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Mr Ling Noi

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Posts posted by Mr Ling Noi

  1. First of all RIP mate!

    Without quoting anyone, or better yet almost everyone! heres a very breif story from somebody who's been shot there in the land of smiles!

    I havent written for a while on here cause straight away i was posted with coments like "Open Season On aussies"., which by the way we kinda got a giggle out of that one, at the time it seemed fitting! but anyway!

    I got shot there very very almost twice, both at the same time, i got hit with a .38 revolver to my left kidney, and a .22 pistol missfired!, I got lucky! both were at point blank range on my front door step. now what happened???

    I had a very very small business, young and just starting life really, i was being more and more succsesfull with each month. I didn't have any known enemies, and had no plans of making any, again i was young and enjoying the people, the culture, the place, and the country i was living in!

    I was approched by a failing business 'competitor' you may call him, he asked me to sell up and work for him! By the way! he was from england not thai! I said i was happy doing what i was doing on my own! I had no reason to fear or be worried by him, he made no threats towards me, although he didn't have a good rep at all there was no reason for me to worry! i thought it was just piss in wind as we say here.

    Now what happened after that is what may shock you all, the police, the hospital, the doctors, all the staff that had anything to do with them, esspecially my neibourghs, were great!!!!!!!

    back to the police! They did everything in their power, their "restrictions" (and they are restricted!!), and seemed to put every effort into getting to the bottom of it. The guys involved which included a pom, a yank, and 2 thais (paid shooters) were identified, 1 thai and the yank got off/away but the 2 main people involved got nabbed, one (the thai) got caught on the lao border escaping and the pom got raided in 2 places he was hiding but escaped, and finally gave himself up to police a few long weeks later.

    I'm led to believe that friends and business associates did help out the police when the restrictions were in place! and to any of those friends and associates i am refering to are reading this, Thank you!, I am in a debt of gratitude that i could never repay in it's entireness! I am thinking of you always!

    Now i've been back there so many times, for court at first, and now for holidays, I reccomend thailand to everyone i speak too and have sent and orginised many of my family members trips there, mistakes are made in all countrys and it is not a perfect country there, but it's not the worst place you could be! They call it the land of smiles for a reason remember!!

    Again thank you to my friends there! your not forgotten, and to those that paint the police, the people, the culture and the country with the same brush, just remember, not ALL of them are the same, there are a hell of alot of good ones out there that would put alot of you board members to shame!

    Cheers, Burky

    P.S. i'm counting down the last few weeks till my next visit! I love that place!!!!!!!

  2. Hi there guys, I hope all is holding up well over there, I am back here in Australia watching from the sideline.

    My Thai girlfriend is here also and is very worried and would like to read about it in thai, could someone please post a good web address to keep up with the latest on this situation, in thai language so she can keep up with it all..

    Our thoughts go out to all and i hope things do not esculate. :o:D

    it's about time Toxin was booted out on his arse where he belongs.


    Ling Noi

  3. Just like there Copy DVD raid they had a month or so ago, I still had no drama walking down Suk buying copyed dvd's, how could that be, there all over the place on suk! are the cops blind during there raids?

    They apear to only hit the small, tiny, guys in the business!, anybody selling to us falung seem to have no problems, Funny That No? :o


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    3. Choose 'Find member's posts' from this drop down menu, and you will be taken to a view where you can browse your posting history.

    Thanx mate, I know it was an easy one but I couldn't find it.

    Cheers Meadish :o

  5. I do love the way that you can be driving down the road at night and almost have a huge accident when you ask the guy what the hel_l he was thinking? He blames you, despite the fact that you are driving on the correct side of the road, with your lights on, at less then a sensible speed, wearing a helmet, not plastered out of your mind with a registered motorcycle going through a green light and HE is driving opposite to you on the wrong side of the road with no lights no warning, almost 100miles (or so it seems) an hour, wife, and 3 children onboard no helmets, straight through a red light, Drunk as hel_l on something, on a bike that is held together with sticky tape and hasn't been registered in 30yrs, And you are the one that is in the wrong, figure it out, when you do I will pay for that info.

    Luv Thailand but common sence in life and death could be used a little more here

    Ling Noi :o

  6. Hi There Support Dest

    Only new to this so pleased don't be pi#sed at my question. :o

    I am just curious as to how i can look at all messages i have posted, or at least the last few, as i can never seem to remember what section on the forum and somtimes even what I was talkng about at the time (I blame that totally on Chang).

    Where do I find the posts that i have posted already so i can see any responses that have come through.

    Thanks guys for the help!! :D

  7. Has anybody every watched Christies Auction? Somebody spending $27,500 on a bag is actually kinda small, no?

    The amount of people that walk into L.V. bag shops must not think to much about the money they spend on bags.

    Yes it blows my mind how they could spend 30 grand on a bag but it blows my friends mind how i could spend B1000 on some bird down the road. relevent? Yes I think it is, My mate thinks i am mad for spending so much money on somthing that could be better used, this lady bought an overpriced hand bag that she could have spent on somthing better.

    The previous posts on where the money should be spent i do aggree, there are enough people out there with nothing and B1.1M would last them and their familys for mabey many generations, but i can't hel but think the $20 I spent on beer last night could have provided a less unfortunate kid with more then a months food, school, etc,etc,etc.

    Yes i agree life/people are mabey heading in the wrong direction but isn't that the way we have developed to where we are today??


    Ling Noi

  8. Sorry but it's disconcerting and embarassing when some young thing has her private parts stuck in a man's face and his wife is sitting across the table.

    I thought Id been in some iffy bars in my time , but now I see I've led a very sheltered life indeed.


    I must aggree, where have i been all this time, not where Scott's going anyway thats for sure.

    Where are those Tiger girl pic's anyway, I am trying to find some with no luck so far, If i get hold of one then i will post it.

    Ling Noi

  9. I can't beleive the amount of rain thats been hitting us here (chanthaburi) for the last 4 days, It has been incredable really. Non-stop heavy for hours then half hour break then back into it again, 4 days of it has now given me the sh*ts to tell you the truth but i do love it at the same time, It is amazing how much water can fall in a short period of time!


  10. Anybody heard the rumour Tony was shot on saturday?

    Confirming that rumour :D , however no serious injury :o

    Is it true? If you can confirm then please give some info on it, Why, Who, When, Why, Where Etc...

    If he got shot, although i don't know him, he appears to be a major falung guy in Pattaya, so it is interesting what has happened.


  11. What JD said was right, Khutan asked for a speed boat for hire. Not a cruise down the river. It appears that Major Dang is just after a bit of free advertising.

    Sorry Khuntan, I don't know any speed boats for hire in BKK but good luck mate.


  12. Pheeww So I can unwrap the tin foil from around my head now.

    Wonder how the lady who had her cooling gel blessed feels now :o

    This could just show the low level of education and there lack of rational thought that too many Thais have. Better education could change this dramatically, But then what would the gov't do when the once uneducated become educated and start to demand more for their labour? :D

    Still a great story but. This one is going through the printer, I need this one for the record.


  13. Hi Bannork.

    I had a similar experience. I was living in an appartment in Chanthaburi for about a year when the cleaners (for sure) Stole my money, phone, passport and some other things that were in the appartment.

    there were only about 6 rooms with people in them and the owner lived in the building, considering i knew what time they were coming and leaving to clean the room (at my request), I knew everybody that had access to my room.

    When i confronted the owner on what was missing and what i needed, If i din't have these items then i would have to call the police for a report, it was funny that in 2 days (when i was away from my room for the first time) what i had asked for back was slipped under the door, My passport, SIM card, I.D., drivers Licence,etc

    They kept the phone, money, anything easy to sell. the funny thing was a week later when i told them i was leaving they paid back my full deposit and i had more then 2 weeks in the appartment without question or payment.

    They told me fired the lady they thought/said it was but i knew it was the daughter as she was the cleaner AND happened to leave and not come back the same day and nobody knew where she went. I found a new joint and got out of there quickly.

    The owner couldn't beleive that i was leaving as i had got my things back, minus the phone, money, some jewelery etc, was nothing to her as i had the 'important' (difficult to sell) things back.

    For you mate, I have to aggree with the other posters when they say to talk to the bigshot and find out who she is then go from there, If you need to involve the police then thats the way it is.

    Let us know what happened with the situation as i am sure that many would like to know what to do and what not to do in this situation.

    Good Luck


  14. The commission she was so keen not to speak about usually comes from both buyer AND seller.

    Really? Was not aware of anybody charging a finders fee. Any names of companies?

    I was recently paid a finders fee from a friend who had a friend selling land which i found a buyer (by chance), I never expected the money they said i would receive so it was a bit of a shock when my friend came to the door with the money. I confirmed the sale with the guy who bought the place just to make sure there was nothing to fishy about it all and he's happy as can be.

    I can't imadgine finders fees are rare, I beleive they go on everywhere, OZ included. If one company has a proporty that another company has a client for (or visa versa) then sure a finders fee/commission should be paid i think.

    I may have been totally off here but that is what i gathered from this statment.

    Cheers :o

  15. Hi All animal experts,

    I live in Chanthaburi and just had a fire that came very close to my house (10-15 meters), It started from a rice paddock next to our estate, which i happen to be right on it, and after all settled down, I found some snakes hanging around, 2 of which were in my house and one on my front step. 1 i can identifiy as a small cobera but the other 2 i am not so sure of.

    I beleive one was a ngu sam liam, Or in english a Banded Krait but i am not 100% sure as the colors were not as strong as i have seen in pictures, so if there is another snake similar to this then what is it or what could it be?

    the other was a real mystery, it was similar to the Banded Krait, but had a very small, short, pointy head and short, thin body, and the best part was the colors, it was striped with a bright green and a kind of dark (although still pronounced) odd sort of color (sorry for the poor description i was just trying to get the thing out of my house).

    If i can think or i find a similar snake/color i will post it, but i would like to know what kind of snakes will i find here and what is the potential dangers/aggressiveness of these snakes?

    I have grown up with snakes from a farm in Aus and have no real fear of them but would like to know as much as i can about the snakes that are now (after the fire today) in my house!

    Thanks for any help.


  16. Hi green wanderer

    this section is about Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life, your picture should be added to a new section on 'ENTERTAINMENT' only, It would have to be the only post in that forum and it would create enough traffic for the laughs we would all receive.

    My girls laughing at you picture now. :D:D

    Green is exactly what you are, and i can beleive that you wander as nobody could stand you long enough to allow you to hang around. :D

    Just my thoughts.


    What's that Mr. Ling, newby??? You sure seem to be pretty daring to act as a Thaivisa representative / spokesperson after only 19 posts! Let's just wait till you've had a chance to make atleast 100 posts before you think you truly know Thaivisa community and the type of threaders / expats that frequent / hijack threads here... You sound like you'll fit in nicely though as you are already jumping on a bandwagon with no valid / logical reasoning to back you up.

    Green? Well, my observations have always showed me Green is the color of plants, leaves, herbs, and grass, among other humble/beneficial things full of biological life. So I'll take your comment as a compliment...

    And thanks monkey boy, you've just set up the next point on the topic of seducing sexy women (most chicks in general)

    That is many chicks will be more attracted / prone to seduce/be seduced by the man with a sense of humor. Making chicks laugh is a must if you wish to court her/be courted by her. A great sense of humor / goofy personality will make up for the lack of (and even outweigh) chizzled abs, pithon pectorals, and bulging bicepts when it comes down to the Art of Seduction.

    Ever wonder why some of the fattest commedians have hot girlfriends / wives ??

    So don't be too proud that your girl is laughing at me...For laughter is a pre-runner to sexual stimulation in many instances.

    Just my observations


    I am sorry greenwanderer, What i meant was she was laughing AT YOU, your comments of self bravado makes me laugh, i even sent this to some friends back hame and got a good few laughs out of it.

    by the sounds of things you are giving out all your secrets, Give us some more you stud, we all need to learn from you, SIR STUD Please give us your wisdom!!!

    I'm out of this forum, so much laughter gives me a pain in the gut, but it was fun!!!

    Cheers All :D

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