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Posts posted by DipStick

  1. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    Yes, you need immediate care.


    I don't understand the part about "it would appear I cannot make an appointment, just turn up and wait my turn."


    You can  make appointments online at many private hospitals. You can also just show up at them without an appointment.


    What exactly is the constraint that makes you think you cannot?


    When you arrive at a hospital the first thing you have to do is register for a patient number and card, requires only your passport to do and takes just a few minutes. Then proceed to the department where you have an appointment or, if you have no appointment, ask the staff to direct you to an available doctor.


    I have no experience with Nonthavej but any hospital should be able to handle what you describe. There may be some language issues but just show them your foot wound, that will speak for itself.


    Take a taxi direct to the hospital entrance. They will have staff who will assist you into a wheelchair from there.




    I did notice that hospitals of a certain standard, do not appear to be as geared up as others. since my original efforts, I have been in contact with Samitivej Sukhumvit they have sorted me out and are even sending an ambulance to collect me

  2. Over the last six weeks I have had a wound developing on my foot, just recently I have noticed that more and more of my foot appears to have been eaten and  am now very perturbed.

    i arrived in Bangkok Friday night and have looked online at a number of close by HosPitals such as the Nonthavej, but it would appear I cannot make an appointment, just turn up and wait my turn. being also semi disabled getting in and out ofcars is difficult.

    can anyone offer solutions.

  3. 1 hour ago, varun said:

    The consulate has done the right thing.

    It is not clear why she needs a multi-entry non-B visa.


    She should apply for an extension of stay, based on work if she already has a WP.


    Is she paying income tax in Thailand?

    Since you mention that she her current WP is valid for 2 years,

    why can't she get an extension of stay, based on work?



    If you read my post again, you may have noticed I stated she was running two “legal” companies so that indicates that she pays all required.

    you ask “ why she needs a multi entry non B”quite simple, she travels regularly on business, and with a single entry that is not possible.

    one of her biggest customers in Thailand are the SRT, and they have suppliers from many countries that need to be visited. 

  4. My wife who is a chinese national, is the M.D. of two legal companies, one in China and a sister company in Bangkok. She alternates between the two.

    both companies have been operating since 2003, and she has had a Thai work permit from the outset. Her latest WP was issued a few months ago and is valid for two years. 

    Yesterday she went to the Thai Consulate in Guangzhou to apply for a new B Visa and again was only given a three month single entry, a total waste of time and effort. 

    As I understand it, a B visa cannot be extended in Thailand so how to get around this stupidity ? I would have thought that with  a two year WP, the obvious B Visa would be a one year multi entry.

    i, along with my wife also alternates between China and Thailand, and I have a retirement extension, it has been suggested that she ditches her B Visa, applies for a Non O and then piggy backs my extension, but after talking to the Labour Dept, they have confirmed that by doing this, she will lose her WP.

    with these “unreasonable” restrictions in place, I can understand people being forced to work illegally.

    Anyone with experiences on this ?


  5. 4 hours ago, BestB said:

    It’s interesting to note that all surrrounding countries in the region are easing up on immigration and granting long stays visa’s fairly easily, while Thailand is moving in the opposite direction.


    Can nlt help but wonder why?

    Possibly Thailand have realised that a large number of foreigners residing here actually give very little back as they can’t rub two baht together

    • Like 1
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  6. 5 hours ago, mobako said:

    Thanks for the answers! I just worry that there could be questions as im staying in Thailand since June 2017.  Tourist visa first,then ED visa for 9 months,now its new ED visa for 3 months since June till September.It looks too suspicious isn't it? Or i will be fine?

    if I am wrong, then I apologise, but you have held a ED visa for twelve months “but missed to many classes”, with this statement it appears obvious that you are using and abusing the system. It’s obvious that you are trying to live in Thailand using irrelevant visas .

  7. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    You got a 90 day non-o visa entry not a non-oa visa that can only be issued by an embassy or consulate in your home or country of legal residency.

    You can apply for the extension based upon retirement during the last 30 days of the 90 entry up to the last day if you want to.

    The extension will start from the end of the 90 days no matter how early you apply.

    Brilliant Joe as usual, many thanks 

  8. 39 minutes ago, Blooter said:

    Thank you all so much for your responses.  I'm just starting the process so all this info is very useful for me.  I will make a trip next week to Chiang Mai and open a bank account to get the ball rolling.  I understand the money needs to be in the account for a couple months before they will issue a visa.  Fortunately flights on AirAsia are very inexpensive coming from Macao so getting there is quite easy.



    39 minutes ago, Blooter said:

    Thank you all so much for your responses.  I'm just starting the process so all this info is very useful for me.  I will make a trip next week to Chiang Mai and open a bank account to get the ball rolling.  I understand the money needs to be in the account for a couple months before they will issue a visa.  Fortunately flights on AirAsia are very inexpensive coming from Macao so getting there is quite easy.

    Hi Blooter, I am in almost the same situation as yourself, I am in Dongguan and entered Thailand on a visa excempt which I transferred to a Non O in Bangkok. It’s very difficult to get such avisa from thai embassy in Guangzhou.

    the immigration in Nonthaburi accepted my Chinese marriage certificate no need for translation? One thing I heard is that monies deposited in your thai account must be proven to have come out of Thailand 

    good luck

  9. 2 hours ago, dddave said:

    My dad had ALS which had similar progressive deterioration of motor abilities.  

    We made frequent use of Velcro strips to facilitate the holding of pens, eating utensils, ect.  We also made pens and utensils larger and easier to grip using dense latex foam. 

    Great ideas, many thanks

  10. 12 minutes ago, Thailand said:

    I think you will find that many Hong Kongers hold PRC passports, particularly those that had the BNO passport  which turned out to be somewhat useless.

    Not strictly true, Hong Kong nationals with chinese lineage are entitled to hold a BNO passport as well as a HKSAR passport, neither are PRC passports.

    a PRC passport requires visas etc to most destinations, a HKSAR Passport is much more flexible 

  11. This is a serious Post, so will those with nothing constructive to add, back off.

    i have a health issue, that now requires me to use a disability scooter, however, whilst parts of my body are closing down slowly, the loss of feeling in my hands has been rather quick.

    I am now unable to hold a pen or such things as cutlery, the pen is a major issue, this because I am now unable to sign documents, this is proving a major issue with official documents, such as immigration forms, cheques, bank requirements , the list goes on.

    i am currently in hospital in HK, they got round the problem by using my fingerprint, however that’s unlikely to be accepte£ at immigration and banks etc.

    Any suggestions  will be gladly received.

  12. This is only part of the story, The South China Morning Post reports in today’s edition that five airports in Thailand have opened immigration lanes for Chinese passport holders only, each manned by Mandarin speaking staff, they also report that Chinese can now obtain multi entry visas and visas on arrival will be free.

    This could have a positive spin off for non Chinese as the immigration queues will likely be less crowded

    • Haha 1
  13. My apologies in advance as i Feel sure this has been covered before but I cannot find.


    i will be eligible to apply for a one year retirement visa on 2nd September, would like to arrive BKK say 21 days before issue, I have no visa issues but due to timing and circumstances, my Chinese wife can only arrive on a 15 day visa excempt, can this be extended t an immigration office

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