the USA (and probably less than most developed countries).

    Many of my co-contributors to this forum have made worthwhile comments. Many have not.

    Having been a reader of this forum for over four years I am not surprised but do remain saddened that so many of the comments are uneducated, snide and mean-spirited. For example:

    spaceshipcrew: “a human life has no value here.”

    finnomick: “Will they ever learn -- I doubt it...”

    kangaroo: “i wouldn't believe any stats that the nation has compiled from sources that wouldn't have a clue.”

    deprogrammed: “The average mentality of a Thai is that of a 12 year old.”

    kano85: “But life has no value here.”

    Lancelot: “I just remind myself it's because they simply don't care...”

    I am curious on where you all get your information.


    US: 12 per 100,000

    Highway deaths 2008: 37,313.

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090406/ap_on_.../highway_deaths

    Population: 307,212,123 (July 2009 est).

    Source: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/th...k/print/us.html

    Thai: 18 per 100,000

    Highway deaths 2007: 12,000.

    Source: http://en.thaihealth.or.th/index.php?optio...33&Itemid=1

    Population: 65,905,410 (July 2009 est.)

    Source: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/th...k/print/th.html

  8. The first year I got my retirement visa I had 800,000 which was brought in shortly after I moved here. Other than when I purchased my condo I have never had that much in Thailand since that first year.

    The only financial document I have ever needed was the Affidavit (Declaration, Certification, whatever its called) certifying income greater than 65,000 baht per year. This I filled out at my Embassy (U.S. - just ask for financial document for retirement visa) stating my income from America. I have never had to provide any documentation to get this. E.g., I've never provided any statements from any financial institution. I trust that other Embassies provide a similar to their citizens.

    It really is quite an easy and painless process.

  9. Regarding renewal of retirement visa.

    First, it isn't a "letter" that you need, it is a statement which you fill out regarding your monthly income which the consular officer notarizes. The US embassy provides the form. The officer does not verify the information about your income but simply verifies that you are the person who signs the notarized statement. You do not need to present supporting documentation. I suggest $2,500+ as an amount to met immigration's requirements.

    Second, at immigration, you present your notarized statement as part of your renewal documents and get your new 1 year visa. I've never had immigration ask for supporting information.

    I believe, but do not know, that other embassies provide the same service. All the best.

  10. Hi,

    Anyone know of a fun place to go to watch the Superbowl on 2/5? We will be staying in a resort with no TV, so would like to find a place to drag our sleepy butts to at 6:00 AM and watch the big game.



    I will be opening THE PFC BAR in soi reggae,chaweng at 5-30am Monday morning for the super bowl.....

    unfortunately you will have to bring your own breakfast tho !!!

    plenty of other ice-cold drinks and tea/coffee available ...

    hope to see you !

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