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Posts posted by Torfan

  1. 22 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Regardless of what you think about him having no insurance, he should have gone to the best and nearest hospital. Doctors swear an oath. 


    Get treated first and worry later. Life and death should have no price tag.

    AS a expat doctor Living in Buriram I know that the oath you are talking about is the Hippocrates oath. Thai doctors have never heard about Hippocrates. 

  2. Whatever the reason for the bomb was, it seems likely now that the bombers completely miscalculated the bombs effects, hence the reason no one has claimed responsibility.

    You don't miscalculate what a pipe bomb full of ball bearings and allegedly 3KG of explosives does in a high concentration of people!!!!!

    then why the silence?

    Do we know the timer was set to go off three minutes later or three hours later? No

    Do we know if intent was to kill as many as possible or to destroy shrine? No we don't really - see above

    There is no point in going to all of the trouble to make a bomb and deploy it, if no one ever knows the reasons.

    Just follow The money. Who would be interested in a weak bath.

    Think of anybody except those who like shrines and those in the tourist industry.

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