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Posts posted by tuanku

  1. Are you sure its not his page? I looked at it with Google translate and its sounds just like him! Clear, meaningful and perceptive!

    See for yourself;


    "The Cover of another king in my head in the water (Foster Dealing with the vīrya believer benefit both the stairs, that old.. General Civil Society and the country the entire development life and quality of life for a better general health health strong, educated patriotism popular country. The Art of Thai culture and sharing natural resource conservation and the environment, I might make a turban and the giant in the south to beg your indulgence in spite of stamped inside mass in people is to be there, you will receive the proclaims the praise. To spread throughout the cordata governance ' Compass The Prestige Pokklaw Cover I the ready, your majesties? and who live under the pho carnal janitor all along. "


    But who is the carnal janitor?

  2. 16 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    I am glad that the bombs found were not also detonated,  I am also wondering

    why the group who did this were not able to build bigger bombs?

    Maybe it is harder to do this in Thailand as compared to other countries.

      I do hope that things will settle down before this coming Winter


    I doubt that multiple casualties was intended. I believe the aim was to create maximum panic and international news coverage with minimum casualties. Seems to have worked.'

  3. 46 minutes ago, farcanell said:


    Yer... His team is... But they aren't very good.


    Although the origins of their head coach continue to provide some hope for them.

    Scene in a Hua Hin beer bar

    Enters large elderly Australian wearing "Bike for Dad" t-shirt and hat with corks;

    "G'day, cobbers, my names Jamie and I support the Bombers"

    Stunned silence.

  4. 3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    Pol Gen Pongsapat said that while police did not believe the bombings were an escalation of the violence in the south, the devices used were similar and could be have been supplied by the same group of people.

    There were 63 bombings in Southern Thailand over the period immediately before and after the referendum, all pretty similar in methodology and scale. The Authorities prefer to ignore 50 of them and concentrate on the others which differ only in that they were outside the 3 separatist provinces. Spokesmen are able to remain straight faced while confidently stating that although they don't know who did it they are pretty sure who didn't. If it was Thai-Malay linked, they will look in all the wrong places and never catch the perpetrators, which may suit their agenda just fine, especially if they can stitch up some political enemies in the process.

  5. 3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    Pol Gen Pongsapat said that while police did not believe the bombings were an escalation of the violence in the south, the devices used were similar and could be have been supplied by the same group of people.

    There were 63 bombings in Southern Thailand over the period immediately before and after the referendum, all pretty similar in methodology and scale. The Authorities prefer to ignore 50 of them and concentrate on the others which differ only in that they were outside the 3 separatist provinces. Spokesmen are able to remain straight faced while confidently stating that although they don't know who did it they are pretty sure who didn't. If it was Thai-Malay linked, they will look in all the wrong places and never catch the perpetrators, which may suit their agenda just fine, especially if they can stitch up some political enemies in the process.

  6. On 8/12/2016 at 4:58 PM, djjamie said:

    Well that is starting to become a no brainer.


    To err is human (Unless your a red supporter who are never wrong) . I was wrong about the Eriwan shrine suspects. I hope I am wrong here too because if I am right we will see a lot more deaths by minority red terrorists.


    I strongly support the majority here and I am confident they will  not be swayed by this violent minority groups causing death and fear in Thailand.



    Don't worry djjamie, WRONG defines you!

  7. 40 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


    Right.  These warnings are for people who don't understand statistics.  Crossing the street is much more likely to kill you than a bomb.

    If I understand the statistics, the bombing risk simply adds to the road risk, it doesn't replace it, as in either-or - so bombing does make Thailand more dangerous and targeting tourists makes it much more dangerous in target locations. I don't think this can be dismissed as insignificant due to the generally dangerous road - boat - rail traffic environment in the country.

  8. 3 hours ago, Navalator said:

    Tis bully cop is totally out of control.  What a terrible example of Thai police behavior.  He does not deserve to wear a badge and carry a gun.  He is a disgrace to his uniform.  Let's hope that he does not get away with this.

     What a typical example of Thai police behavior.

     His uniform is a badge and symbol of disgrace.  

    Of course he will get away with this

  9. 6 hours ago, djjamie said:

    Wise words. At least he didn't shirk his responsibilities and hide up north when things heated up and tell them this from his Facebook page.


    The timing is certainly an indication that the violent minority being bitter about record tourist numbers as indicated by offical 3rd party entity figures is at work again to main, kill and create fear amongst their own people. 


    Who can really blame the majority for voting for this charter after witnessing what this violent group is willing to do. If they had the vote again it would no doubt be a lot higher result for the charter.


    Well done Prayut for standing up and speaking to the people.

    Wise words indeed 

  10. 2 hours ago, gamini said:

    one of the suspects is wearing a red shirt and cap!! seems like a repeat of when the red shirts resorted to terrorism because they didn't like the the Democrat government  

    That's evidence enough for me - string 'em up! Anyone wearing a red shirt if its not Sunday should be immediately arrested under section 44. Hang on! supposing its a yellow shirt DISGUISED as a red shirt?. What faction do you suppose the light blue shirt supports? Oh Oh, the Queen's colour. Is he a patriot bombing for the Nation or a terrorist in a cunning disguise to make a fool of Thai Visa posters and the RTA?

    Gamini how old are you? I guess either 10 or less or 94+ because anything in between would surely have more sense.

  11. 2 hours ago, djjamie said:

    "the bombs were possibly designed to discredit Prime Minister Prayut Chan-och"


    I think this only further justifies the coup and the good work Prayut has done to restore tourist numbers after silencing the red terrorists that dished out their terror without being held accountable.


    I can imagine some are very upset that tourist numbers went to record levels after the coup including some on this forum.

    There was no justification for the coup then and there is not now. The conflicts which "led" to the coup were manipulated in order to try to provoke and justify it.

    We are still in the period after the coup and will have to wait and see what the longer term consequences for tourism are for a country facing decades of military rule by thinly disguised proxy. Tourist numbers have been helped by visitors from countries with an equivocal attitude to western democracy. However there are signs that the honeymoon is over in the relationship between Thailand and Chinese tourists. 

    Bombs are not noted as a tourist attractant and we have yet to see if the Army and Police can work together to contain this threat.

    We don't know if terrorists (red or any other colour or flavour) were "silenced" but it certainly looks as if some terrorists are not being so quiet now. If this were the beginning of an extended bombing campaign then the tourist industry might be heading in the same direction as that of Egypt or Turkey.

    And before you respond, I in no sense support  or condone the bomb and fire attacks or any other form of political violence but equally I do not believe that violence in anyway justifies a military takeover which is just another form of political violence, albeit threatened in this case, rather than actual, or the consequences that has on civil society. An armed takeover invites an armed response which may be what is now developing, although I, personally seriously hope not as I have personal and business interests in this country which are just as much at risk as Thai persons and businesses.

    At the end of the day, most posters want to see the same thing here, a stable, equitable, productive and contented society, but we just have strong differences of opinion on how that might be best achieved (and possibly what it looks like).

  12. 4 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Only in Thailand would she be charged like that.

    Anywhere where else she would be hailed a heroin for throwing the girl out.

    I seriously doubt that it is legal to make and distribute a video like this without the permission of the "star" in "anywhere else", no matter what the provocation. I think she would be facing criminal charges in almost any other country in the world.

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