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Posts posted by Tweeder

  1. Wow the flame and hatred of posters is disapointing.


    There is little access to mental health support in Thailand especially for poor people. Had he injured the child I could understand the vitriol, but a 20 minute standoff that ended peacfully was a cry for help. Even the police - who are not noted for excessive leanancy and compassion in Thaland - released him without charges ( or a beating ). 


    In contrast to post here there was nothing saying he was drunk, he had no weapons, and no reson to believe he ever beat his wife, girlfriend or anyone else. How would law enforcment or social services responded in YOUR country "rescuing the child and then telling the man to jump?"


    Better response from posters would be to be happy it ended peacfully, and wish there were better mental health and crisis intervention support in Thailand. That said - seems like the police did a good job.


    Kudos to the police for their restraint and recognizing the incident as a family/mental health crisis rather than a crime.  Kudos too for managing the situation in a way that no one got seriously injured. 


    In some countries including USA of which I'm a native - the the guy might have been shot by the police.


  2. They might not be lesbians, and I have even more terrible news for you. There are some Thai people that look like beautiful girls, but have different - you know - plumbing down there.

    Good news is that your chances of being welcomed for a frolick with the neighbors is much higher if they are "Lady-boys" than if they are in fact card carrying lesbians.

    Check their id cards. That's the best way to know for sure.

  3. Maybe somebody who actually knows something about the situation will offer some inside info here.

    Sorry mate - you don't seem to know how ThaiVisa forums really operate.

    This is a great source for opinion, sarcasm, criticism, and flame, but true facts are not normally much welcomed here.

    My post being an excelent example of wasted space intended soley for my own amusement. I crack me up!

  4. I need some help editing some images and text layers in photoshop. It is probably 2-3 hours work for now.

    I would like someone willing to sit together so I can learn a little too. I speak a little Thai but need someone who also speaks a little English.


  5. Sinet Fiber Optic Internet service seems not ready for prime time - at least not in Chiang Mai anyway.

    Several folks in our building signed up and it's been terribly unreliable for months with many interruptions per day fairly often. The service guys have changed all the hardware in my room twice, and reconfigured the building's hardware repeatedly. Whatever the issue they can't seem to work it out even after several months of effort and patience. They seem to visit the building several times a week, and have left me waiting for hours for a service appointment for which they never showed up. I can't count the number of service calls in the last three months alone.

    Today they had a multi hour outage that the service tech said effected all their customers in Chiang Mai.

    Sinet is new in town, but I would recommend one of the other providers until they get their own programs sorted out.

  6. Does anyone know the current income tax rates that foreigners pay for income in Baht earned at a Thai company?

    I found the table below, but not sure what rates apply might apply to foreigners in Thailand.



    Income Range

    Tax Rate


    0 – 150,000


    150,000 – 300,000


    New Tax Rate

    300,000 – 500,000


    500,000 – 750,000


    New Tax Rate

    750,000 – 1,000,000


    1,000,000 – 2,000,000


    New Tax Rate

    2,000,000 – 4,000,000


    4,000,001 and Up


    New Tax Rate (Reduced from 37%)

  7. It would be great to have access to the repository that creates all the bootlegs on the streets. It seems like a well protected secret, but hard to imagine all those pontip plaza kind of sellers don't have online access. Anyone know the scoop?

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