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  1. There are a lot of Chinese made analogues now selling as LSD, such as 25i which is pretty dangerous as there is such a fine line between high dose and over dose, it's been the cause of many fatalities and a lot of time it is sold as LSD.
  2. The fastest inflation is with a static line, which he correctly did, besides the obvious misrouted bridle which is clear in the video. Jumping with pilot chute hand-held or stowed in the bottom of the container are pretty much the same and depend on personal preference. When I used to BASE jump I preferred having the pilot chute in the bottom of the container since I could do a gear check then gear up and know everything is in the right place, also you can do a running jump with your hands free and focus on longer object separation and correct body position before deploying your pilot chute. If your pilot chute is hand-held, you have a loop of bridle over your shoulder than can snag, more chance of miss-routing your bridle and it's harder to do a running exit so less object separation, then you have less time to react if you get a 180 degree off heading opening.
  3. Totally agree, but it's very difficult to enforce. BASE jumping from buildings or antennas is illegal but people will still go to great lengths to overcome any security in place and gain access.
  4. As an experienced and retired base jumper I can give some insight. He setup a static line but misrouted his bridle through his lateral strap, the pins did extract and he got partial canopy inflation but this was not enough to save him. Nathan had around 120 BASE jumps and 5,500 skydives so he was an experienced jumper, but for some reason, maybe nerves at jumping from this location caused him to be careless in his setup and resulted in the fatal bridle miss-routing error. Modern lightweight BASE canopies under a static line setup can be used from as low as 120feet depending on a few factors like the jumpers weight, canopy size/weight and jump altitude, so in this case a jump from 290 feet is not considered low in the sport of BASE jumping and is generally a pretty safe height ruling out external factors such as weather and lading hazards like power lines. Other posters commenting on minimum safe altitude of 2,500 feet, this is for skydiving where a skydiving parachute is very different to a BASE jumping parachute. A BASE jumping parachute for a sub-terminal jump is packed with no slider, and a very large pilot chute up to 48", in Nathans case the bridle was tied to the building with 70lb rip cord in whats known as a static line, as he jumps and fall away from the building the static line pulls out his parachute to full line extension and then the 70lb cord breaks under tension and he should have been under a fully inflated canopy by arrox. 175 feet with plenty of time to fly his landing pattern and land safely. As mentioned in this case his bridle was wrapped around his harness lateral strap so the cord broke too early and was not able to fully extract his canopy. Human error and nobody to give him a safety check resulted in this fatality, condolences to his family and friends and great luck that nobody else at the scene was injured by his carless jump.
  5. The findings - No evidence of prostitution or immoral behaviour was found

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