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Posts posted by KenDidd

  1. Good luck to you Brit and enjoy the village life, it's far better than sitting with the old perverts in pattaya.

    So does this mean I get the award for the only old pervert in south Thailand lol I don't think so.
  2. ignore them, they were here before humans and they will be here after. they don't cause epedemics but they can possibly be a vector... luckily we got meds for that now, ignore them.

    I have just spent a week cutting holes in he ground floor ceilings looking for cable damage as electrical stuff has been one by one not working. I have found five places rats have eaten through the wiring. sad.png

    I rewired the lot and repaired the ceilings. Have caught a few rats with the glue traps but one evades me and hear it now and again.

    As the traps are not 100% am thinking about buying one of those electric 'sound' thingy's that rats don't like. But how can you tell if the thing works if humans can't hear it except by listening for another visitor.

    Anyone tried one of these gadgets, who stocks them. ?[/quote

    Tried one for insects, seemed to attract more. Trans, try some cats, a jack Russell and a gun, forget the traps the big ones can get out.

  3. Hi chaps, just got myself a great deal on a shit load of furniture including a top pool table, some items need a little work so does anyone know of a good restorer up the kohn kaen or kalasin area? Also a pool table man, the cushions are a bit dead. The pool table could be up for sale at the right price so pm me if your interested.

    Thanks Ken.

  4. I am reasonably happily married , have a beautiful wife of compatible age , if much younger both are grandparents . I have renovated my wife's home to a comfortable gentleman's residence and helped to build another house for her son and grandchildren . My wife's family are kind and friendly and not a financial drag on me . I love my wife even though she doesn't see much need for intimacy . We live in rural Thailand , where I find that local culture has little relation to western European culture . After nearly ten years I am bored to tears ; my wife complains that I spend all day at the computer , but it is the only way to keep my sanity . I think if I had my time again , I might not have settled in Thailand

    Oh my goodness, you need to pop round to Kens.

  5. Hi all KenDidd, for the saving of your chilli seeds, get a small plastic container and drill a small hole in the lid, fill the container with water, to about 3/4 full and put your chilli seeds in it and place it in the sun and then quite often put your finger over the hole and shake it and after a few days empty the contents into a tea strainer and replace the water and put the seeds back in, do this until most of the fruit matter is gone and place them on some baking paper until they are dry , and that's it, they are ready to be planted and I do it this way for all my seeds, but with chilli's they don't have much fruit matter to remove, so you can just dry them in the sun and plant them, but with tomatoes that's the best way to have clean seeds.



    Thanks scoop, good tip.

  6. And so the school holidays are here again.

    I've got a bunch of young kids on the plot of land at the rear of our house letting off bangers and other fireworks and on the front plot I've got the teenagers making some very big fireworks and blowing craters in the ground, huge rockets flying up in the air, it's like being in the middle of a war zone.

    Is anyone else under attack?

  7. My eldest started school a year ago, he will be at this school until he reaches 11 years old. I looked around the school an was shocked to find no sports facilities at all. I'm a keen sportsman myself and would like my kids to follow in my footsteps winning many trophies in many different sports. Is this normal in Thai schools? The wife's younger sister is in a government school and when they have a sports day the father in law sends her off with a bamboo stick, we followed on later to watch the kids marching around knocking there sticks together and shouting. Is this a Thai sport that I don't know about? Why no sports?

  8. I would like to announce that I have fallen in love with a thai visa woman. At first I thought this lady hated me but now I've thought more about it it's clear she has the same feelings, I think she was playing hard to get.

    I'd like to take things slowly to start so I'd like to ask if any members can give me some tips on cyber dating?

    Thanks very much, Ken.

  9. Hi guys and gals, I've been looking around the forum and I've seen some wonderful photos taken by members on Thai visa and id like to join the gang I'm sure I could add many fantastic photos of Thailand and my jungle life so I'd like to ask. What would you tv camera dudes recommend as a starter camera for a beginner?

    Thanks Ken.

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