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Posts posted by lenyronjohan

  1. Thank you very much!

    1 percent is a nice low deal by the way.

    We are selling in Pattaya. 3 percent is minimum I guess.

    We contact about 15 agents. But now we stpped temporarily because we cannot get in Thailand.

    On Thepprasis Road there seems to be a notary who is said to be trustable as a POA.

    You suggest to sewnd the originals by DHL...I guess around 200 euros...

    We still have oiur bankbooks from around 10 years ago Kasikorn the time that we imported our money to buy the condo's.

    100.000 thb is not bad a day. Could ask the bank to raise our limit.

    We still have our Kasikorn Bank pass. No internet access by the way.

    Would be nice if you keep me informed. At this moment the problem is the trust...towards agents, poa's etc.



  2. To Dogbarker,


    Interesting info.

    We are stucked in Spain.

    we like to sell our condo's.


    2 questions


    1. Did you have to send your original property documents and how did you send them.

    We just send some registered post from Spain to holland and it NEVER arrived!


    2. How did you get the money you received from selling your property OUT of Thailand.


    Best Regards,





  3. Amber Shan, an agent in Pattaya, mailed us that she has a customer for our 2 condo's in pattaya. 

    Questions :

    Coming from Spain which visa would be appropriate? Visa exempt or VOA.

    (needless to say, we do not plan to stay long in the LOS.)

    Is The Land Office open in Pattaya?

    Can we transfer money out Pattaya? Are banks opened. Western Union. We have Kasikorn.

    We know that we need a medical certificate to prove that we have no covid virus.

    Does anybody has experience how to make sure the buyer is solvable? How to be sure that the deposit paid is guanteed and possible to check by us from here? How can we check if the prelimanary contract is ok and checkable.

    We asked to pay a deposit of 80.000 baht to cover our travel costs.



  4. Details: 

    1.We applied around 4 years ago for  two credit cards. 

    They replied that that was ONLY possible in COMBINATION woth a LIFE INSURANCE. At the end of endless procedures they gave us two PREPAID CARD, NO CREDITCARD. We call this a scam.

    2. Me and my husband had to pay 2x100.000 thb each year for this LFE INSURANCE. (adding up to 800.000 thb.

    3.The terms and conditions of this Life Indsurance were only in Thai. THe staff was unable to explain these terms and conditions.

    4. We asked a staff member if it was possible to stop the prepaid card after 4 years and that after 4 years we would get back the life insurance premiums. She said that THAT was NO PROBLEM.

    5.Now 4 years later we indeed wanted to stop this prepaid card and life insurance and were expecting to get our 800000 thai baht back. Instead of that they only offered us 555560 thb.

    6.During 10 years we have been irritated by the total lack of professionalisme of this bank.

    Not only are they:

    -unprofessional but also





    -looking for the easy way out

    -"no can"""cannot"are usualy the first words they pronounce.

    -on canceling our prepaid card the girl said "cannot"you have to do "SHOPPING,SHOPPING"to spend your 100.000.

    -during the procedure to cancel our prepaid card the staff member handed over a paper in thai to sign. We asked her to translate. Cannoot, as the answer. We asked for the manager. Manager was not there. The girl said : "Just sign"!""You also did 4 years ago, so why not doing it again?"We replied that because signing 4 years ago all our problems stared.

    -manager is usually NOT in the office.

    -another thing is because of the lack of professionalisme our visits to this place take an awfull lot of time. They cannot fullfill the most basical administrative procedures.





  5. We want to make a complaint to our bank in Thailand and a compensation request for damage done.

    We are more three months trying to get an answer on our compensation request.

    They keep on  replying   that they will send they will send our request  to the appropriate department. 

    We allready told them that if they do not response to our compensation request within the next 10 days we will inform The National Ombudsman and The Officer of The Consumer Protection Board and also The Bank Of Thailand. (BOT).


    1.Does anybody has suggestions WHAT we could do more?

    2.Did anybody got succes in getting a compensation from a bank in Thailand and in WHAT way?















































  6. We want to cancel our Aetna health insurrange on the 26th of September. We informed The aetna office allready! They want us to cat the membercard NOW and send a picture of i. Otherwise "they can not cancel" But wat IF something happens then what to do?? No card! maybe a copie but no origenal card.


    What to do??

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