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Posts posted by Jupiterjim

  1. This is the same guy that shutdown Bangkok for months, blocked the voting polls and threatened to kidnap the Prime Minister?

    I had assumed he was put in jail.

    Amazing Thailand.

    Courts on the way for him !

    But Thaksin is courted and sentenced to jail ! is he in jail ??

    He would be if it were not for the fact that he is a coward and skipped bail to become a fugitive from justice.

    He has always been able to return to Thailand but that would mean going to jail and facing a further 15 criminal charges. He cannot allow gimself to lose that much face.

    In 2006, a SE Asian Military Junta overthrew the democratically elected PM, appointed Senators that stacked the kangaroo court with Prime Ministers enemies.

    Now you know.

  2. I do prefer the way the democrats handle the economy.

    Anyone who studies both parties objectively will find that their handling of the economy is pretty much equal over a long period. Neither one can claim to be superior over time, but you can choose sides if it makes you feel better.

    Since 1960 the republicans have increased the national debt by 425%.

    An average of 85% increased debt per republican president.

    (Reagan was the most irresponsible & raised the debt by 186%. Only Bush comes close with 101% increase)

    Since 1960 the democrats have increased the national debt by 149%.

    An average of 29% per democrat president.

    Similar numbers for GDP and job growth. I will be pleased to post the charts back to 1960.

    If you have investment in the USA you will statistically be better off with a democrat administration.

  3. I'm in the centre and I don't see the lefts demonising like they do on the right.

    You are not in the center. It is interesting that you tell yourself that. You don't see the lefts demonising like they do on the right, because you are on the same wavelength. They are just as bad or worse.

    I grew up as a redneck. I like guns and don't like paying taxes.

    That's my conservative side.

    I would vote for republican John Huntsman. If he ran again.

    I do prefer the way the democrats handle the economy.

    Much better record at job creation, GDP, managing debt, avoiding expensive wars.

    I would say I'm center but watching FOX has drivin me to the left of center. It's pathetic what has happened to the republicans.

  4. No. Cruz did not attack McConnell because of highway add-ons. Where did you come up with that spurious idea? Just make stuff up and think no one will check?

    From the mouth of Cruz on his tv interview. So much for your putdown cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

    Mind showing that interview?

    How am I going to do that rolleyes.gif ? Do you think I record everything I see on tv? You can believe me or not, hup to you.

    Cruz lost the plot and is went all "Palin"on us, calling the president of the USA a sponsor of terrorism. Remember "Obama pals around with terrorists" was Palins often repeated her.

    Can you imagine the world wide audience watching a US Senator saying those type of things?

    Watch a few hours of AlJazeera News and then watch a few hours of the FAUX News, then count up and score how many insults were hurled at the US President.

  5. After reading this I've ordered a second truckload of popcorn.....

    The Fox News GOP Debate Could Draw the Biggest Audience in Cable News History — and Roger Ailes Is Making All the Rules

    Fox told campaigns this week that the candidates will be lined up onstage according to their poll numbers, with the leader in the center and the others to his left and right. That means if current numbers hold, Trump will be in the center flanked by Jeb Bush and Scott Walker. “There’s a lot of nervousness about where he’s going to be placed and who will be next to him,” one adviser said. In any normal debate, candidates would obviously fight to be in the middle, but being center stage next to Trump could be as much of a liability as an advantage. Who knows what he might do? “It’s almost like you don’t want to be too close,” one campaign adviser says, “in case he self-combusts.”


    Ailes and Ohio Gov John Kasich are long time pals in their home state but Ailes definitely prefers as Number 10 the Texas former Governor Rick "Oops" Perry whom Ailes regards as the car wreck on television everyone wants to tune in to watch happen in real time.

    I am looking forward to this debate like I've never looked forward to any debate before. Not because I think the next President will come from this line-up, but for the entertainment value. In a word, Trump. Either the guy is going to surprise us all, or he's going to crash and burn in a massive, historic, unprecedented way. I tend to think the latter.

    Agreed. It's hard not to watch when the implosion could me at any moment.

    I'm personally hoping he brings a supply of coconut cream pies to toss at the others faces.

  6. According to this thread, Kasikorn are scammers too.


    The unethical, immoral, scamming Kasikorn staff are insisting farangs purchase expensive insurance, are demanding large deposits etc..

    Clearly against Bank policy.

    Horsefeathers. Just refuse it. I have a K-bank account. I didn't buy any insurance. And my initial deposit was less than a thousand baht. But I accept that they do sometimes try it on ...

    For the 8956th time, just stand your ground (politely), maybe ask to talk to someone else or a supervisor or manager, and if/when you don't get what you want, keep walking until you get what you want. You just waste everybody's time (and it's actually a bit juvenile) when you post strictly anecdotal stories of what you encountered at one place and then seek to generalize about it.

    You forgot to read that thread before you made the above silly comment.

    I expect bank staff to be ethical. Call me crazy.

  7. Whatever you like to think otherwise, Suthep has huge support in this country probably more than any other person and therefore is a threat to the government. In spite of everything he is still very popular and could rally millions of people if he cares to do so. He has the courage and charisma and could possibly be our next Prime Minister. Some of you TV posters might not like him but you are in a tiny minority.

    That might be the most misinformed post I have ever read here.

    Suthep brought down the democrats in the 1990s with the land scandal. They lost control and have lost every election since by a landslide.

    He got so desperate he illegally blocked the election last time. His thugs physically prevented Thais from going to the polls.

  8. Try the Kasikorn branch in Jomtien, they are welcoming foreigners all the time. Also Kasikorn has the best online solution, easy to transfer money and pay bills.

    Already have an account with K-Bank at lotus.

    wanted one in Jomtien branch, beach road.

    They insisted I buy insurance.

    No thanks. already have Bupa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Went to Yellow bank Jomtien opened account in 15 minutes.

    they now get my retirement money in there bank

    Amazing K-Bank, losers!!!!!!!!!!!!

    this was last September.

    The Kasikorn staff are salivating, thinking about the big fat sales commission when a farang walks in and wants to open a bank account.

    Just the kind of people you want to have in charge of your money.blink.png

  9. The program is extreme right wing propaganda.

    Except for the 20 paid progressive commentators and numerous liberals who appear and present left-wing talking points every single day for free. laugh.png
    Comments like that are why I usually don't engage FOX viewers. I don't tolerate nonsense like that.
    "Nonsense" like what? Are you denying that Fox News has liberal representatives on constantly spewing their talking point and explaining their point of view? There are more conservatives represented, because it is a conservative network, but anyone who denies that liberal ideas are presented and defended is a liar. They don't win too many debates, but they certainly are not censored in any way.

    The only gripe I have is they call it "news". It ain't a news station. It is a political propaganda show. Don't call it news.

    It's right wing entertainment like Rush Limbaugh.

    Calling it news is an insult to real journalists.

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