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never me

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Posts posted by never me

  1. Its good to see a story like this coming out of Thailand.

    There are so many negative reports these days that it turns people away

    from holidaying here. The Tourism business is down & out and it will

    take a long time to recover, if ever.

    According ti the latest "government reports" the tourism industry is thriving with record entries last month ? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    If you believe in the numbers that the government puts out no doubt "You also believe in the tooth fairy"

  2. Does wonders for tourism, more Thainess.

    Tourism in Thailand going great guns, one of the worlds most popular tourist destinations the Land of Smiles.

    The big strong Russian thug punched the Thai bloke half his size. What do you want the Thai to do?. Wai and smile?

    Som nam naa. farangness.

    Here you go again, having a go at what I said.

    Tourism is in the toilet in Thailand, ask people in business.

  3. Fifteen years in Thailand and never assaulted by a baht-bus driver, I must be doing something wrong.

    Last year we were having lunch at a riverside restaurant in Bangkok. A long tail boat guy comes by and asks if we want a tour. We had other things to do, so politely declined, but said maybe tomorrow as we were in the area for a few days.

    He came back with a F-U, the price is double for you tomorrow. Pointing a finger at me, talking loudly, and saying things like cheap charlie in Thai as he walked away.

    Lovely how tourists are treated here. Something desperately needs to be done to reset the minds of those who deal with tourists.

    Then they say "Where have all the tourist gone"

  4. Most of them live there.

    Yes they may live there now.But i doubt they will living there next year.People have options there are countries in the world where tourists are appreciated instead of harashed and or extorted..

    Except if they live here they are not tourists. Most expats have learned to live with the eccentricities and general nonsense of life in Thailand. I'm not sure what "harashed" means, but as their 5,000 bail money was reimbursed, there was no extortion.

    there was no extortion.

    Give them time its not over yet.

  5. What lessons might these 2 learn if they have any brains?

    Don't hang around the worst tourist central areas like Walking Street or Bangla Road. The people there can turn hostile very quickly.

    Don't get sh1tfaced when you don't have a lot of friends around to help you out.

    Thais, particularly those familiar with drunken farangs, do not have unlimited patience with drunken farangs.

    Never run up a bill that you cannot pay at the due and expected time.

    Don't try to do a runner. This is not farangland.

    If you do try to do a runner, expect a beating. This is not farangland.

    If you try to do the runner, you will get the beating and still have to pay.

    Thailand is not always nice. It can be ruthless.

    Do not combine the above errors. It will compound the problem.

    What lessons might these 2 learn if they have any brains?

    Better still dont go to Thailand.

    LOS, Land of scams.

    Unreal ,Two foreigners try to scam some Thais and you are saying that Thais tried to scam foreigners !!!!!!


    Get your facts straight,,,,,,5,000B bar bill. <deleted>.

  6. What lessons might these 2 learn if they have any brains?

    Don't hang around the worst tourist central areas like Walking Street or Bangla Road. The people there can turn hostile very quickly.

    Don't get sh1tfaced when you don't have a lot of friends around to help you out.

    Thais, particularly those familiar with drunken farangs, do not have unlimited patience with drunken farangs.

    Never run up a bill that you cannot pay at the due and expected time.

    Don't try to do a runner. This is not farangland.

    If you do try to do a runner, expect a beating. This is not farangland.

    If you try to do the runner, you will get the beating and still have to pay.

    Thailand is not always nice. It can be ruthless.

    Do not combine the above errors. It will compound the problem.

    What lessons might these 2 learn if they have any brains?

    Better still dont go to Thailand.

    LOS, Land of scams.

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