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Posts posted by irish25

  1. fair play to you!thats a great way you have of thinking about living life!hats off to ya!its better to laugh than cry!i wish you all the best of luck moving to thailand!am sure you will love it!i lived in pattaya for two years from age of 17 alone!i lived in a lovely house between jomtien and pattaya it was like a whole other world,only 5min from town but so green and peacefull!by the end i didnt really go into the city itself that much as everything i needed was right by me!i must say i did do a lot of stupid things but luckly nothing happend to me!i am currently living in prague in the czech republic and to be honest i felt safer in pattay than i do here at night sometimes!

    again good luck with the move n all the best!


  2. hi dose anyone know besides the fed ex company in tops where i can go to ship a box full of books and bits and piece back to the czech republic?any ideas on prices or just where in pattaya i could go?



  3. i was just wondering if there is anywhere here that you can post items that you have for sale,am trying to sell a super audio video system,dive computer and underwater housing for a pentax camera,all at very good prices!anyone can help me,



  4. open water course in pattaya....well i would go with mermaids,they are the only people i have dived with here though....am right now in the middle of doing my idc/ie(instructor exams) with them right now!they have some really great teachers there!!!

  5. just seen the news this morning 6.30 am england,

    the mother does not want the death sentence, very strong and noble woman,

    when a lot off people's emotions are runnong high, this woman after the experiences she has just been through kept her composure, and shown a tremendous amount of compasion.

    from sky news:

    UK News

    Wichai Somkhaoyai and Bualoi Posit before sentencing Sentenced To Death

    Updated: 11:21, Wednesday January 18, 2006

    Two Thai fishermen have been sentenced to death for raping and murdering British tourist Katherine Horton.

    Bualoi Posit, 23, and Wichai Somkhaoyai, 24, attacked the university student on the holiday island of Koh Samui.

    The two men had pleaded guilty to murder after DNA tests linked them to the crime.

    During their trial in Surat Thani, Judge Chamnong Sutchaimai heard eight prosecution witnesses but no defence witnesses.

    The court heard the men had been drunk when they spontaneously decided to attack Miss Horton.

    Judge Sutchaimai told the packed court: "The crime they committed has terrified people.

    Katherine Horton "To prevent others from committing similar acts, the court rules that the two defendants be sentenced to death."

    The sentence came after pressure from the Thai prime minister led to the fast-tracking of the case in a bid to minimise the impact on the country's tourist industry.

    Defence lawyer Amarin Nuimai called the ruling "extremely harsh".

    "I accept it. I'm sorry for what I did," Bualoi said before being taken away.

    Miss Horton, a 21-year-old psychology student, was talking to her mother on a mobile phone while strolling across a beach on the evening of New Year's Day when she was targeted.

    Her body was found by a jet-skier in the sea off the island of Koh Samui a day later.

    Her family have denied reports that they did not want the death penalty imposed. They said they had made no comment on the matter.

    didnt all the other news things say that they didnt want them sent to death??

  6. One morning a husband returns after several hours of fishing and decides

    to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, his wife decides to take

    the boat out. She motors out a short distance, drops anchor and begins to

    read her book. Along comes a game warden in his boat. He pulls up alongside

    the woman and says, "Good morning, ma'am. What are you doing?"

    "Reading a book," she replies.

    "You're in a restricted fishing area," he informs her.

    "I'm sorry, Officer, but I'm not fishing, I'm reading."

    "Yes, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at

    any moment. I'll have to take you in and write you up."

    "If you do that, I'll have to charge you with sexual assault,"says the


    "But I have not even touched you," says the game warden.

    "That's true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could

    start at any moment."

    "Have a nice day, ma'am," he said, and left.

    Moral of this story: Never argue with a woman who reads. It is likely

    she can also think.

  7. Best blonde joke in years...and it's supposedly true as well.

    You gotta read the intro before looking at the picture

    A few days ago I was having some work done at my friend's

    garage. A blonde came in and asked for a seven-hundred-ten. We all

    looked at each other and her, "What is a seven-hundred-ten?"

    She replied, "You know, the little piece in the middle of the

    engine, I have lost it and need a new one ."

    She said she did not know exactly what it was, but this piece

    had always been there. The mechanic gave her a piece of paper

    and a pen and asked her to draw what the piece looked like.

    She drew a circle and in the middle of it wrote 710.

    The mechanic then took her over to another car, propped the

    hood up and asked "Is there a 710 on this car?"

    She pointed and said, "Of course, it's right there."

    NOW open the picture "710.jpg"


  8. yes i dont understand why they dont do same as in any other country i have seen them,usualy there is a small area of beach for them do drive in and out to pick up people,its roped off so no swimmers can get in then out very far away from the beach they have like a big triangle track that they can do as they liked!!

  9. i am a diver here in pattay to and i hate the bloody jet skis,i have had one come very close to my head as i was surfacing once,even though it was very clear there was divers there and the people from out boat were shouting at the driver to get away!i have seen two times when divers have actualy got hit and sent to hospital!very sad!the jet skis seem to use our markers as a race course and if you give out to them and tell them to go away that they are going to hurt someone it only seems to make them go faster!!! :o

  10. My friend an American bought one of them taxi vests as a souveneer(sp?). They cost next to nothing.

    Any thai could buy one so best tell any females who come here on holiday just to get a taxi from a taxi corner only where they can see the motorbike taxis with the same colour vests.

    Just to take care most tourists have a great holiday.

    wow i did not know that you could just buy them off the street!that is quite scary as where my house is i have to go down a dark road for a good 10min before i get to my house!i have gotten robbed here twice in 3months so everyone tells me to get motorbike taxi home all the time,it makes me nervious that the person that would be bringing me home might not actually be a taxi man!!

  11. ,i am a 19yr old girl living in pattaya!it dose not bother me one bit when i see white men with thai girls....all but one of my male friends here have a thai gf!maby i am just usta it but i usualy get on well with these ladys they bring out with them i try my best to talk to the girls!you can not say that all Women here are jealous and bad,there is a lot of us who are quite happy to just get on with life here,what other people choose to do is no ones buissness but there own!no one should care what others think of them!maby i am just being very young silly saying that but its what i think!

  12. i remember being in a bar one night with a farang guy that i worked with here....he had only been here about a week and was going on all the time about how he was a good fighter and wanted to get in the ring with a thai boxer(he was a wresler from the us...hahaha)....we told him he was being stupid as he had no chance of lasting even 5min!but he dissagreed so we brought him to walking street and put him in the ring of those show fights he got beeten to bits and was in pain for quite a few weeks after....we thaught it was the funnyest thing and no less than he deserved!(i would hate to see what would have happened were he in a real fight) :o

    on another note there are a lot of farangs who really are serious about this sport and i have seen it at a few of the real fights....these guys really put a lot of effort into what they!if they were not serious about it they would no way have gotten as far as they have!

  13. scobys pizza! 340/16 pattaya 3rd road!lovely pizzas and free delivery 4pm-4am!and its quite reasonably priced,prices from 100 for a small cheese to 300 for large deluxe extra toppings are 20 25 & 30 for sm med and lg!

    enjoy :o

    oops phone no is 038-720752

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