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  1. Imagine 20,000 Thai spectators at the race driving back home. Each pretending to be notch of the race!! Fascinating!!
  2. It‘s an island……. They turned it into an industrial zone with access to the beach!!
  3. He‘s lucky he didn‘t fly to Singapore!!
  4. What about the infrastructure, roads maybe even a train connection? Unfortunately, it is a total mess right now and will remain that way, I'm sure!!
  5. Unfortunately, no difference between driving skills and boating skills with the majority here. Education could be the key in solving the problem.....
  6. Sources say, that he has been suffering from an ingrown toe nail for quite some time now. But this must still be confirmed…..
  7. I never received an approval email. I did check the status of the application. It did say "approved", but I can not print out the pdf file. So I made a screen shot of the status page approval.
  8. I checked my status and found that my application has been approved, but I can not open the pdf-file. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?
  9. ..... very diplomatic way of expressing your opinion. ????
  10. I agree 100% to your first 2 paragraphs..... but "experienced locals"? ... I do have my doubts on that one, sorry.
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