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Posts posted by ZuluSixNine

  1. I'm a fan of the artificial sweeteners, I think my favourite of them all is aspartame as used in Equal.

    This is a country where you can't buy a non sugar artificially sweetened version of Indian Tonic Water, it's an outrage !

    I heard the sodastream company make a concentrate for the tonic water but I haven't tried it yet because I've never seen it on sale over here. I'll have someone bring me a bottle over when they come. I guess I can just mix it into the regular bottles of soda water and hope for a reasonable result.

    For now though it's the full sugar version when I want a G&T as that's all they sell.

    Adverse reactions and side effects of aspartame include:


    blindness in one or both eyes

    decreased vision and/or other eye problems such as: blurring, bright flashes, squiggly lines, tunnel vision, decreased night vision

    pain in one or both eyes

    decreased tears

    trouble with contact lenses

    bulging eyes


    tinnitus - ringing or buzzing sound

    severe intolerance of noise

    marked hearing impairment


    epileptic seizures

    headaches, migraines and (some severe)

    dizziness, unsteadiness, both

    confusion, memory loss, both

    severe drowsiness and sleepiness

    paresthesia or numbness of the limbs

    severe slurring of speech

    severe hyperactivity and restless legs

    atypical facial pain

    severe tremors


    severe depression




    personality changes




    palpitations, tachycardia

    shortness of breath

    recent high blood pressure



    diarrhea, sometimes with blood in stools

    abdominal pain

    pain when swallowing

    Skin and Allergies

    itching without a rash

    lip and mouth reactions


    aggravated respiratory allergies such as asthma

    Endocrine and Metabolic

    loss of control of diabetes

    menstrual changes

    marked thinning or loss of hair

    marked weight loss

    gradual weight gain

    aggravated low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

  2. I have isa brown and hyline chickens and they lay 300-330 hi quality 60-90 gram eggs per year, they eat no more than 150 gms of laying pellets per day and will produce grade one eggs for the first 18 months.

    I've just bought 150 (whole flock) 10 months old ISA Brown hens from one woman (100 THB per hen). They are in pretty bad shape in my opinion - bad quality food and not really clean coop (but they looks happy) so I will have to first of all dust them all and maybe apply some Ivermectin for parasites. And make them some special food on the beginning (proteins and calcium) of course.

    I bought also 50 beautiful RIR hens and 3 roosters (120 THB per hen) from my neighbor who decided to keep only Thai chickens.

    There gonna be still space for around 100 chicks but no rush wink.png

    Btw does anyone know where I can buy fresh Stinging Nettle in Thailand?

    Taking good care, feeding nutritious feed and proper management can prevent almost all types of illnesses and diseases and provide healthy chooks and eggs.

    Ar they going to be free range or gaged, either way keeping their laying and sleeping areas clean is very important.

    I would recommend feeding them with layer pellets as their main food, with green veges and grains as a supplementary food, grated carrot is excellent for them and will give nice dark orange colored and flavorsome egg yolks.

    Get rid of any mites or lice a few on the birds is ok and normal but you need to avoid an outbreak /infestation.

    Treat your birds for worms also, you can feed them garlic regularly as well as a generic wormer that you add to their water.

    Things to look out for and preventative maintenance items would be;


    You said they wern't fed well so ,rickets disease due to lack of vitamin D or proper ratio of calcium and phosphorus in their regular feed and you will know if they have it by, thin shelled eggs and lameness.

    Fatty Liver Syndrome,

    Also if the food was high in Carbohydrates e.g feeding the chooks with rice and corn, which is what most Thai's do, will greatly reduce the life of the bird and the eggs quality will be low.

    If your chickens look sick and miserable, not active/eating/drinking, has blood in their poo and exhibits other symptoms as listed here it is often safe to assume they have coccidiosis so you will have to treat all of them with a coccidiocidal medication.

    What do you want stinging nettle for? if you get it on you, you will experience the same as falling into a nest of bees

  3. Really, life is worth nothing in Thailand..... How biter are you.. Where are you from ?

    Your life is worth nothing in Thailand, using public transportation or your own you risk your life daily. Good medical care is expensive as are imported drugs administered by Thai hospitals.

    Well ! looks like some one forgot to take off his rose colored, bar girl glasses!!! facepalm.gif

  4. Why does this shocking exodus have to be Europe's problem?

    Why does Europe have to take in and resettle these peoples?

    They are from the middle east, is Syria the only country in the middle east?

    Are there any middle eastern countries taking or offering refuge and resettlement to these desperate peoples?

    Are any of the wealthy oil states assisting these peoples?

  5. "World must end poverty, inequality: PM tells UN."

    It's so nice to hear that the general is going to give all of his money to the poor.

    Or, his statements in the OP is what we call "lip service".

    Hang on! Didn't Taksin Shinawatra tell everyone that he took all of the money from the rich and gave it to the poor???

    So Thailand shouldn't have any issues with poverty now!


  6. Anyone been to Aruba?

    I have not lived there, but visited there a couple of times. It is a relatively small island, and the first time I went, i was surprised that it does not have a tropical landscape but is almost more desert-like. Pretty barren. It is outside the hurricane paths, so there are no worries about that, though it is close to the equator so hot all the time. Very little rain there.

    Casinos are a big business there. There used to be a big refinery on the north west side of the island, but it has since closed down (I believe).

    I think there is good diving nearby and it is part of the ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao), which are all Dutch territories.

    Thanks for the reply, a good and honest review and reply.

    Unlike the other trolls that replied, who have nothing better to do.

  7. I lived in Aonang for many years and I got bitten a million times by mozzies in town, in the national parks, rubber/palm farms, everywhere I went and I never got sick, not even a common cold.

    If I were you and was worried about it enough to post a forum about it, I wouldn't go just stay at home lock the doors and windows and hide under the blankets.

    But if you do go, just use some common sense, like use lots of sketoline, long sleeves and pants when in the national parks, ask for "Ya Chit Yung" when you go to the restaurants and the pub.

    I would be more worried about catching a nasty STD from one of the many migrating,transient ladies of the night.

    Don't worry be happyfacepalm.gif

  8. One can only imagine the last few minuets of life that poor girl spent in horror and hell and how she suffered at the hands of this animal.

    Looks like he will be getting the justice he deserves.

    However the actions of this coward have given the family of this poor girl a lifetime of sorrow, grief and morning and one can only imagine what they have been through.

  9. Candles and incense were burned today – two days before the national lottery is called – at a well near Wat Hua Nong Kaen, where visitors queue to pray and make offerings above water they believe can cure any disease and supply good fortune.

    Ah what a nice concept, its a shame and a pity that poor and desperate people with little if no education are constantly being taken advantage of in this way. sadwai.gif

  10. Some interesting facts about cola.


    As soon as soda's swallowed, the pancreas is notified and rapidly begins to create insulin in response to the sugar. Insulin is a hormone the body uses to move sugar from food or drink into the bloodstream, where cells are then able to use sugar for energy. Within just 20 minutes, blood sugar levels spike and the liver responds to the insulin by turning sugar into fat for storage.

    Within 45 minutes of gulping down a single 20-ounce glass of soda, caffeine from the drink is fully absorbed, and as a result your pupils dilate and blood pressure rises. The body produces more dopamine, which stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain — just like a low-grade line of cocaine.

    When the hour chimes, the body begins to experience a blood sugar crash, which is around the same time a person reaches for their second soda, or for another sweet and sugar snack to suffice. Soda’s connection to the obesity epidemic is so intertwined, Harvard researchers have calculated each additional soda consumed increases the risk of obesity 1.6 times.

    In addition to the threat of reaching obese levels, researchers also found after following 40,000 men for two decades, those who drank a sugary beverage each day had a 20 percent increased risk of having a heart attack. The high fructose corn syrup — a cheap replacement for cane sugar — has been associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome, which leads to diabetes and heart disease.

    Beverage companies know the haphazard sugar cycle all too well. In the United States, they spend approximately $3.2 billion in marketing each year in an effort to tempt consumers to pick up a liter of brown bubbly sugar with their pizza, or a case of cans for their child’s next birthday party. Those little children have an 80 percent increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes if they become regular soda drinkers. Their future will be one full of kidney problems, reproductive issues, osteoporosis, asthma, and bad teeth with dissolved tooth enamel.

    Drink up!coffee1.gif

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